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Everything posted by zarnozdabull

  1. I disagree. To say Genshaft was the main reason the football program sucks ignores a lot of context. When she fired Leavitt in 2009 a sizable amount of the fans thought we had plateaued to 8-5 forever. That plus the combination of his interfering of an investigation of potential student assault was enough for her and Woolard to pull the trigger. When Skip Holtz was hired, he had just won two conferences championships. He was supposed to take us to the next level, but for whatever reason it didn't work out here. I don't believe she hired Skip Holtz to tank the football program on purpose. And you have to remember that under her and Woolard's leadership, athletics as a whole improved in facilities significantly. We got a brand new baseball and softball stadiums, a renovated Sun Dome, and the Lee Roy Selmon building. Certainly upgrades that an apathetic president would not sign off on. She was also present at almost all athletic events, I ran into her at ND as she supported the team. In hindsight, the Leavitt situation was not a good one, but an understandable one given the circumstances. The true reason for our current failing status as a football program, plain and simple, are the hiring decisions of Michael Kelly. His rewarding alone by extensions of people who are terrible at their jobs is bad alone enough. If Tony Elliot ends up being a nice HC at Virginia, It's going to sting to know he was the other finalist for this job, but Kelly instead went with the worst HC in the history of college football - I wish that was an exaggeration.
  2. He would be an awesome hire. Keeps putting up winning seasons and would be one OT win away from being undefeated this year. And he was born in Gainesville - don’t know if he keeps close ties with the state of FL but I’m guessing it doesn’t hurt our chances if we pursued. It’s so frustrating to see how many great HCs there are out there in the G5 while we’re stuck with Skip Holtz 2.0 for possibly TWO more years. Unbelievable.
  3. Kerwin Bell. But he was only here for a year under Chuckles while the program was in shambles. He’s at Western Carolina as HC now, we’ll see how he does.
  4. Scott needs to win 4 total (3 more) to keep his job. The scary part is that if he is given another year, we will more than likely stay mediocre for another season after this one.
  5. Doesn't hurt to hire someone who has won a national championship as a head coach.
  6. What good would firing the coach? Answer: not having Jeff Scott as head coach anymore. That’d be great.
  7. No way. A 1-11 season would mean 1 FBS wins in 3 years. No way you can justify that - or a 4th year - by any means.
  8. Kentucky laid out the blueprint for beating Florida. Keep Richardson in the pocket, don't blitz as much, and force him to throw. It seems like AR15 lacks accuracy and mainly relies on his legs to beat people (see: Utah and USF in 2021). I know Coach Shoop likes to play aggressive defense, but this might be one of those games where containment D is the way to go. Now let's just hope the tackling is up to par for the challenge.
  9. It's an opinion. You might think there's nothing wrong with celebrating a struggling performance, but others might not. No one is saying the football team SHOULD be miserable. We all want USF to succeed. But also celebrating a struggle against a winless FCS team, as a team that is trying to get into a P5 conference, might rub some the wrong way. Either way, it's all subjective. Also, stating that these are sentiments that are only found in TBP is also incorrect.
  10. We’ll agree to disagree. But I get it, coach doesn’t win much so ANY win is a cause for celebration. Just weird how struggling against an FCS school for a half leads to a call for a dance party.
  11. If we beat UF, dance all you want. But the dancing after beating 0-2 FCS Howard was down right embarrassing. Would you EVER see Saban, Meyer, or hell, even Jim Leavitt dancing in the locker room after beating a winless FCS school? Downright egregious.
  12. Oh, so he only ran for 115 yards? That seems like exact definition of "running all over us." If you think we can prevent breakaways runs this season, then you need to rewatch our games. We can't stop anyone, not even 0-2 FCS Howard from getting big runs. Our tackling is awful, probably the worst out of the last three seasons. If I were to predict the future, I would say AR15 will be poised for another 100yds+ rushing game again.
  13. Current head coaches to (hypothetically) consider once we (hypothetically) fire CJS: Shawn Clark Jeff Traylor Tyson Helton
  14. FWIW I just got done teaching my undergrad class here at UF. I have four UF football players - one was a big recruit - and one women's basketball player in my class (I was borderline considering failing them to make them ineligible to play this weekend - jk jk). And I asked them point blank - "as a recruit, would it be more attractive to play at a half-empty NFL stadium, or would you rather play in a smaller on-campus if it looked a little more full and potentially brought along a couple more students walking?" They all said they'd rather play on-campus. They hated the idea that students would have to drive 30 minutes, risk DUIs, etc. just to watch them play when they could just tailgate and walk to their games, and one said that the NFL stadium would probably not feel like it belonged to them. This is a true story. I realize this doesn't change much in general and the OCS is on the way, but hearing all of them literary said "on-campus" without hesitation has completely debunked to me the importance of RJ as a "recruiting tool," if anything, it might've been overplayed once USF made it to FBS D1 level. Anyways, can't wait for USF stadium.
  15. Definitely no to re-threads (Frost, Mullen, etc.) or coordinators with no HC experience (CJS). Jeff Traylor or Shawn Clark would be dreams, but they're probably going P5. USF would only be a lateral move at this point. Realistically, Tyson Helton would be an awesome choice. He has won a lot at WKU, has experience as a HC, and was born in Florida.
  16. Placed a bet on the over at 59.0 UF might do that on their own.
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