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Cow Pie

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Everything posted by Cow Pie

  1. https://www.facebook.com/cfbplayoff?group_id=0 Apparently the big boys are proceeding with the new playoff plan and they are looking for feedback on Facebook about a new logo. Wonder if the leftovers will be able to redesign the ****** BCS Championship game logo once the biggin's leave us behind?
  2. Comedians needing props = BAD I wasn't referring to said comedian, I was referring to the video w/ Hogan. Gallagher is indeed bad. I agree the Hogan video is not that bad. Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny. I'm getting tickets to watch me some "Rassling at the sundome. Anyone else from this board going? Count me in... this is the best **** thing to happen to USF eva... We need to tear down MLK Plaza... move the bust over to Cooper Hall and erect a massive marble statue of Hulk Hogan body slammin Andre the Giant. Heck at least Hogan and Andre the Giant stepped foot on USF's campus. Dr. King likely never even knew that USF existed...
  3. WTF? Who in the hell came up with this top 5? Also how in the hell are these traditions?? A. Cowbells - The A12 won't allow this... the Big East did not. Regardless not a tradition... this should just be something we naturally do since our mascot is a Bull. B. more murals in parking garages - This is a facilities management issue not a tradition... whats gonna be on next years ballot, "Green and Gold urinal cakes in the Marshall Center bathrooms?" C. Throwback jersey game honoring past players - ?? We are not old enough to have this game... this should be on the ballot 30 years from now when our program is at least middle aged vs. a teeny bopper. D. Rocky at graduation - ?? He is already at graduation... has been there since 2008. E. Adopt unofficial fight song - This is not something we can just make up over night. What's our unofficial fight song gonna be? "All I wanna do is win"? If so then I'll have to consider staying home on my couch because I hate that ******* song. What other options do we got? "Wolly Bully" or "Bulls on Parade"? Its hard to pull something like this out of your ass. I like how this poll left out a live bull when the Facebook traditions group poll results showed that a live bull was the #1 request of the fans.
  4. Yeah. Hopefully the right part. The Big East took USF over UCF. That's all the proof I need to know we're still ahead of them. There is no more them and us... per that friendship agreement we inked with UCF this past season, we are now married at the hip... USF/UCF is now an army of two.
  5. Lets keep it up. Anything short of a Big East title and a trip to the baseball post season tourney would be a major kick in the teeth. Go Bulls!
  6. I'm not discounting BYU, UConn, Natti, or Boise State, but last time I checked the Big12 was not desperate to get a beachhead in Utah, Connecticut, Ohio, or Idaho, given this I think our chances are lightyears better then any of those other schools. Our main competition right now is UCF... Given that USF has signed some partner agreement with mouse town U I think if we go, then UCF will go with us... it would be a package deal. The FSU rumor is dead... FSU's President has come out and said that moving from the ACC to the Big12 would be program suicide. FSU has it good right now in the ACC. Unless the ACC gets gutted by a massive raid, I don't see FSU jumping ship.
  7. I think this will happen ^^^ It just makes sense. Also this has been talked about in the past and it would basically make the top 5 conferences into a minor league NFL. Instead of conferences you would have regional divisions broken up into 2 conferences, with 3-4 divisions each. So instead of a SEC, B1G, PAC, ACC, or BIG12 you would have a National College Football League (NCFL) with two conferences, most likely Eastern Conference and a Western Conference. Then within the conferences you would have 3-4 divisions in each conference... they would likely be a North-South-Central type breakup. It has been discussed before... the new NCFL would work like the NFL... it would have a preseason and a post season with a single championship game like the super bowl. All of the schools excluded from this elite new league would be left behind in the smoldering wreck that is the NCAA to pick up the pieces.
