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Cow Pie

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Everything posted by Cow Pie

  1. Great hire... I'm a fan of promoting from within.
  2. The only positive thing I can find is his coaching the LBs for the undefeated Florida Tuskers that went 6-0 in 2009. That team seemed to have a lot of talent including Matt Bryant K, Dexter Jackson, Brooks Bollinger, Tatum Bell, Michael Pittman, Michael Spurlock, etc.. Seems like this was a networking hire in which somebody knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew that this dude had naked pictures of them and he needed a job sorta deal. Hopefully its a case of being too good at college football and sucking at pro-ball... ala Steve Spurrier or Butch Davis.
  3. If we don't get a stadium then how about hoping for some acid rain to destroy the coloring of the nasty Rutgers red seats in Papa Glaziers house?
  4. Okay I'm having a heated debate with a buddy o mine that insists that MLK plaza was built on campus because back in the 60's Dr. King stood on that spot. Apparently some Professor over in Cooper is starting this rumor. I have told him that is BS and it is some big PC deal built so that USF can pound their chest at how diverse they are given that they have a MLK Plaza and the dude did not even know USF existed. Got $50 ridding on this... need the experts on here to straighten my buddy out.
  5. Sadly with a little Bull at home I will have to catch the one next year. Have a beer for me
  6. He needs to call... the new head hunting firm USF hired has all of the good seats blocked out online, if you want them you have to call so they can meet their quotas. I get a call about once a week from them trying to get me to buy some lower bowl seats. I would do it, if I wasn't a current student and getting FREE tickets this season.
  7. I'm gonna stick with NCAA 2013 for now... not digging the new price tag on the Xbox One or PS4. Also not digging the NSA spy cameras installed on them either.
  8. The new location is a lot better then the old one. Hopefully this area will turn into more of college area (the shopping plaza they are in) and less of a ghetto area because of this move. Now what we need are some Bulls themed bars in this area and we might have something.
  9. I'm sure that a feasibility study is happening right now, espeically given Dougs comments. Frankly I believe that it would be a good revenue generator for USF, and it would be a major shot in the arm, if done right, to increase Bulls tradition, morale, and bring in tons of people to the campus. Right now we have an issue with getting alumni and non-students on campus from what I hear. Thus a football stadium would fix that issue. USF would bring in revenue from the following outlets, and they would be able to keep 100% of the profits from these sources vs. sharing it or not getting any revenue. - Daily Parking Passes - Tickets - Concessions - Outside Vendor Permits (Permits to sell food, drink, or merch outside the stadium... food trucks, etc.) - USF Dining generated revenue - Campus resturants and dinning halls will likely make a killing on game day - Merchandise sells (USF Bookstore, Stadium stores, etc.) - Bull Runner fees (to use the BR to travel from another part of campus to the stadium) - Potential Alumni membership increases - Potential Donations
  10. Better then playing a MWC team... would have preferred the SEC but beggars can't be choosers.
  11. Another genius scheduling move by USF... what July 4th was taken? The first day of K-12 school is the next day in Hillsborough and much of the surrounding area... also its late on a Sunday. Gonna be a sad turnout.
  12. If we can't get at least 8 wins in the ****** conference then we deserve to remain in the AAC. Even with a new coach, we should have no issues getting some victories over the likes of UCF, SMU, Temple, etc. Our main issues last season, and since Leavitt got canned was Holtz and BJD... both are gone and I think we finally have a real coach at the helm.
  13. SOB Let me know when you plan on having another one of these, would've loved to have made this. I have a case of Rebel Yell, a few bottles of Wild Turkey, and of course a few bottles of Popcorn Sutton's white whiskey (aka legal moonshine).
  14. NO, I don't think that we'll EVER need a 70k+ seat stadium. Only 21 teams need one NOW! Either way, my existence will most likely not last more than 60 years. So, in my world. We will NEVER need a 70K+ seats stadium. BTW why are you such a .....? I agree, we will NEVER need a 70K+ seat stadium on campus... not even FSU uses all of their 85K seats in the Doak. Most we would ever need is 55K. Sure there will be big games where we could fill up a 70K+ stadium, but those will be far and few between. How many times have we sold out RayJay over the past 16 years? Once... Twice...
  15. Not surprised... afterall they ranked the stadiums as college stadiums, not pro-fields. As a college stadium RayJay sucks.
