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Everything posted by NAM37

  1. Here's a quick conversion using your current art: https://www.dropbox.com/s/djob7qwsk3ym8yj/tbp-favicon-1.png?dl=0 It's not the best quality, but should work fine for a favicon. If you can send me higher resolution art I can make it cleaner.
  2. I can build you what you need, but I'll need larger versions of the art unless you want me to just make something new.
  3. Doesn't matter. Even when they attend they leave at half time anyway.
  4. QF is the starter day one. Period. Woulard should get plenty of garbage-time action, so we'll get to see him on the field. But without an injury I don't see too many scenarios where any coach would take someone who plays like QF off the field. Now if for some reason QF comes out and stinks up the place (which I don't see happening) then AW probably gets a look at starter.. eventually. But for now it's QF's job and he's earned it.
  5. Looks like they are finally starting to work on the score board.
  6. This is just another example of USF's geography problem. There is a very small (comparatively) affluent fan base and practically ZERO corporate money here. They've been trying to sell naming rights for the Sun Dome for years. Unless we get the Patel or Morsani practice field, it ain't gonna happen.
  7. There is very little "corporate" presence in the Tampabay area. I would expect low percentages for all of the local teams.
  8. We have a relatively small incoming class. Considering that we did very well. Also, it doesn't really count for "rankings," but if you think about the number of transfers who will be eligible for the first time next season, we should be very much improved.
  9. Looks like UK built one for $8.5 million. http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/sec-football/photos-of-sec-indoor-practice-facilities/
  10. Odd. I e-sign contracts quite often.
  11. It's pretty shocking to me that they still can't use email for that sorta thing...
  12. Who should be the QB in 2016? I'm not sure if this is the same as "Who will be the QB in 2016?" but this should be interesting.
  13. I would love him to stay, but SEC equipment managers make more than Allen does here. If they want him, he's gone.
  14. I hope next year we run more (some) plays from under center. I think that would help our short yardage game (and Mack) dramatically.
  15. Make a couple of 3rd downs and it doesn't matter...
  16. Unless the G5 team is legislated, you'd be unlikely to ever see it happen. There will always be a 1 loss SEC/PAC/BIG school that gets in first.
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