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Everything posted by swamprat

  1. Oh hell no. We don't need the middle of the floor opened up for wide open floor length layups.
  2. Ten minutes left. Past last call. Eddie should be staggering out of the building, soon.
  3. Not when the basketball resembles a softball in his hands. If he ever gets to where he can play this game, look out.
  4. I have to run an errand over in Pinellas. We're going to head over to Capogna's afterward.
  5. IMO, that would be a disastrous hire, especially if USF wants to be part of any future expansion. Fans and ADs don't vote for inclusion into a conference, university presidents do. I don't believe university presidents like Bobby Petrino.
  6. Rumors are out there that Kirby Smart will be the next coach at Auburn. It's all over twitter that Smart is interviewing for the Auburn job. However, Taggart's name is on almost every search list. After Butch Jones and Dave Doeren turned down Purdue, he is being sought by them as well. Also, Wille may wait to see if Strong leaves Louisville. My gut tells me he covets that job to some extent. Taggart is a WKU alumni. I'm not sure that he'd realistically be that interested in a school like UL over USF, if we came calling. I hope you are right. Again, it's just my gut.
  7. Rumors are out there that Kirby Smart will be the next coach at Auburn. It's all over twitter that Smart is interviewing for the Auburn job. However, Taggart's name is on almost every search list. After Butch Jones and Dave Doeren turned down Purdue, he is being sought by them as well. Also, Wille may wait to see if Strong leaves Louisville. My gut tells me he covets that job to some extent.
  8. Jones flew out to Colorado for and interview with their search committee, which includes several players oddly enough, and then back to Cincinnati for the Belk Bowl news conference. No questions about his employment status are going to be allowed at the press conference. Rumors are that CU offered him $15 million over 6 years (2.5 mill a year).
  9. Doubled my donation before Skip was let go and have my new seats picked out for next year.
  10. http://www.kansas.com/2012/12/01/2587070/police-chiefs-players-kills-girlfriend.html Killed his girlfriend at her home, then drove to the Chief's practice facility and killed himself.
  11. You're right, you missed a couple. A lot of the open jumpers from the perimeter came from AC penetrating and kicking out or AC faking the drive and pulling up for that awkward floater of his. The lack of fouls had more to do with bad refereeing. Poland, LeDay, and Collins got hammered several of times in the paint, and got nada in the way of a call.
  12. Thought Fitz had a pretty good game tonight ... set a couple of nice screens to allow AC to get that unorthodox shot of his off ... needs to shoot more 3's when he's got them. Stan said as much in his post game.
  13. Hats off to the student section. I thought they were great tonight. I love the acoustics in the new dome. Maybe it's where we're seated, but the place rocks when it gets loud and it got loud this evening.
  14. It's not been a good week for my Alma Maters. Florida demolishes Marquette and ND upsets Kentucky. I'm hoping the Bulls prevent the Trifecta. We'll be there.
  15. An excellent read and a major concern for those of us who wish our Alma Maters to be worried about funding educational scholarships, not football coaching salaries.
  16. &rewBull and BBM are trying to convert me. I'm trying to keep an open mind. Having said that, 28K is not big enough and is still a shared stadium, retractable roof or no. And if I'm a soccer fan, I don't want to have to put up with it being converted for football.
  17. While I hope you're right, hasn't soccer been "poised to explode" in this country for a decade or more? Try the last 30 years.
  18. I hope you are right. Forgive me that I just do not see it. The pundits local and national are laughing at us now. They must be reading this board ...
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