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Everything posted by hm101

  1. Announcing in 2 years after lining up big donors, getting some solid wins under our belts, having attendance recover, and only waiting 3 years for the actual thing to arrive is the right move.
  2. just put the game on. How's Memphis looking?
  3. Oh Coach Antigua pulling a Taggart - saying team doesn't know how to win yet... (per announcers)
  4. This game concerns me. It is so obviously a thumping I am afraid of it.
  5. Great article. Looking forward to the results.
  6. I hated losing to Cincy in the Big East. Hope we pull off a long awaited home victory against Cincy this Friday.
  7. As long as he wins the football games on the schedule, I have no ammo to criticize. Different now than after Maryland / Memphis games.
  8. Danger on both sides of the ball. This is what USF is supposed to look like!
  9. I will be the first to admit that I was down on Taggart and I have nothing to apologize for - things were bad as recently as the Maryland game. But fact is we are 6-4 and just crushed a huge home win. I got nothing at the moment - good job staff and team. This is why we do it.
  10. I see many familiar names in this thread. Guys... WE are absolutely insane. That is all I have to say tonight.
  11. Wish I saw this earlier... would have been happy to pick up the tab. Maybe we need a weekly "buy a ticket for a bullpenner" thread?
  12. Not good. We need everything going right to win tonight. Sucks.
  13. Nononononon o no no no not this stuff again
  14. Offense has to put the ball in the end zone. Not as worried about our defense.
  15. I don't understand how we were asked to be patient for 5 years but the now that we are 5-4 we are expected to automatically drop everything and show up. I TOTALLY agree that we MUST begin doing our part now that the results are evident, but it will NOT happen overnight.
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