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Everything posted by Danm1983

  1. that'll teach her to pick up the phone while he's using the dial up.
  2. it's supposed to be a diamond formation. i saw oklahoma state use that i think, but it worked because they still had two wideouts and it was a heavy passing offense. i can see the premise of it being like the pistol where they don't know which person is getting handed the ball, but it doesn't work when they KNOW who's getting it.
  3. over/under on McInsider coming out with "leavitt's radio interview meddling with players' minds" article? LOL
  4. Reverse to Terrence Mitchell or Formation for running Murray up the middle, screen lateral to Landi, who throws a 40 yard pass to Andre Davis.
  5. "the greens all don't match!" j/k had to. I like it. I think gold on shoes looks crap unless they're all gold. but those don't look too bad. athletics should have invested in green seatback covers for entire lower bowl. let fans have them and bring to future games. would make sea of red look better
  6. One call per week is, or at least was, a pretty standard talk radio rule, not always iron clad, though, so 'm not sure why a start up station would adhere to it .... but whatever the reason, I seriously doubt this was some directive from USF. I can see that...maybe per show though. If a caller can bring fresh takes each time, they can get a new perspective out of each radio host that is on. I think the station somehow thinks we're in Philly or NYC or Boston and that they honestly have enough callers to go around. The amount of people that will call a radio show are usually a fraction of the listener base - I've considered it, but I prefer to not make a mistake and end up sounding like a fcktard. When they redid the station to FM, I had hoped they'd keep most of the shows intact, just in nice, clear FM. I can see maybe they wanted to part ways with JP, but they haven't gotten much better. They need to bring back Dan Patrick, I'd love to hear him in FM - but I can understand they want the local stuff, so no big syndicated shows unless they were based out of here. I mean....they have the friggin sports blob on overnight...but I guess that's probably the best slot for her since i'll never accidentally tune in. lol
  8. If Pepper is "working on it".....it sounds like he doesn't agree with it, and to me, that smells like it may have come from USF directly. After Rutgers and Ball State, the call-in shows overnight and the daytime shows were getting hammered with angry USF fans, and poor little athletics dept must have not liked it. Doesn't seem like a Pepper "move" to me, as he is about as pro-USF as it gets, even in the lean times. The only reason that rule will help is it keeps that annoying Dan caller off the air and his "how bout them Rays" BS. guy has the most annoying voice ever and his calls aren't great. Kirk and Dinger suck. This station had a lot of promise being on the FM side, but I'm starting to see that they brought in a bunch of new people who are 'bigger names', but really aren't invested in this city other than some Bucs stuff. The Commish is about the only remnant left who wants to talk USF and not bash the sh;t out of them. Kirk is annoying, but Dinger makes me do this (esp this morning on his Josh Freeman arguments): I feel like Dinger knows nothing about sports beyond watching them on TV, unless it's hockey. It almost seems like Kirk takes a stance and Dinger takes the opposite stance just to play pro/con, but he has nothing to back it up, and his method is to just interrupt and interject with some vague "what are you gonna do then?" question. I really can't listen to that show when they're trying to discuss something with a caller, it's unlistenable. Booger is an LSU guy, and I know he cares not for USF, but at least he kinda makes it known. I think he sees USF as small time, but feels like they could do a lot better. Tod Wright definitely cares not for USF, even reading his promos about USF games or giving away tickets, he sounds like someone who is thinking, "why are we giving these away, no one likes USF?" I miss Toby David, at least he was a guru about the Rays and TRIED to like USF and was decently critical of their issues. Rich Herrera doesn't care either, and the guy needs to clear his throat. And Gary Shelton sucks too. I used to think Lynne Austin was annoying and the morning show had way too many sound effects, but I actually miss that old show with Pepper and Lighthall and Austin. It was at least entertaining and didn't seem to piss anyone off. The new show hosts seem more hellbent on creating arguments and driving listeners and callers with anger (or passion as they'd call it). Hell, even JP Peterson was good with USF, other than this week bc he's an FSU guy but still. #tellmehowyoureallyfeel /rant
  9. even though we dominated last year, i could tell BSU was going to improve since they had an offense that could score (not against us). they shored up their defense quite a bit, and this year they should contend for the MAC West. They won't necessarily run the table, but they should end up being an 8-4 or 9-3 team when all is said and done. they'll certainly drop a head scratcher or close shootout in MAC play, as that always seems to happen.
  10. anyone have a pic, i just don't remember it, i guess it must have looked alright since i didn't hear any complaining.
  11. as much as i expect some people to be angry and frustrated, i really hope no one gets too out of control at his beef o bradys show. fans are allowed to be, and should be, concerned and passionate, but if someone crosses the line and gets inappropriate, it's going to really set a bad image for this fanbase, which already has its own issues.
