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Cow Pie

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Everything posted by Cow Pie

  1. Not sure how Temple beat us... the picture looks like their center is a greasy backroom boxing club?
  2. This is what happens when you let Aramark, which is based out of Philly, cook yo food
  3. Hope to make it out this year... I have missed the past 3
  4. I can try and get us a shaman from Guatemala; I think that'd work out better with less "pea soup" flying around. Forget an exorcist or shaman, we need some full on ghostbustin action
  5. voted yes, but then remembered that we don't have a shot given the fact we are in a **** conference.
  6. Only if the UCLA guy has done a lot... otherwise stick with Heath for another 2-3 years.
  7. Today is a sad day for Bulls everywhere... Mouse the killer Spanish bull over in Spain died. http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/03/25/3305529/killer-spanish-bull-called-mouse.html
  8. DW is not worth the contract he has... take away his perks and just give him his pay check and then yes, he is worth the money. No AD is worth the contract Dougy boy currently has.
  9. I agree with you about the satellite campus crap... why did we need to spend millions of dollars to build a poly-tech research campus waaaaaay out in UCiF country when we have a good 25% of our campus dedicated towards the construction of a poly-tech research section? Had USF just built USF Poly-Tech in the research park area then we would not be looking at 13th State University to suck even more $$ out of our budget, and another seceded campus. Regarding the facilities, you are wrong on that one... they will pay off, just given them time. We might have to ditch the current coaches though before they finally do pay off in the end though. I say axe Prado now... and then give Heath another 3-4 years to repeat his success from last season. FGCU is not a powerhouse by any imagination and they got really lucky this year.
  10. DW hurts the bottom line at USF... no other college has a AD with this type of contract in place. The $$ that floats into DW's slush fund could be going towards other big budget items that we are lacking, such as: Indoor practice facility On-campus football stadium Paying off athletics debts Lowering the student fees to support Athletics Building athletics dorms Getting better assistant coaches and we wonder why we are always behind... ole Dougy boy is eating up all of the pie.
  11. I had two of them and had to drop them because we were watching our $$... given the rising cost of living, on one income and with a little guy at home you have to cut back on discretionary items, and this unfortunately was one of the first things to go. If not for the DMV fee hikes we might have kept them. If the economy gets better, then I'll be one of the first to pony up and get them again.
  12. Difference is the dude and mhver have actually made some credible calls, like saying in August that the Big 10 would move (i've posted the exact tweets before, can't dig them up now). In addition, they don't just post random facts, they post well-thought out, cohesive stories that frankly, only a clinically insane person could or would come up with just for fun. I'm not saying believe everything. I'm saying if you wanna be a fly on the wall, they're as close as you'll get, as long as you acknowledge you're playing a bit of a game of telephone. Dang it Bubba - no more posting South Park links. You look at one the an hour later I am still screwing around looking at other links. +1 Even went out and watched this one because of it! Glad I could help pass the time
  13. Difference is the dude and mhver have actually made some credible calls, like saying in August that the Big 10 would move (i've posted the exact tweets before, can't dig them up now). In addition, they don't just post random facts, they post well-thought out, cohesive stories that frankly, only a clinically insane person could or would come up with just for fun. I'm not saying believe everything. I'm saying if you wanna be a fly on the wall, they're as close as you'll get, as long as you acknowledge you're playing a bit of a game of telephone.
  14. Since the stadium tax is still being charged to those living in Hillsboro I don't see why the TSA would need more money to fix the stadium or upgrade it. Where is all of this money from the taxpayers, and from USF going?
  15. What we need is action... there is too much competition in the area, so I think its up to us to thin the herd so to speak. Some Bulls could go burn down the 1800 Ask Gary / Preparation H amphitheater, while the rest go mess up the Ice Palace.
  16. Good to read about positive things for a change.
  17. Check craigslist... they have sail boats on there all the time for between $3500 and $5000... boats are like trailers, once they are used their value deprecates down to nothing.
  18. If this rumor is true then its not good for us... only way we will get into the ACC is if FSU and Miami bolt. Personally I don't see how the Big12 can pass up the opportunity to bring in the FSU/Miami rivalry and both of these programs. If FSU bolts then the ACC will just grab UConn which is more attractive to the ACC on many levels (football, basketball, etc). Both Syracuse and Boston College have been lobbying hard for the ACC to bring UConn into the fold. Last time I checked not many ACC schools are pounding the table and demanding that USF gets an invite. Furthermore if Miami is left behind then you can expect them to fight to keep us out. Miami has everything to lose by allowing USF into the same conference as them.
  19. The ability to rent out tent space next to the field for the Green and Gold Bowl... and the ability to drink beer.
  20. Touche and good point. I like the sound of SAA... I also liked the sound of the Dixie Athletic Conference (DAC), and Gulf Coast Conference (GCC). Right now my hackles are all up in a tizzy about which new stupid name the conference will select. A12 was bad, but is far from the worst name they could have chosen. I think I might draft up a letter and send it out to the conference... at least I can say that I did everything possible to lobby my conference name choices. I fear that the conference will just come up with another CUSA 2.0 name and run with it, and I also fear that UConn and Natti will try to throw their weight around to get a name that they like and fits them, vs. a name that actually fits the demographics of the conference. Oh well in any event this realignment crap really helps to kill the off-season.
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