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Everything posted by zarnozdabull

  1. Good luck to all of those trying to get tickets. See you here in Gainesville. Are there going to be any USF tailgates? I’m going to be sitting in the UF student section (and I’m 32 years old) wearing my USF stuff. This is not going to be fun…
  2. It's been mentioned before, but The Swamp here in Gainesville is open the whole year for fans to come in, students run stairs for exercise, people can sit in seats, and read all the monuments all around. I usually take my family there when they come to visit from out of town for fun. It's actually wild they allow to people to go in, as there are so many crazy individuals in the world nowadays. Surprised no FSU fan has committed some sort of foolishness by now. Regardless, we should definitely do the same with our stadium. Especially allowing for students to be able to come throughout the year and exercise or come in and chill. That's how you build future cherishing alums and such.
  3. If USF wins the AAC, I win $1,118.50. For only a $22 bet, not bad. Let's get it USF.
  4. Blow up MOSI and turn it into a plaza with college bars. Problem solved.
  5. It's almost like he's doing it just to blow it on our face. I mean, it definitely isn't a better QB situation at all. If that's the case, then he can F off, crybaby.
  6. Wow. Has any QB ever transferred to a team’s rival like this? Brock Berlin is the only one I can think of. McClain can go kick rocks if he ends up at UCF. I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of “non-vulgar” heckling going his way if we end up winning this year.
  7. All problems would be fixed with a 16 team playoff that includes all FBS conference champs and more. Gives enough room for the smaller-ish schools to get a shot, and the big boys get a couple extra playoff games to sell ad revenue and tix. Seems like such an easy fix.
  8. What? Why? Edit: Nevermind, just saw the presser explaining. Dang that really stinks! We could've used a former 4-star prospect on the D-line. What a huge blow, no pun.
  9. Well, our offensive line wasn't all bad. They were part of a school record for rushing yards in a game last year, and they're all back one year wiser and stronger as super-duper seniors. Can't hurt having men playing against boys in some of this season's games. If anything, this might be the best offensive line group we've had in years. I'm expecting big things from them.
  10. Everyone keep your emotions in check for your own mental health lol. This is the same USF program that has won one FBS game in two whole seasons.
  11. I like the fact that kids are getting paid now by rich boosters in the public eye. Student athletes bring in millions of dollars for their institutions for their play, they should get money from that. Also, a lot of these athletes come from impoverished backgrounds, you want to talk about the rich giving money to the poor willingly? This is it. One of the few instances in society when/where it actually happens. It sucks that USF is a small program with a small donation base, so we won't be able to compete with the UFs, UMs, and FSUs of the world. However, I look at it like the EPL. Leicester City is never going to financially compete with Manchester United or Chelsea, but they still have diehard supporters that go to every game and fill up their 32,000 person stadium with an awesome atmosphere. They even won the league title in 2015 with less resources. Does knowing they will always be less financially capable than MU or Chelsea deter fan support, or love for their club/team? Hell no. Let the big programs eat cake, doesn't mean we should just suddenly fold the program. I'm sure most of us will still go watch USF play every Saturday on campus (or at least those of us in Tampa Bay) no matter how much more money UF or FSU is throwing at people.
  12. I have a great idea on how to pay players. We are currently at +5000 to win a conference title. Get some (as much as possible) money together and put it on USF to win the AAC, all winnings go to the players and you spell this out to them. Therefore, you are incentivizing the players to play their best and win the title for the sake of a nice payout. It's a win-win-win as long they win. Fans get to watch their team play competitive, players make money if they win, and we all live happily ever after. On another note: This is mostly a joke, but I am gonna go ahead and place a bet for us to win the AAC. I like those +5000 odds.
  13. This is ridiculous Most of the country is asleep during Pac 12 games. Now just doing damage control because the Big 10 is telling them to kick rocks.
  14. Do you have any objective marker for CJS this coming season? If he only wins say two games this year again, would you not be in favor of searching for a new leader for our program? Is there no breaking point? Don’t answer this with “and who would you replace him with?” or something redundant along those lines. Just wondering if the support for as head coach has any limit.
  15. I don't know, I took it as, "we're not rich" so let's all agree to settle for a potential loser HC and be fine with it. Unless he was referring to "richness" being a requirement for being taken by a P5 conference - but, if so, then I wonder how UCF is that much richer than us? I think winning has more to do with all of it than anything else. If CJS is not a winning HC, then we can't, and shouldn't, settle.
  16. Scott, like Taggart, might've needed the three years to get it together as a head coach at USF, and that is what I'm sure we're all hoping for. However, this year definitely is make or break in terms of actually fielding a competitive team. I am dumb-founded by the people saying let's give him more time, even he puts together another 2-win season. That's crazy. Sometimes people are not good head coaches and you gotta cut them loose. His father Brad is a perfect example of this. Don't tell me we need to be comfortable being perennial losers because "we're not a rich program." If UCF could do it, if Taggart could do it, we can do it again.
  17. I hope the powers that be learned from the hiring of Strong. Never hire a coach who failed massively at their last job.
  18. Did Scott just say we're moving to a two linebacker defensive system? With our tackling problems the last couple of years I don't know if replacing linebackers with smaller bodies is the way to go, but oh well, that's why coaches get paid the big bucks. Hope it works.
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