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Everything posted by BulledOver

  1. You gotta admit these what-if's and maybes sure make it an interesting process..Not for the faint of heart...Those two have been hooked up already until willie bolted for his dream job..could we be his new dream job??
  2. See the guy at the bottom of pic with his hands up?? He's saying, "WTF I leave you guys for 5 minutes...." thinking this is a civil war pic of confederate prisoners being hung?? whatever period this is its a very gruesome time
  3. That's the question isn't it. Several seniors will be missed. What's the next step? Will we be making a step forward or another backwards. Hard to say.
  4. Just saw your comment and maybe there is something we can do to stimulate the powers to be. I just threw out some ideas in another post re: petition. Maybe folks have some thoughts..
  5. C & S saving themselves for the NFL tryouts...if Wilcox is limited then that thought is prob a thing. Sadly, McCloud gets hurt in every game so either his practices are limited or he just observes. Overall I havent seen much improvement in him this season. He has ability and prob at D2 he would be a star. He has no protection for sure but he may not be very durable. Practice? twisting ankles or knees would be easy to do for lineman. Of they are having live hits?? that could get some folks banged up. And yes, could be conditioning?? Saw a lot of D guys really huffing in last game of course, when your O is 3 and out every time you get the ball that doesn't provide the D with much of a break. When you see the O lineman huffing...you gotta wonder about conditioning. First quarter vs Memphis they were cranking but then Memphis adjusted and that was that...sameo. Would like to see what Rygol could do if he weren't running for his life every play. He shows some ability. Lastly, our season crapped the bed and now there are 17 seniors graduating. Of those some are key players so you gotta ask--are there underclassman who will step in and be solid? If so, where have they been this season? Many reasons but...We dipping into the transfer portal to bring in some P5 folks hopefully w/o a closet full of hangups. If recruits?? here we go again we are a perpetual rebuilding program.. And that's that on all that.
  6. Disclaimer: That would be for me the disgruntled, down trodden, disgusted, USF fan..just to keep that clear so all hell doesn't break loose in our fragile society..Whew!!
  7. Say...I'm looking for the noose and face with the x out eyes emoji could you please direct me???
  8. Maybe those seats are reserved and they just haven't gotten there yet???????
  9. Read your heartfelt post now I feel even worse than I did Saturday. Quite a few AAC teams will be bowl eligible this year tough to realize that we suck so bad that we couldn't make the cut. Don't know whats worse?? Not going to a bowl game or going to a bowl game and getting whipped by the likes of Marshall last year...? Somethings gotta give like..real soon.
  10. Cat on the loose was the most excited the ESPN folks got the entire game...Fans too. Hmmmm??? says a lot for the state of your football program.
  11. be interesting to know where everyone will be watching the War on I-4 game over the Tday weekend. enjoy your mountain time. ..
  12. War On I-4 Viewing from afar ( kinda like "afer" but diff) were going to be up at Lake Martin, Ala...hoping our rv site has a southerly view for the dish.. EVERYONE ENJOY THE GAME AND ENJOY YOUR THANKSGIVING GO BULL'S
  13. <I do think the title of this post pretty much sucks> I'm sure this kicker/kid is probably thinking he did pretty much suck in that game he doesn't need to publicly diminished. I'm sure he is trying to look his teammates in the eye and walk around campus so...public shaming although very popular in this day and age.. is too much especially from adult alumni or adult fans. Bausfkid--Good point on your "confidence" comment and "make a play". The kicker is expected to be very proficient and hone his skill level at each practice. Agreed that part of the game plan obviously included the kicker adding some points. CSS and company must have had some confidence in the guy to give him the nod to go make his kicks. The 50 yarder? Maybe a stretch for him but go try it you were making them in practice kind of logic. You miss it, ok but now he has had a game time try get ready for the next one. I see the logic. But it does come back to..why the choking? The kicker is the kicker. He isn't relied on to play O or D. Just kick the ball and...4 tries?? make at least 50%. The diff in the game... Water under the bridge at this point.
  14. Ha! Were still looking around for a step stool so we can even get on our "high horse"
  15. Hopefully...thing that is concerning when a team has a dismal season is the possibility of kids bailing on a losing program. Guys like QF, Mack and gang were a diff breed that wanted to come to USF to build something and...WT was a heck of a salesman. Were always hoping for a good future, next year.
  16. Wait for a TD to open your first beer...?? **** brother you could die of thirst !!! But then, if CKB offense worked just think youd prob be an alcoholic
  17. And Wilcox..there was quite a bit of "UP" input on TBP prior to the Temple game. There was a hint of enthusiasm going on about our potential but...USF didn't show up for the Temple game. Our connection to USF must be pretty solid we all seem to stay around....Hoping!
  18. I've seen the posts titled.."I'm Done and I'm Not Done" Doing a personal seasonal assessment(even with 3 games left) I figure "I'm starting over again" Basically I've fizzled out on this season. Yes the Horn's still fly out in the yard. Sure always turn on that tube( no tubes anymore) on game day to watch the Bull's and yes, there is this small flicker in there that thinks there just might be..possibly..a chance we can win. Could we win 2 and get a bowl game?? ( yes children a "Miracle" could still happen ) Oddly my wife and I take about any small positive from our games to high five..YEA!! we got a first down Let's have another beer.....Go Bull's !!! So now, I look forward to all the possibilities that NEXT YEAR can bring because its what I (we) do as Bull's fans. I'm hoping to catch a high off our bball team this season whenever they might get their **** together. C'mon CBG we need you to deliver us football folk to the mountain of success.
  19. See...I told you..You got the IT factor on creativity..just saying, that chemical engineer stuff might be holding you back?? have a good one...bball game day Alright !!
  20. Interesting. Well look, if you get tired of that now you know you have a second calling you can fall back on... Chemical Plants-Interesting field..
  21. Good for Tulsa they deserve a good win they have been close and played their butts off. And ucf….Ah, Nah I got nuthin
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