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Everything posted by Danm1983

  1. hey if we make a list, it's PR right? you know what they say, bad PR is good PR? eh? eh?
  2. filing this under the "why is this a thread/thought" category...
  3. moving mitchell back to defense wouldn't help last year or this year - Cosh's scheme could make Darrelle Revis look bad.
  4. hate gary shelton on radio but he writes good articles
  5. he could thrive in orlando being they're doing some rebuilding. he definitely needs to improve on defense. or another team that is just looking for some depth help, though most teams are probably close to settled at this point minus early season injuries.
  6. Don't want to get ahead of myself, but the talent level in the secondary looks like it might be decent in the next few years. Maybe they can rely on that talent and start playing more man coverage (our next DC will be doing that ) also.... (RE: the "tailoring" of the offense to BJ and how it should work out in the future)
  7. That would be great... ManU in the morning... USF in the afternoon. Meh. Chelsea in the morning and USF in the afternoon is much more appealing KTBFFH!
  8. Well they are putting Cosh on the sideline this week, and one of the other guys up in the booth. That's about as much change as you're gonna get for now.
  9. How many coaches have been fired after a bad stretch of 15 games (3-12)? not saying he would, should clarify, in all likelihood he would have a greater chance to be fired after the year (would take more losing and more pressure too), than being fired now/last week. (in response to people wondering why he's not fired yet - usf doesn't operate that way)
  10. you would have to word the question to: "coach, some of the current defensive schemes seem to provide the opposition with a lot of cushion to make short passes with high completion percentages, and then a missed tackle can result in a long gain. have you considered playing more man coverage (with safety help) in an attempt to be more aggressive and prevent teams from converting long down and distance plays?" you probably have to word it as a "curious fan" question rather than someone coming in with a heater.
  11. in all likelihood, cosh is gone after the season. why not now? dunno...maybe they feel that if they're gonna sh;t away his 2nd year, at least ride him out through the entire first year to get their money's worth. i would be really surprised if they don't force holtz to find a new DC. OC? probably keeping fitch, just how it will be. him and holtz are tight, don't expect that to change. question. big level donor to step up....do we have any of those? legitimate question. is morsani considered a donor? do we have anyone that is REALLY going to care enough to pony up and be the voice? i'm not that "in" with any donors, but perception is we're not a rich program when it comes to donors.
  12. Someone tell the staff that being ranked "higher" actually means having a lower number.
  13. I thought i read it as Usf where whining is tradition.
  14. some people may not be able to make out the guy on the left. could have at least put a line of text that says, this is current coach heath and old coach greenburg, caption away. chill, son.
  15. 1. post blurry picture 2. ask who's in it 3. bash responses solid trolling, my friend.
  16. duimig is a philly ******* anyways, he couldn't care less about much of anything tampa. it's a radio job, they're gonna homer it up for wherever they are. kirk mcewen in the mornings is a DC/baltimore guy, and todd wright did a lot of west coast stuff i think. both of those guys at least try to seem like they care and support for the market they broadcast in.
  17. lol duimig trying to stoke the fire, 620 is in whambulance mode since no one listens to them anymore. i did hear a (seemingly) older caller at the beginning of the usf magazine show at 6pm tonight call in and was going off about skip hasn't had enough time, and he inherited a terrible team and recruiting had been poor, etc. at least mike pepper noted after the call that he inherited a pretty talented team, though he didn't correct the caller that recruiting had been hovering around the top 25 near the end of leavitt's tenure. the caller even whined that usf basketball was only ranked 9th...dude, its the f'n big east, and if teams bounce back, we're at where we should be right now....last year we were preseason picked 13th in the conference and ended up 4th. the callers are usually the worst. 1 out of maybe 20 can formulate a proper argument with facts. radio isn't the internet guys, you can't edit your call afterwards...smh
  18. Injuries can kill in soccer, esp if the depth isn't there. Even happens at our club level team, we had some key people with nagging injuries, and another moved away, and our offense was basically two guys, and it was too easy to cover them when no one else had the leg to strike like they did.
  19. redbird, your trolling skills are impeccable. setting us all up for a letdown! LOL
  20. it's a problem in many college games, i see defenders watching the ball fly, and don't make a move on the football. they end up either giving up a big play, can't make a tackle, or draw a pass interference call.
  21. Team A - get in shootout with crappy team from Indiana, but still win = team defensive meeting Team B - get in shootout with crappy team from Indiana, but lose = ???
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