  12. i don't think we've donned all green yet. i'd be cool with that.
  13. I still think this is different. Not gonna tell my one FSU friend to sit alone. Sorry guys. he won't be alone. he'll be sitting in the vicinity of thousands of people on his side, cheering along with him. it's a football game, not a party. i have no problem going by myself - i actually prefer to sit somewhere where i can cheer, but focus on the game and only the game. i don't want my friends talking to me unless we're discussing game play and strategy. (this is another one of those "ray jay is too much of a club/party/get together atmosphere things that a lot of us hate)
  14. We all know USF isn't flush with cash, nor has it the booster/alumni base to pool together and throw money at their problems. So, one of two things happens: 1. USF has enough money to curb Holtz after this year or next if results do not go well. Then there is little money left to lure in a brand name coach. At that point, they roll the dice with someone unproven, or hire a cheap replacement and hope they can forge the river of mediocrity for about 3 years while they save up for the next big guy. Maybe that guy works out. 2. Keep Holtz, but pressure him to replace his assistants. As mentioned before, what better time to do it than after this year, while we're undergoing a QB change anyways, and losing some more defensive players. The assistants' have gotten higher salary, so it should be enough to lure in some up and coming guys. I think if given the option, Holtz will listen to #2. I still think he's a great man, he can't coach every single player all the time. He needs competent assistants who can evaluate and develop their players, and bring feedback to the HEAD coach to make decisions regarding schemes and maximizing the potential and skill sets of the players. If that means running some offense that isn't the coach's favorite, so be it. At this point in Year 3 and recruiting shaping up for Year 4, Holtz should have enough of "his" kids on board to run what he wants (esp at QB). edit - only problem about persuading a coach to fix the assistants issue, is they tried that at Illinois with Ron Zook, and it worked for one year, then it failed, and everyone got canned. But perhaps the new assistants brought in just weren't any good either.
  15. i would think it would be a sod game because the noles haven't played in RJS in years (maybe not since sombrero days?), and merely for the payback factor since we got them at home in 09?
  16. FSU had a premium on their ticket allotment... they needed the seats. Whatever.... HOT has a history of being a lack luster program... just like our football team. The current director doesn't give two violation about being there... it's a stepping stone to a better job for him. HOT's marching and formations are sloppy and they're more concerned with having a good time than putting on a good show. Look... I was in a top level marching band and my wife was in HOT... it's a party to them. If they want to change that perception then that's fine... but that's the current status for HOT. I've been to their rehearsals.... there's no pride as a group for what they do. Individuals care but the group as a whole doesn't. Like it or not, FSU sets the bar when it comes to marching bands in FL. They take it seriously, put in the work(Chiefs literally practices 3 times as much as HOT per week) and the final product on the field shows for both their pre-game and their halftime. *excluding FAMU, whom is better, but irrelevant/nonexistent right now. (work hard, play hard, haze hard)
  17. They only play about 5 things anyways: -fight song -bull fighting first down song, whatever that is (twirl your horns around in a circle) -that annoying "da daaaaaa da dun na, da daaaa da dun na, wa-wa wa-wa wa-wa wa-wawannaanwa wa" crap -jump on it (really?) -the dramatic dun dun dunnnn type of riff they play once in a while. sat next to them for rutgers...honestly not terrible, just the fact they're not mic'ed up means they sound drowned out by the crowd and/or the crappy PA music. fsu only needs 100 band members to play their fight song and their war chant...they'd only need 400 if they had to drown out the usf fans and band.
  18. We should just channel our history in big games. Sure, there will be whiners claiming beating the Seminoles is not a BE Championship. I'll take a win Saturday. A lot of folks all around get well quick with that. indeed. maybe the radioactivity from the weekend is wearing off, but starting to feel better about this week, i think we at least make them sweat...more than clemson did. #soYoureSayingTheresAChance maybe i'm just a sucker for buildup beatdown
  19. LOL, do we allow them to plant their spear there and take a piece of our turf? Someone really needs to show the players the bit about how FSU takes a piece of grass from everywhere on the road they win....WE MUST PROTECT OUR TURF!!!
  20. we need to channel our inner Pitt and pretend FSU is VA Tech. Murray is Ray Graham and Shaw is Rushel Shell. BJ already kinda is Sunseri in many ways. #youCanDoEET
  21. At least we don't have a chance to lose to an FCS school until the beginning of next year (McNeese State). If that were to happen (with or without Woulard, Eveld, or Floyd), hold onto your hats. The web server might just catch fire.
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