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Cow Pie

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Everything posted by Cow Pie

  1. Depends on which way you want to go with your tailgate... if you want to go large then I would invest in a tow able grill... if you want something compact then you can't beat a coleman roadtrip grill. http://www.casa.com/p/coleman-road-trip-grill-lxe-827259?site=CA&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc_C&utm_term=FPS-170839&utm_campaign=GoogleAW&CAWELAID=1918266574&utm_content=pla&adtype=pla&cagpspn=pla This is what I have right now, and even when I upgrade my TIV I plan on keeping this model grill around.
  2. There is a trailer park on 131st street if you pass north over Fletcher towards Bearss. Actually there are a lot of them. I see what Judy is trying to do and she is trying to expand the campus westward towards I275 because many, many, many parents of students, students themselves, donors, boosters, and everyone else at USF has had issues with the ghetto along Fletcher as you drive into campus. At a meeting I attended on campus last year I heard Judy state that the majority of visitors to USF come to USF via 275 and never see the main entrance. Combined with what I'm hearing from my sources at Busch Gardens I think this might be legit. If the campus of USF is extended west and the stadium is built on that new land, then technically the stadium would be on campus. Not sure what trailer park you are talking about. 131st and Fletcher are parallel. Maybe I am confused. Anyway, the only trailer park I see on 131st is the Frontier Travel Park on Nebraska. It is right on 275. Too far from campus. At least 1.5 miles. I hope this is not what they want to do. My bad... if you take 20th street across Fletcher then you are neck deep in trailer parks, duplexes that are like trailer parks, and the ghetto. Outside of the trailer parks off 20th street the only other ones that I know of are in the middle of Nebraska between Fletcher and Fowler avenues.
  3. There is a trailer park on 131st street if you pass north over Fletcher towards Bearss. Actually there are a lot of them. I see what Judy is trying to do and she is trying to expand the campus westward towards I275 because many, many, many parents of students, students themselves, donors, boosters, and everyone else at USF has had issues with the ghetto along Fletcher as you drive into campus. At a meeting I attended on campus last year I heard Judy state that the majority of visitors to USF come to USF via 275 and never see the main entrance. Combined with what I'm hearing from my sources at Busch Gardens I think this might be legit. If the campus of USF is extended west and the stadium is built on that new land, then technically the stadium would be on campus. So where exactly does 275 drop you off on campus? Would that be referring to rhe Bruce B Downs exit north of Campus? Isn't that 275? Not exactly the campus, but the direction from which I entered campus most of the time. Yes, she said that most visitors to campus come into USF from the backside down Bruce B. Downs from the east, or Bearss / Fletcher from the west. Really depends if they are driving down or if they flew down and came from the airport.
  4. There is a trailer park on 131st street if you pass north over Fletcher towards Bearss. Actually there are a lot of them. I see what Judy is trying to do and she is trying to expand the campus westward towards I275 because many, many, many parents of students, students themselves, donors, boosters, and everyone else at USF has had issues with the ghetto along Fletcher as you drive into campus. At a meeting I attended on campus last year I heard Judy state that the majority of visitors to USF come to USF via 275 and never see the main entrance. Combined with what I'm hearing from my sources at Busch Gardens I think this might be legit. If the campus of USF is extended west and the stadium is built on that new land, then technically the stadium would be on campus.
  5. I can confirm part of your account... my contacts at Busch Gardens for my business have mentioned that there is a USF, Moffitt, VA, and Busch Gardens partnership in which they plan to virtually raise suitcase city and turn it into an area where retirees can live and where students can live. If you drive through the area they are currently doing a lot of heavy road expansion and removing slum houses. Suitcase city actually expands from north-south from Bearss all the way over to Busch, and east-west from Bruce B. Downs to Nebraska. If they can gut and clean this area up it would be awesome. Hopefully this happens.
  6. As long as we get the football AAC12 championship game who cares about round ball? Tampa would be a horrible market anyway... Tampa is not hoops friendly.
  7. While its nice for them to call it a rivalry, I don't see it becoming one unless we can go up to Tally and stomp em a few more times, and then beat them down here while they are at the top of their game. Who knows... if Miami keeps imploding then we might be able to replace them as the alternate rival to FSU.
  8. Seems about right... this conference is the island of misft rejects so it would only make sense for us to play against our western counterpart for the right to play the lowest of the big 5 in a playoff game. Its kind of like the special olypmics
  9. The difference between Harvard v Yale and Florida v Georgia is the fact that ivy league schools are elitest to a degree, and the general non-alum is not gonna spend 4+ hours of their weekend watching a game with a bunch of future CEO's and other wealthy individuals that the average non-ivy league alum can't connect with. Meanwhile people in Florida and Georgia that might not have even graduated from high school can relate directly to a game between their state and the state next to theirs. Thus why you see many SEC teams with massive fan bases made up of mostly non-alum's that haven't even been to college. Its all about identifing with a team for more then just academic reasons. In the south more people identify with colleges out of regional pride (i.e. my state vs. your state -or- my part of the state vs. your part of the state -or- in the case of religious schools you have my religion vs. your religion). Hence why college sports in the South is 10 times more popular then it is in other regions of the nation, with religious schools being the lone exception. Most catholics support Notre Dame by default just like most Mormons support BYU by default, just like most people in Louisiana support LSU, while most people in New Orleans support Tulane. College sports is about regionlaism and us vs them... it has very little to do with academics or degrees in the end.