  8. Why would the B10 want USF? Why would the Big 12 wants USF? Unfortunately USF brings nothing to the table besides a very tiny recruiting pipeline. If USF had the fanbase of FSU, they'd possibly stand a chance. USF ranks higher then most of the Big12 bottom dwellers in average attendance, enrolled students, and TV market categories. Also the Big12 is stating that they want into the Florida market... since UF, FSU, and Miami are all off of the market, its safe to assume that they are either hinting about adding us or they might considering adding USF and UCF as a combo deal. If they were to add USF and UCF then the Big12 would be back to full strength again. Lets face reality here... its about 2AM and we are the last semi-attractive girl left at the bar and the Big12 is desperate... we got this in the bag.
  9. My sources tell me that the Longhorns fans have a ragging ***** for a conference championship game at Cowboys stadium, and for clearly defined and equal divisions. The only way this will happen again is if the Big12 expand back to 12+ teams. My sources are my family who are big Cowboys fans / season ticket holders. Apparently the Cowboys had something about this possibility in Star Magazine about a month ago... apparently the President of UT has been meeting with Jerry about getting this all setup pending of course Big12 expansion.
  10. I think they will easily outnumber us... Every empty seat will be red and on camera it will look like Badger fan. When the ESPN camera crew takes video of RayJay during the breaks it will look like a red sea of Badger fans.
  11. Bout time USF signs some REAL teams... still holding out hope for a USF series against Clemson, UGA. South Carolina, LSU, etc.
  12. You r to kind... realignment to twitter is what late night 1900 psychic commercials are to cable tv
  13. I wish I could stick up for USF, but they dropped the ball here. I'm not going to be driving all over the place on Saturday... they should have had the football practice on campus, like normal, and then followed that up with a softball/baseball double header. We need to STOP having spring games at Buccaneer stadium when we have the space on campus to have it at USF.
  14. Its because its at RayJay... had this been on campus then it would had been perfect weather. It has poured at every Spring Game at RayJay for the past 4 years or so.
  15. Bullspen at its finest... better then sweeps week and Jerry Springer rolled up into one.
  16. The only reason why they chose AAC is because the commish wanted to be at the front of the phone book... right between AAAA Bail Bonds and Acme Anvils.
  17. I've read a few places that UNC turned down the B1G. If that is really true, than UNC is expecting to get into the SEC or they are really stupid. Or both. I think I'd rater go to the B1G, more realistic chance at competing and more prestigious and more class (well, excluding Rutgers). Agree completely. Even though the state of NC is changing, there are still an awful lot of people who can never forgive "The War of Northern Aggression." Perhaps UNC just couldn't see themselves hoooking up with a bunch of Yankees... ^^ This... UNC is not going to the Big Yankee Conference. If anything they are holding out hope that the SEC will shoot them an invite.
  18. The new Tulane Stadium was partially financed by USF via the blood money we fork over to the Buc's to play in the tax payers their stadium.
  19. Shirley you must be joking .... Nope, not joking... Plenty of organizations have sued other organizations for infringing upon their acronym. The most well known instance was the big decade long legal battle over the acronym WWF. If the REAL AAC gets pissed enough or figures out that they could get a few million in free money from the new AAC, then they will sue.
  20. I like the conference teams along the edge of the board... I have to touch up my boards this summer, might add our new conference mates along the edge, that is once the conference is finalized.
  21. ECU is still football only? ? I thought that they became a full member as well... The 12th team will be Tulsa... I have seen rumors on ESPN that Southern Miss. and Ohio are rumored to be teams #13 and #14
  22. 5 years is 2 years too long given that we are in a ****** downgraded conference. Hell if we are not the #1 or #2 team at the end of the 2013 season, or if we lose to UCF, then many will be off the bus and calling for Coach T's head.
  23. http://www.aacsports.com/ I wonder if the AAC legal eagles did the due diligence and made sure that they were not infringing upon an existing acronym first. Wonder how long before the Appalachian Athletic Conference will sue the American Athletic Conference?
  24. The funny part about that article is how Marshall tries to make it sound like they would rather be in the piss poor CUSA 1.0, rather then getting invited to CUSA 2.0
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