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Everything posted by hm101

  1. This is a joke. I haven't seen a second of the game at all. What did USF gain by making it impossible for people to view the game? How much was our contract on a per game basis to make this worth it?
  2. Exciting! Love the consistent success in soccer at USF. Hope we make some noise in the tourney this year.
  3. Navy will be tough. Our only chance is if our offense keeps up because our defense won't be familiar with Navy
  4. Meant season tix. I may be wrong about that bit I don't think so. I am confident 2008 season tix sales were better.
  5. watching a replay now. excited to see the good the bad and the ugly again
  6. Bad overreaction in this thread. Bulls show up when we win. It will happen with a delay, but it will happen. Best year for attendance was 2008, not 2007.
  7. Wish the crowd was bigger too. We've been so bad for so long and are just now showing signs of life. Not surprised.
  8. I love everything about this. I even love the qf dance. I hope he never changes it.
  9. UConn is 2-0 in the rivalry. Nice job huskies
  10. No it is not. I see people who recognize that a team is performing horribly but cannot let go of silly gimmicks. This is totally valid criticism whether no matter what color your skin or how dense the population is in your zip code.
  11. We had our share of humble pie. They laughed. We said "hey its a rough patch, we were good once and will get back" They laughed more. We said "hey, could happen to you, take it easy" They put up a billboard in our city. Then... finally... they lose miserably. So no, absolutely I have zero sympathy and am enjoying every moment of this because it is too long coming to a fan base that got way too cocky. ALSO Bonus points: each time a UCiF fan says how they were good once - when that was supposedly not relevant when we used to say it - you get one point. Tally em up.
  12. Talking today about competing hard and great effort. And how we are close. I wanted to throw my computer off a cliff and burn the remains a thousand times. The man is certifiably out of his ***** **** * * *** * ****** * * * ***** mind.
  13. I don't particularly care. Harlan can't stand for 14k fans coming to watch us lose in the most boring way possible. Taggart just plain loses football games and while we will get a few wins, he is a goner.
  14. If AW is QB next year, how exciting will it be to watch him do screens and run a power offense all day?
  15. It is more important for "coach" taggurt to prove some philosophical ideology than to win football games or put bodies in the seats.
  16. Winner: "If only the players knew how to win..."
  17. qf is only doing what coach t says. it's a joke. anyone on here who has had their manager set them up for failure knows.
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