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Everything posted by namuh-bull

  1. How many games does it take to be a "proven" qb? One, two, three, maybe a season? Even the greatest started out with zero wins. Time and time again we have seen where a good, hard working coach has come in and turned things around. It doesn't always happen the first year, but we aren't really up against anybody (including Miami and Louisville - I don't know about State) who are that much beyond us. UCF has a qb, but they also have O'Leary and some psychological baggage about playing us. I'm hoping that with Lynch anchoring the line we will have a hard hitting, aggressive defense with a monster pass rush (it does wonders for the secondary). I don't see why we can't compete for the league title this year. As Sir Winston Churchill said. "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." Go Bulls!
  2. That's one problem with the polls. Reputations of quality last far longer than they should. I think it would especially be bad with the coaches poll. Go Bulls!
  3. Funny...your description is an exact fit for UCF's Bright House Networks Stadium. Yeah, and notice all the support he's gotten. DW pretty much put the kibosh to building something like that ... of course, RayJay could get condemned. I never said we should build something as spartan as UCF's stadium. I think we should build concrete, probably with athletic dorms in the stadium. I just think that some of the "features" people think should be there are not needed and in my case not wanted. Go Bulls!
  4. How about http://kylefield.com for a model? More seriously, when we decide to do an on campus stadium, we need to forget about building an NFL type of stadium with posh amenities. We don't need lounge areas like the RJS end zones where fans are oblivious to what is happening on the field. That would be a major negative in my opninion and is probably the number one reason why the in game atmosphere suffers at Raymond James. Put concession and mingling areas behind the stands. We need corporate suites because they pay for themselves and more with the donation costs. We need an enclosed bowl for atmosphere, and we need the ability to get up to 85,000 or so for future expansion. That number may sound ridiculous now, but there is no telling what the future holds; it might as well be planned at the start. The stadium should be designed for maximum noise to make it to the field, and for focus on the game. I'm not sure we shoud even have individual seats instead of benches, or maybe a combination of both. Notre Dame had benches and it was a great game atmosphere. The benches at old Tampa Stadium weren't bad either. We don't need a palace of luxuries. We need a home for the Bulls. Go Bulls!
  5. I would only want an open air stadium. Football should be played in the heat, cold, mud, rain, and (although we don't get it here) snow. Go Bulls!
  6. Dual use with a baseball team? No thanks on that one. Go Bulls!
  7. Our crummy baseball team ( program) Dem Bulls. Go Bulls!
  8. I read that Trickett has celiac disease, which means anything with gluten (anything with wheat flour) will play havoc with his digestive system. Now that he knows this and can adjust his diet accordingly, I would expect him to fill out quite a bit in size better match his frame. I hope we get him to come here, but I also hope our present and incoming qbs do very well. Go Bulls!
  9. See, they should have named it "Team America". Go Bulls!
  10. That makes more sense for the Big 10. Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York. Those are the states where the people move to Florida. The Big 10 should have a Florida team just as the north east in the former Big East and in the NFL had/has Miami. Go Bulls!
  11. If FSU and Miami have been solidified in the ACC, that means that USF is now the prime choice for the B1G if they want to expand into Florida. I don't know how long it will take to become an AAU member, but from what I understand we are closer than FSU would be. Maybe that's why we are starting to play B1G teams. Go Bulls!
  12. I agree it's interesting that we are signing Big 10 games, and that we may have AAU membership before FSU (if either one or both of us does ever get AAU membership). Maybe we are being lined up for the Big 10's move to Florida. Anyway, Wisconsin will be a sellout Go Bulls!
  13. Just have a line of 6 guys side by side lined up as center and have them snap the ball as Matt goes from one to the next. After number 6 (or however many) just go back to number 1. You would think after an hour a day of this for a few weeks that he would never drop a snap again, no matter who was snapping the ball. Go Bulls!
  14. As somebody else said, The rest of the Big 10 were upset with Nebraska for losing AAU status. As for Notre Dame, they are one of the better universities in the nation academically. I don't think anybody could legitimately question the importance or prestige of academics to the university. Go Bulls!
  15. USF, of course. The old big east teams the last 5 or so years were all about the same and could beat each other any game. I don't see why it would be any different this year between UL, UC, and USF, except this year we have some coaching and with it a new attitude. Go Bulls!
  16. The were fixated on 12 before. I still say we should be either Team America or the Dirty Dozen. Go Bulls!
  17. The only problem is if the ACC loses UNC, FSU, Miami, VT, Clemson, Pitt, and GT, then it won't be a power 5 conference anymore, and even if we get into the revamped ACC it will be pretty much the same as now - we'll be looking at the power 4 and wishing we were in that group. From everything I have seen, it looks like the ACC or Big12 will be the one that gets blown up in the future. I hope we can get in the one that survives. Go Bulls!
  18. Really? We changed stadiums and many want to again , we changed conferences and many want to again. We changed uniforms it seems all the time. Why not have a new cheer ( or gesture). FSU didn't start the tomahawk chop until the 80s. Also, there doesn't have to be just one hand sign. Even my avatar BCS skunk still uses the one hand when he's holding something, although I wish I could change it to the Full Bull. Go Bulls!
  19. Alright, it's a new era with Coach T, and there has even been some talk about us going into the Big 12. I'm sure that Texas fans won't appreciate our hand signal too much, and even if we are still in the conference formerly known as the Big East, we should adopt our own (or a less well known) symbol. I advocate the "Full Bull". Just make the common bull sign with both hands, put your index fingers down next to the others, and put your two hands together. Extend your arms straight ahead at an upwards angle. It's easy, and better in my opinion than the normal sign we use. Do the "Full Bull". Go Bulls!
  20. If the story is true, the key is that FOX is the driving force, and will amend the contract so all the current schools get the same payout as they do now. The Big 12 would get the advantage of having 12 schools, access to the Florida market, and still get around $19 million per year for each school from TV. BTW, Houston is something like 799 miles by air from Tampa, Dallas 920, New York city 1020. Go Bulls!
  21. We start a reality show "Being Bull" and sell it to one of the cable networks like the history channel, Lifetime, whatever. The show follows the coaching staff and team and shows the world a bit of what life is like in a college athletic environment. If we were independent, it could even include game coverage. USF picks up millions per year, gets tons of fans world wide, major publicity, makes up cash shortfall from lousy tv contract. The only question is whether or not you could do a show like that and avoid ncaa violations. Go Bulls!
  22. Since we will no longer be the Big East, doesn't that do away with any exit fees for teams remaining after the split? Not that it matters any right now, but we are being pushed out. My choice for a new name is "Team America". No need for the word conference, and instead of a team of individuals, it is a team of schools.
  23. I'm all for second chances, but only if the guy is truly repentant and wants to change, and even then certainly not at the same level of opportunity as before. Coach T has enough to deal with that I wouldn't go for any of these 4, but if I wanted to give a young man a second chance it would be as a walk on and not with a scholarship for at least one and possibly two years, coupled with as full as possible restitution for whatever they did, worked out on a time schedule. If they step out of line again they would be gone. Go Bulls!
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