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Everything posted by usfbullrider

  1. We dont block downfield like the GCO did. Im thinking part of the problem is Strong has been gearing practices too much towards the defense and not allowing for offensive creativity or pride in special teams. We should be playing our best guys on special teams.
  2. Both teams played hard. Kinda not surprised by the outcome.
  3. Houston is due for a win and they are talented. Houston will destroy us for sure.
  4. Just win and the record speaks for itself. Preseason is over fellas.
  5. Memphis didnt show up against UCF. Riley was off for sure.
  6. He is right. How many years have we had 3 ranked teams? Also where is everyone finding coaches? The American is doing good things and should be getting a bump in TV revenue soon. I wonder how negotiations are fairing.
  7. Uconn is improving every week. mizzou should watch out they have been one of the weaker P5 teams.
  8. Imo Tulane won the TOP battle but Strong didn't rotate his starters enough and they got tired. Strong likes playing Seniors. Nobody was willing to admit they were tired but that it was just tackling and safety position was the problem. I feel like we have atheletes at LB however Auggie hardly ever leaves the game and as a leader thats his choice.
  9. Also the hypocrisy in ranking Wisconsin who has not faced a top 25 program. The reason they give is laughable.
  10. It feels good. Kinda working out like we thought. Preseason is over now.
  11. The trick is to not play UCF every week this year. Lets get through the schedule like Im sure our players are. Honestly tough wins are the best because it makes you train harder and not get complacent like Rocky did when he was spending all that Apollo Creed money.
  12. If there were any reads it was done pre snap. If you listen to quinton s post game interview it was very telling. DJ missed his hole on one of those goal line plays. Thats the difference between field goals and touchdowns.
  13. They were clearly power run formations. Iirc. I think even a fullback in one of them.
  14. These coaches excel in coach speak I dont think additional questions are going to matter. Yes there were execution problems at the goal line. Yes hes stupid for not letting his best player make a guy miss to score. If he does this against Houston with similar results lets start worrying.
  15. I dont think Dungy has any ties to UCF in earnest so not sure why he would have an opinion. Nebraska can afford him if they want him. End of Story.
  16. That defense would definitely be stingy. All american pass rush on that side would neutralize Flowers a lot. Whoever runs the ball and kicks field goals the best wins. 23-17 this year team wins. Current year rules apply. Decent Refs.
  17. I really dont think it has much to do with popularity. Its just a number of people that show up. I really dont understand why it's needed. Maybe it makes him look better than his colleagues in other markets. For fans all over the country it's wasted info.
  18. Against the team that leads the nation in interceptions with little chance of scoring. Yea lets try that.
  19. QF could do things in the NFL as a passer. Much better touch than BJ. Having said that I think his red zone passing is sub par for college. Gotta nail those fade routes in the corner. Winston hasnt been doing it lately and its painful to watch. I think thats why we are still trying to see if our O line is capable of punching it in from 2 yards out. We have a lot of spread plays we could run to get QF in space though. Jury is still out on if we are smashmouth enough. I know against UCF we wont be able to just pound it in.
  20. In years previous those are ones he would have dropped but this year is different it seems.
  21. Lee Roy Selmon built this house. Charlie choose this job to pad his resume and almost any experienced head coach would be winning these games with our players 95% Taggart recruits. So let's not commission statues and namesakes just yet.
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