  16. Is there a graphic depicting air rapidly exiting a balloon? When I read the story I read it as the same position we've always had, just delivered more like a politician would. Yep, in listening to the AD, it was pretty much a statement of 'we want this, it's on the whiteboard', but with no deadlines or commitments. that's about as far as it's going to go for some time to come. Didn't he joke about having a T.Boone Pickens type donor drop $200M? There's no sense of urgency to put together 'something' just to say you have an OCS. And RayJ will probably be just fine for about another fifteen years (wasn't that the projected point at which some major upgrade$ would be needed?). He was right about the level of expectation regarding what the OCS would necessarily have to have, as far as amenities are concerned. No silver bleachers with 7/16 bolts and cotter pins. It sounded like, yeah, we plan on getting one, but we're not in any rush. We don't need a $200 Million dollar donor, given what DW said it looks like USF is planning on trying to get some or all of that from the State. We would need to raise $175 Million in donations for the rest, but I imagine that we could also take a loan out for that part and pay it off over time with donations and revenue from the new stadium as well. I'm happy to hear that USF's brass and apparently Victor Crist want a USF stadium... the ball is rolling, and I feel optimistic that in less then 10 years time we might have an OCS to call home, vs the Glazers red palace of shame. Heck who knows, USF might try to take out a community redevelopment block grant to pay for some the cost of building this thing as they and Busch Gardens, Moffitt, and the VA try to bulldoze and rebuild suitcase city.
  17. Its part of the West University Area clean-up. Only way this gets a "green light" is if they can gut and rebuild suitcase city, and there are tons of road-blocks standing in the way of that project alone. Why would someone spend potentially billions of dollars to build a Busch Gardens version of Downtown Disney right next to a ghetto?
  18. Mark my words, eventually U of San Fran will sue us over the use of "USF".
  19. Although I just thought of something... a Christmas day bowl while good for TV, would suck for attendance... lets face it unless you are a big name program like Notre Dame, Florida, or Bama people are not going to abandon Christmas traditions for a bowl game. Thus a Christmas day game would do nothing for the image of the AAC or MWC given that the stands will be bare and empty.
  20. So we should get out of the crappy conference that we can't win a title in to go somewhere else where we'll be the whipping boy so that people on here can complain about how we aren't dominating the new and better conference because, what the he!!, aren't we in that Florida hot bed of talent? Does that about sum up every possibility? Run on sentence was intentional before you start blasting away. I completely agree with you. To me, until we start generating more fan interest, more alumni dollars and more (read: any) championships there is no reason to go to the B12. The "Florida hot-bed" is a myth for us. If USF was located in a more rural area then we would have more fan support... I think that our metro area is taking its toll. Tampa today is a transet city like Las Vegas where you have very few people in the area that are from the area. Sure winning helps, and will help, but once we start losing again you won't be able to keep people on the band wagon if our lives depended on it.
  21. It's almost EXACTLY the same size as the Carrier Dome. I'm guessing that might have been the model. With as much rain as Tampa gets, a domed stadium makes sense. Here's an image I made a couple of years back on this topic. The blue bar is 100 yards, and the inner red dashes represent the entire field area I heard from a architecture student a while ago that the actual stadium design on this map is based on the old Texas Stadium design in which it is a convertable dome that retracts. The only difference is that it is a smaller version of the old Texas Stadium of course. I think he said it would seat 45K max. He said that Alumni drive would be ripped up a redirected to go between both stadiums, and that the Sun Dome parking lot would be the site of the new stadium, and that USF would build a series of giant parking garages around the new stadium area to help off-set parking generated by the new stadium, and the loss of the Sun Dome parking lot. I remember him saying that a garage would be built in parking lots 36, 29A and 29B. Of course I heard this about 2 years ago and if I remember correctly he said that the Sun Dome would be demolished and that the new football stadium would be used for both football and basketball. Now that USF has decided to keep the Sun Dome I don't know if they would still be interested in doing a domed stadium hybrid. Frankly it would be much cheaper to build a classic horse shoe stadium, and it would take up less room as well.
  22. Given this simple fact I think that this game would be perfect for us... we would have a monopoly on college football when 99% of the country is at home in front of the tv. Hopefully the game will be a good match up though as far as teams go... only way it would work for us. Regarding the NBA, there is no comparison... NBA is the ***** of college and pro-football.
  23. If we end up going anywhere it will be to the Big12... and the only way we end up in the Big12 is if FSU and Miami turn them down. The ACC will only take us if FSU leaves... I don't see them taking us if FSU stays and Miami goes... the ACC had to basically bribe FSU before they would allow Miami to join a while back.
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