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Everything posted by swamprat

  1. 7:00 PM ESPNU. http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/schedule?date=20130312
  2. Those nasty germs find their way down here as well. Our grandson had his share of colds this year. But it is a bit easier to take with 65 degrees. Mrs. S stays sick. She almost gets well, goes and spends a weekend babysitting the grandkids and comes back with a new bug. It's been nuts this year. She's over there right now. I can't wait to see what she brings back this time. aj, great snowman. You need to put horns on him, though.
  3. We'll already be over there for Thanksgiving at my kid's place. I could care less when it is. We'll be there if we can get tickets.
  4. I'm not renewing, but upgrading. At the very least, I will have to wait until the spring game to see what is available. My rep got promoted (Brian, you can thank me with a bottle of Woodford Reserve Double Oaked, if you like. ), and I haven't been assigned a new one, yet.
  5. Guys, he has a valid point, he just wasn't straight forward getting to it. 71, I understand that you wish the Academic Committee to look at more than standardized test scores when determining an athlete's academic worthiness to be accepted at USF. However, how does the engineer's engineer in you reconcile the inability to quantify non-standardization of acceptance standards? I'm not trying to be funny. I am honestly an interested.
  6. I think the crazy, homeless guy is a bit much. Zenmaster Phil is better ... but I kind of picture this guy, who the vast majority of you will have no ******* clue who it is: One of my favorite professors. And he is "The Worlds Foremost Authority".
  7. Ricky, it was not near as cold as Saturday night. The temp was about like Friday night's game. Too many errors at inopportune times coupled with timely hits by BC. The called strike 3 on a 3-2 pitch with the bases loaded and James Ramsay on deck to end the 6th, was a killer. James led off the 7th with a ground rule double, but ended up stuck on 3rd. The Bulls also had 2nd and 3rd with 2 out in the 8th with Ramsay again on deck and Alex Mendez grounded out to end the inning. Just one of those nights. It was a long game, too, 3:41. The HP ump got into it with somebody in the USF dugout in the top of the 7th. Came close to an ejection, but I couldn't tell who he was pointing at. He said it was a guy in green. A couple of people in the stands said, "WTF? We're all wearing green." At that poing the whole crowd got on the ump. A guy in a suit told the ump what he thought and not to worry about having him ejected because he was leaving. Another guy in the stands road the ump the rest of the game. "Two things you don't do. Say anything about Mr. Harvey's diet and don't question his strike zone. Definitely don't question his strike zone." "Hey can you move this thing along, this black man has to get up an go to work, tomorrow." "Hey, blue. If that 3rd base coach comes down the line much further, you need to give him a bat."
  8. We beat Bradley 82-63 and Bowling Green 87-84, but that was in triple OT, so yeah.
  9. Ended up missing this one for the basketball game. Mrs. S and I would have been entertained at either game. James Ramsay is the bomb!! Toledo was pitching him outside a lot last night, trying to keep it out of his wheelhouse. Looks like they slipped up.
  10. Yes, sir. We don't plan on making today's game, though. We'll be at the basketball game.
  11. Nick got the run support he needed, but the pen let it get away. On some positive notes ... Gonzolez worked his way out of potential disaster in the 1st. To get out of that giving up just one run was close to a miracle. Gilcrease's bunt in the 5th was a thing of beauty. Copack's stop to end the eighth was a great play. Made a great stab going to his right and gunned the guy down. Like I said, the kid's got one heck of an arm.
  12. Because there is way more to collegiate sporting events, than the game. You don't experience that sitting in your lounge chair. I would not have the friendships I've made going to the games, as opposed to sitting at home.
  13. Conference of Self-loathing Fans or Best of the Rest Conference
  14. Kyle Copack was the third baseman. As long as he can keep them in front of him, his arm can make-up for his fielding. I had no idea James Ramsay was that fast. Nice start for the Herget. I thoroughly enjoyed the game. We'll be back tonight. Ricky, it was great seeing you. I saw Bubbles at the concession stand, and Mrs. S told me she saw you Mike. We really need to plan a party out here at the homestead.
  15. Get the NFL to buy the naming rights. The National Football League Conference Huh? Huh?
  16. I like it. Naming rights! Beautiful idea. Verizon Conference Coca-Cola Conference Raymond James Conference Ford Conference Bank of America Conference then there is.... Conference Kool-Aid
  17. Joey Johnston â€@JJohnstonTBO Like last week, #USF men's game (vs Pitt) shown tape delay tonight, 10 pm, in Tampa. Bright House doing state boys HS hoops live.#BigEast Any reason to think ESPN3 will not blackout the game here, because Bright House is tape delaying it? :wishfull_thinking:
  18. ok, UCLA is directional. i stand corrected. LA isn't a direction .... USC is the only deal buster. By that definition, Wisconsin-Whitewater, Fresno State, UTSA, and SDSU are not directional schools. not many folks would agree with you there... A city isn't a direction and those you mentioned aren't directional. I guess you would call them locational ... Bottom line in all this is that there is a directional school in a Power 5 conference, no matter what the definition. Anyone OTHER than a fellow grammar nazi would consider all of those "directional" and would NOT consider USC in that category. . It's not about grammar, it's about image. Wait for it... Perception IS reality!! Now I got it .... Basically, there are no "directional" schools in the Power 5 because, it appears, the definition of a "directional" school does not include BCS/Power 5 ... No. Let me explain. A "directional" school is not necessarily a school with a direction like north or east in its name. It is directional if it has these characteristics: 1) Is a public institution 2) Is part of a system in which there is a flagship institution and the school in question is not the flagship. 3) it has a direction in its name that is NOT a part of the name of the state. Thus, USC is not a directional university because it is not a public institution. North Carolina is not a directional university because "north" is part of the name of the state. UCLA is not a directional university because by the formal UC system designation, it is recognized as a flagship along with UC-Berkley. However, schools like UCF, USF, and ECU are directional, because they meet all three criteria. Those three criteria collectively have a stigma attached to them because they imply subordination to another school in the system, e.g., USF to UF, ECU to UNC, etc. Schools with the word "tech" or "state" also face a lesser stigma, since they too are subordinate to the flagship, unless they also are the flagship in their system, such as Penn State, Ohio State, and LSU. If someone is going though that much trouble to stigmatize us, they're trying too hard.
  19. Tampa Bay University. TBU. Takes care of any regional misconception, though it could get confused with UT, but hey, better than Florida Southern. Tampa Bay Bulls Change the colors to red and silver. Why the hell not?
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