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Cow Pie

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Everything posted by Cow Pie

  1. I agree. What our student body lacks is the ability to enforce tradition... in other college stadiums, especially SEC college stadiums if you show up to the student section and wear another teams colors you are liable to get a soda poured on you. However in our student section if you show up wearing another schools colors nothing happens. I think once a few years back someone did dump a soda on someone for wearning an opposing schools colors in the student section, and they got rewarded with an ejection from the gestapa (TSA). In SEC stadiums things like this are given a thumbs up, in our rented stadium its frowned up. For example I went to a UGA/Ole Miss game in Athens a few years back and sat next to the student section. Some ass clown UGA student wore a Gayturd shirt in the UGA student section and the students showered him with soda and food. When the campus police showed up they escorted the kid wearning the Gayturd stuff out. My cousin who I went to the game with made me buy a red polo before he would allow me to go with him. He stated that I would get heckled and possibly get food/drink tossed on me if I wore anything that might be misconstrued as another schools colors. I guess what can you expect when we play in a red stadium, and its a common sight to see students on campus wearing FSU, UF, and Miami stuff all the time, and fans in our stadium wearing other schools shirts and hats. Call it what you will, I see this as a lack of passion and spirit. Sure we are a young program, but this crap is basic 101 stuff that schools that are a lot younger then us have been able to get right.
  2. Do some research before you post next time. The shirts look nothing like UF apparel and they have green lined name badges. You're not going to get the section to wear green... they've been trying it for years with no result. Time to move to a better option. This actually has meaning behind it. If it has blue in it, then it looks like a gayturd to me.
  3. Regardless of what they end up doing they need to get it done soon. The first game of the series is Thanksgiving Weekend, which is what like 3 1/2 months away? So we will need a trophy or something by the time that game comes. Times a ticking. **** or get off the pot.
  4. That can either go somewhere on the trident, or be a sheild to accompany the trident. This...and it has to be all old and crusty. Keep track of history on the back. Winner keeps it for a year. Kind of like the "bucket of nails" I like this idea... how about have a scaled down I-4 sign on a bronze or silver pole, mounted to a concrete looking grante base. There are two I4 signs with a pole in the middle. One sign is green and gold with a fancy USF logo on it, and the other sigh is black and gold with a UCF logo on it. The winners can be listed on the base of the trophy on small brass plates, and the trophy has a USF and a UCF side. Each victory is listed on the base of the trophy of the victor, and to save space winning streaks should be combined and listed on one brass plate. (i.e. 2013-2020 etc.). USF victories are listed on the USF side, and UCF victories are listed on the UCF side. When the trophy fills up, the brass plates are removed and placed on a I4 shapped wooden sign in the trophy room. My issue with the War on I10 trophy is that it creates a new glass trophy every year. I don't know if you guys have seen our trophy room lately, but I don't believe that we will have the room to store an ass load of 12 inch Sonic War on I4 trophies. We need a more traditional trophy, like other college rivalry trophies, that are passed back and fourth between the schools.
  5. Blue? We ain't the gayturds. If its gonna be a tradition we should probablly stick with our own colors vs. bringing in colors for other schools. Its bad enough that we have to play in Rutgers stadium.
  6. I heard from a good friend and former USF atheltics employee that the new security procedures at RayJay has pissed off the right people at USF. Apparently that this alone has escalated the OCS discussion from casual as in we need it some day down the road, to we need it now. Not sure how reliaible my buddy is, and only time (i.e. next 2 years) will tell if he is right, or if some big shots are just blowing smoke.
  7. I watched this garbage on ESPN... I was pissed at first, and then I remembered that Skip drove us into the ground for three years. Respect is earned not given, and in the world of college sports its all about what have you done for me this year, or last. Hopefully HCWT can turn this train wreck around.
  8. Pissed I missed out on this... will have to make a point to make it out next year.
  9. Seems solid... as long as we are ahead of the CUSA teams I'm fine.
  10. The real important thing to know is this... will they be doing pat downs or using wands? I don't need bags to smuggle in a 12 pack of beer and other items.
  11. At least USF thought enough to make the Miami ticket design dumbed down enough for Miami's fan base.
  12. May or may not be able to make it... depends if Mrs Bubba Bull and I can find a babysitter. Might have to postpone till next season. Great event, wish I could make it out.
  13. I have a 1 year old and he has been submerged in USF items, and once he gets older the brain washing will only get worse. His nursery is green, we have pictures of Bulls and Rocky in the nursery, he has all of the stuffed variations of Rocky, most of his clothes are USF related, we have plastic toy bulls, and he has a rocking Bull. There is a zero chance of him going anywhere else at this point. If you get em young then they are hooked for life.
  14. Why the hell is there SEC topics on the AAC blog?
  15. That poster is man-tastic... Reminded me of this...
  16. ^^^ This is my stance on the issue of USF-UCF. In college sports you need a rival, and rivalries are not made, they just happen. While what makes a rivalry is debateable, I think what makes a good one is hate, and UCF hates USF, and in my view we are not too fond of UCF either. I just don't see that same level of hate between UF, FSU, Miami and USF. Like cophbulls said Aurburn and Alabama hate each other, as do Georgia and Florida, Ohio State and Michigan. I see the core of what makes a rivalry as hate, or an extreme dislike because you consider the other school, team, or group to be inferior. I'm not estatic over the fact that this is happening, but we should embrace the suck and try to make something out of this. A trophy helps to elevate this thing to the next level, lets just hope that they make the trophy into something realtively cool and not something gay. I think a shovel is the best option in my opinion, we already introduced a shovel back when we played UCF the last time.
  17. Yep I hate to break it to y'all but this is the new CUSA. Same difference.
  18. He needs to call... the new head hunting firm USF hired has all of the good seats blocked out online, if you want them you have to call so they can meet their quotas. As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. ?? I just got a call from the head hunters again this morning, just 5 minutes ago. I asked them about lower bowl seats and was told that they had a ton of them. When I asked why I could not order them online, I was told that you have to call in to get these seats. I then asked them to stop calling me for the hundredth time because I'm a student and getting free seats.
  19. I agree with the others... USF Athletics is looking for someone to pony up $100K probablly at a minimum to slap their name on one of the stadiums. Probablly $100K for the baseball field, and $100K for the softball field... $200K total. Maybe everyone on the Bullspen can chip in $20 bucks or so and see if we can raise enough $$ to name it the Bullspen Complex.
  20. I'm gonna stick with NCAA 2013 for now... not digging the new price tag on the Xbox One or PS4. Also not digging the NSA spy cameras installed on them either. There isn't a PS4 for Xbox One that you can buy for months. If you want NCAA 14 it's on Xbox 360 or PS3. Well pardon my lack of nerdom... I have not kept up on the new console news lately. Might have to get this on black friday... last year they had NCAA 2013 for sale at Wal-Mart for $18.00
  21. I think that this was a USF Athletics front office hire... from what I heard a lot of the assistant coach hires were driven by the front office and what they could afford.
  22. Those are some purty cups, and just the right amount. I can use one as target practice out in the woods, and then when nature calls **** in one, and then cover it up with the other one.
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