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Everything posted by namuh-bull

  1. Going to see Wisconsin game, possibly SMU and or Memphis. Go Bulls!
  2. There is no such thing as overachieving. If you win them all then obviously you had the talent and conditions that made it possible. The people who were guessing on your performance were wrong. Sometimes a team will do better than some expect, but I'm sure to the coaches they always fall short. It is just a matter of who sets the expectations for you. I'm hoping that Coach T expects us to win them all. Go Bulls!
  3. Why would you use a red shirt at all these days when players jump to the pros early? If he is good enough to play for us now then he should be on the field. If he isn't then he should be working hard in practice to get on the field during a game as soon as he can. Times have changed. Red shirts other than medical are outdated. Go Bulls!
  4. West Virginia at 78, just behind Troy, San Jose State,and Syracuse? The big 12 sure worked out great for them. (not that I would turn it down for USF). Actually I expect us to challenge for and possibly win the AAC this year, so the rankings here don't mean much other than a way to pass some time before the season starts. Go Bulls!
  5. I don't think that housing is taxable to an employee as income if as part of their employment they are required to live on site in employer owned housing. I really doubt the IRS would risk the ridicule by going after scholarship athletes. On the other hand, if they were paid cash then that could change. Go Bulls!
  6. Good character, high passion, youth, and success. I think we have a winner. Welcome to USF, coach. GO BULLS!
  7. The concrete is cracking, hmmm. Maybe they should have built Aluminum. Go Bulls!
  8. I've also had my tickets since we started way back at the old Tampa Stadium. It's a little harder decision to buy since I haven't lived in Florida for the last 7 yrs, but I they're my team. Go Bulls!
  9. Smart (3.8 gpa), strong, big, and dedicated. Sounds like a good combination for a coach to work with. Go Bulls!
  10. That is about the same size as Danny Wuerffel and Casey Weldon, who did pretty well for other college teams in Florida. If the kid can make grades then I wouldn't mind giving him a shot. Go Bulls!
  11. I think he will fix it. The quote I like best was from asst coach Ray Woodie... "We are building a bully..." Go Bulls!
  12. ...and at RJS I know that profits from the overpriced concessions are going to Glazer and the TSA and not my school that I am there to support. The nicest NFL stadium I've been to is Reliant in Houston. It makes RJS seem dated and inconvenient, which is crazy considering the age of RJS. The funny thing is I wouldn't even care what we had for amenities in an OCS stadium as long as it was a full bowl and had enough bathrooms and concession facilities for the family to avoid long lines. Go Bulls!
  13. I would probably give up if Smazza or one of a few others on here were hired as AD, but even then it would be hard to give up on the Bulls. I am expecting Willie T to lead us to national prominence. Go Bulls!
  14. One thing Judy G Is good at is fundraising, so who knows. Go Bulls!
  15. The Stanford stadium looks nice and should be cheaper to do in FL than in CA unless it is dug into the ground, which it appears to be. Personally I would like an enclosed bowl of about 50k with possible expansion to over 80,000 if we should ever get to the point where we have that demand. I know that sounds far fetched, but it may happen in the future, and it is better to plan for the possibility. Go Bulls!
  16. I'm still hoping SMU beats them, but we took out their QB so it doesn't look too good for that. Oh well, we helped them by beating Cincy too. Go Bulls!
  17. I'm hoping their luck finally runs out and Cincinnati gets the BCS bid. Go Bulls!
  18. How about the penalty where we ran it wide to the 10 or so? No penalty there and we probably win the game. You can't put things on one call. Go Bulls!
  19. That would be wonderful if Duke can beat Carolina and the handle FSU in their championship game. Go Bulls!
  20. These anti Taggart, anti Bulls posts are getting out of hand. What a bunch of losers we have as fans. Go Bulls!
  21. How much of your hard earned money would you be willing to bet straight up, no spread, that USF will win this game? I'll be willing to put up an equal amount on UCF against yours. Oh big deal. I know the post wasn't directed at me, who wouldn't ever bet on college games because so much can turn on emotions, but if you are so sure of yourself, you should give at least the 26 points. The fact is we can beat UCF. That's not saying we will. Go Bulls!
  22. If you give up you have already lost. Never, never, never, never, never surrender. I haven't seen UCF that much this year, and I know that Bortles is a great qb, burt any team is beatable, and they have won what, 3 of their games by one play? I would have to believe that our guys will be up for this game and that UCF will be feeling a bit over confident. I'm not saying we will win, but don't count us out prematurely. Go Bulls!
  23. Why do you guys give up so easily? I sure hope our team doesn't think like this or we will lose that game by big numbers. There is no reason why we can't pull out a victory at UCF if we give our best effort and cut the mistakes, especially if UCF believes it will be as easy as most of the posters here seem to. Go Bulls!
  24. The losing is bad, but for me the most disturbing thing is the lack of fan support. I live a bit away from the Bay area and try to make as many games as I can, usually 4 or 5 with my season tickets. We have many fans right within an hour's drive who won't show up, even if they have tickets. The student section was embarrassingly empty, and my section as usual had plenty of empty seats. I know people have choices on how to spend their time, but come on. This is our school (for students and alumni) and we only get 6 or 7 chances a year to see them at home. I couldn't stop thinking what top recruit would want to play in front of that game day atmosphere, what conference would ever want to have us added to their offerings, and why did I ever even think we should spend millions to build an on campus stadium when obviously the football program matters so little to most of the area population, even to those who are Bulls. I hope that most people renew their season tickets for next year. I expect and trust that we will be better on the field. Regardless, this USF alumnus will be there for whatever games I can, and for the others, there in spirit as I watch or listen via whatever outlet I can find. Go Bulls!
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