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Everything posted by NAM37

  1. Of course, but they aren't going to add us just to dilute their talent pool. We have to bring something to the table.
  2. I'm generally wrong about this sorta thing, but I don't anticipate a close game. Either the team that killed Cincinnati shows up and we win by 20 or we get off to a slow start, the game gets out of control, and we loose by 20.
  3. Good interview with Coach Taggart on 102.5. http://feeds.theboneonline.com/~r/InYourFaceClipOfTheDay/~5/E0GqYzC3cMQ/DGFC111815.mp3 http://www.theboneonline.com/list/entertainment/drew-garabo-live-cut-day/ex2/
  4. Personally, I would rather grow the AAC into a P6 conference and have them share their money with us, but unfortunately I doubt that's a real option.
  5. So far this year my take-home is that this team is fairly physically talented, but not very smart. I'm just not sure if "not smart" is a result of coaching or genetics.
  6. The other "Power" conferences would have to want to split their money with us. I don't see that EVER happening without a HUGE tilt in power that couldn't be ignored. Like multiple teams from the American winning a national title.
  7. There was a day (and it seems like a LOOOOOOOooooong time ago) when I would have been very unhappy with that bowl match-up. However, now I'd be very excited to see it.
  8. If we can string together a couple more wins I think it will positively effect attendance. My section (239) was still almost empty for 'cuse.
  9. More info: http://www.uh.edu/news-events/stories/2013/june/061713UHMFootballStadium.php
  10. If we were half as good as UGA, most sane USF fans would be happy.
  11. The team is better, but the fans are more frustrated and getting ostracized. The fan turnout has been horrible, but expectations still exist. The worst thing that can happen here (and I believe this has already started) is ambivalence and acceptance. A couple more of seasons of this and most people (not those here) won't even think about USF football anymore.
  12. >> Haha. Ok, five passes. Score twice and you have us for sure. Of course this is if >> Taggart leaves your QB in the game after taking the ball down the field and scoring >> on the previous drive. I still don't understand that logic? I'm pretty sure CWT predetermines all game day decisions and doesn't deviate. If it's on the script he does it. If it's not on the script it doesn't get done.
  13. >> We are stocked at receiver for the first time since Skip got fired, but they are all young. But for some reason we never throw to them...
  14. We NEED to be able to throw on these guys. Bowling Green scored a million points and threw for a million yards against MD. It we can't move the ball through the air it really shows how weak our passing game is.
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