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Everything posted by fla331boy

  1. I agree with Brad here and how can you blame the fans for not wanting to put out heard earned money for a terrible product over the fast five years or so? We have to remember that the Tampa market is a fair-weather fan base as it is. Looks at the Rays, Bucs, and Lightning ticket sales. They sell and sell good during good years but I mean heck look at the Bucs dropping thier seat deposit and prices like they had years ago when times were good. Give it time and fans will come back and the revenue will increase.
  2. I agree and Mack gets plagged for high stepping into the end zone. Come on let the kids have some fun when it's the right time. I think only reason Mack did that was because the defender that tackled him play before got called for taunting. Ok, I get that it may and I say may have been a retaliation of the previous play/tackle whatever. My issue is, should we start throwing flags for taunting when we a player makes the "eating" gesture too?!?!?! It's silly and I don't agree with it. I understand if someone is standing over someone or in their face taunting but I mean to flag him to take away a TD is ludacris.
  3. I agree and Mack gets plagged for high stepping into the end zone. Come on let the kids have some fun when it's the right time.
  4. I haven't either. It's one of those shows where so many people have told me to watch it, I'm holding out out of spite. lol because that makes sense. I have to let it die down a bit so that when I watch it, it's because I want to. Ha same here, I have yet to see Breaking Bad but many say one of the best shows ever...one of thsee days. It took me a few episodes to get into it but I'm on season three right now lol
  5. One good corner blitz on his blindside and we could be force them to ride Cook and I will take my chances against him on the ground over an air attack.
  6. It's all going to start with the defense. The defense put us in great field position all game against FAMU and the MUST do the same this weekend. If they can handle that offense, I like our chances to shock the Nole nation.
  7. Not that he's a BJD but I think many people said the same about a young kid from Tally that wasn't offered a scholarship to stay at home too a few years back. Anything can happen on Saturday.
  8. I like our chances and like Brad sai, "AIn't got nothing to loose." A target is much easier to hit when it's not on your back and I think we come out get the ball and score. I loved getting the ball and getting the offense going right away. Don't make Flowers sit and wait.
  9. That is exactly what I think hey will be doing. Flowers will start and Bench will close. We will try to keep fresh players on the field, and why not rotate in a fresh qb who has been able to scout the d for a couple of quarters? Smoke & mirrors boys. We need trickeration to try to get W's out of these tough games. I disagree about the trickery to win. Just line up, know your assinments, and execute. We should be fine as long as we don't give up a counterpunch following our points. CWT knows Flowers' limitations and will allow him to just manage the game.
  10. USF covers and I think we win in a close one. Golson is notorious for throwing pics and I think our defense will force him into some bad situations as he can be a little over confident at times. I bet we see a little option ran this Saturday as well. The shovel pass will come out as well against FSU. I expect the 'Noles to stack the box and force Flowers to throw the ball. A few slants and catches across the middle should back them off.
  11. you don't know why we fired him? his defense was god awful. he played prevent defense from the opening whistle. It was very odd watching the same defense we screamed at all year last night. FIU rose to the occaision and took that one from them. Thank god we don't have to watch that defensive scheme all year. Good luck Knights
  12. Don't the Bucs get the parking monies? Either way it's nice to see that they are giving a break to students.
  13. We are a society used to service on demand and that will never change for some. Who likes being patient?
  14. Of course it makes sense. It just stings. Well put. Let's change that!
  15. I'm headed to the bank right now and talking out an unsecured loan for $100K @ USF+28
  16. Good or bad teams, it's kind of sad seeing students not support their programs. I came from FL Southern where we didn't have a football team to watch. I would have killed for free tickets to see football and just be "there."
  17. who cares about him. Let's play some football. I can hear the Heard now!!!!!!!
  18. Thank god! It appears that Flowers can actually field a snap and I hope he shows us what the "V" Formation looks like many times over this year.
  19. USF would blank Largo. Pinellas County Schools have not been very successful in football for a very long time. Just MHO
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