  10. Because they have absolutely nothing else to do but live vicariously through their crappy team. Right ... and wearing bags over your head isn't a sign of living vicariously through your team. And it's pretty understandable why ECU fans would have resentment towards us. They had a a lot better college football pedigree than we did when we got the BE invite ... What ECU has excelled at is tying its atheltics program to the majority of people that live around the area. We have yet been able to come up with a method to tie USF to the local culture of Tampa or the surrounding areas. We are too concerned with marketing gimics and being as neutral as possible as to not offend one certain group. When you watch any other program in the South you see a unique flair to their kickoff and other festivities... when I see USF's activities I see white washed sugar coated vanilla. Its hard for a school to come up with something unique when its obvious that the powers that be are not thrilled with the school being from Florida, let alone South Florida. My 2 cents... please feel free to shiz all over it now.
  11. As a Cowboys fan I'm excited that the Niners drafted BJ... too bad the Eagles, Giants, or Skins did not get him first. If there were only more BJD's to go around to opposing teams...
  12. Interesting point... if the Championship game is in Tampa I wonder what the city plans to do to increase the tailgate hours. For the Super Bowl they allow visiting fans to setup and start tailgating in the mall lot the day before. Wonder if they will do the same for the college Championship game?
  13. Florida is in the South... allow me to drop some history/culture on you. Dixie consists of any State that fought for the Confederacy during the War Between the States. Florida was the third state to secede, one of the three original founding members of the Confederacy, and was the last Confederate State to be overrun. Heck some parts of Florida still had active Confederate troops a few years after the end of the war. Just because a bunch of Yankees live in the metro areas does not mean that the State is all of sudden part of New England. Outside of the metro areas the State is pretty much just as Southern as any other state. Other interesting facts... Tampa was around when the war was fought and the US Navy tried twice to invade Tampa and failed. In downtown there is a marker where a shell from a US Navy warship landed. Its in the old cemetery. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tampa Heck UF used to have Confederate battle flag helmets... http://twicsy.com/i/arNQM Tampa is home to the largest Confederate flag in the world... http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/19407 Brandon is named after a Confederate solider, the big funeral home on highway 60 was his plantation. Hillsborough County's seal used to be a Confederate Flag and a Seminole Indian up until 1990. I assure you that Florida is in the "South" despite the fact that people in the cities pretend that they aren't. I could go on further but don't want to derail this subject with boring history crap. This whole argument is mouse vs rat... Now back to the idea of tossing some cow crap!
  14. Amen! uuumm what? FL isn't even really "the South" why would we play Dixie? Haven't you guys seen the ESPN 30 for 30 on Ole Miss lol. In all seriousness, no Dixie. That was our unofficial song what back in 1956?
  15. They need a good name for this... College Football Championship Game is lame.
  16. I fourth bringing back Dixie... I'm also down with the cowbells, but that is not really a tradition per-say... in order to make cowbells a tradition nearly EVERYONE in the crowd would have to have one. Having one or two cowbells in the stands is not a tradition, its an accessory. Outside of cowbells how about bringing cow patties into the stadium and tossing them into the end-zone where our opponents are trying to score in the 4th qtr? Now that would get on ESPN on a regular basis and it would be something that would insult the opponent. Of course we would need an OCS in order to do this, and an administration that is cool with this idea. I seriously doubt that the Bucs are gonna be okay with this. Basically fans/students could toss cow turds into the end-zone where our opponents are trying to score at the end of the 3rd qtr / start of the 4th. Ground crew scoops up the chips during the qtr break and the game continues. I'm not saying use runny chips... a dried out cow turd is like a Frisbee almost. Maybe I'm a bit too country for most but tossing dried out cow turds at people is some fun ****. Throwing them into the end-zone where the opposing team is trying to score will be even better. Think octopuses at Redwings games, or dead rats at the Panthers games. I think they use rubber rats now down in Miami, but for a while there some people were bringing dead rats. I would prefer cow turds over having our ROTC fondle themselves like they do at TA&M
  17. Its ahead hopefully... if not then I would not really call our implosion after hitting #2 a few years back, and our inability to win one single Big East Championship anything but a golden area.
  18. 7 designs for 7 home games maybe? I think its pretty lame that some of the designs feature players who have graduated. Hey, why not put Matt Grothe on the tickets for next year? If one of the game tickets actually uses this design....well we've hit a new low. What the hell is this anyway... a midget with a USF condom on his head?
  19. I'm not paying extra for the Uh-merica Conference pack... gonna stick with NCAA 2013 and make my own custom Big East. Now if we get invited to the ACC or the Big12, or if we get an OCS then I might consider upgrading if that occurs... otherwise I will be playing NCAA 2013 for a looooonnng time.
  20. Given all of the spelling errors did Smazza write this?
  21. You do know that USF's first unofficial fight song was Dixie? I also hate to break it to you but Tampa is in Florida, which is in the South... thanks to the liberal media the entire nation thinks we are all backwater hicks as it is... do you honestly think that a cowbell at a football game which is broadcast on ESPN3 is gonna tant our image any more?
  22. The Texas government is not going to allow UT to leave TT or Baylor behind. This is why UT and OU failed to move to the PAC a few year back. Texas demanded that if UT went to the PAC then they would have to take TT, Baylor, and at the time TA&M with them... Oklahoma demanded that if OU went to the PAC then they would have to take OSU with them. I'm surprised that Texas allowed TA&M to leave for the SEC, but I get the feeling that allowing TA&M to move to the SEC was on the level of a mutual divorce. With all of that said there is not a shot in hell that Oklahoma goes to the Big10 because the Big10 does not want OSU... likewise Vandy is not going anywhere... they are rolling in the money in the SEC. The Big10 would have a better chance raiding the NFL vs. raiding the SEC at this point in history.
  23. Its better then "All I do is win"... already has my vote. How about an easier and more classic song... Wolly Bully!
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