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Everything posted by No_Willie_Jokes_Yet

  1. If you want to download the video file from YouTube you can use http://keepvid.com/. But you need to understand flash files when you try to open it.... I have the clips on avi and a 3g2 format for my phone...
  2. Its on ESPN's Website. Try this link: http://broadband.espn.go.com/ivp/splash?id=263080058
  3. Or go to Disney to hit on a lot of hot cheerleaders! That is always a great weekend.
  4. His picks contest is for one reason and one reason only, to drive traffic to the Tribs web page. Apart from his picks contest there wasnt much information being put up on his blog. It's kinda like tying the porkchop around your next so the dog will play with you.......
  5. Bret is still calling us the "New Big East". Screw him. Were in the BIG EAST. The ACC isnt the "old acc" nor it conference USA the "New Conference USA". Its BIG EAST.
  6. you were all of this one fast Can we still attack posts that do not make sense?
  7. Lets be realistic. Its great Rutgers is ranked but we need them to lose two conference games. We also need to win out. This buddy buddy conference mate crap stuff ends when the championship is on the line. I hope Rutgers loses to Pitt and at least one other conferennce team.
  8. and sometimes..like the first "drive" last Sat. Matt doesn't waste any time..he just takes it in from the 16 yard line. Yeah that really messed up his average!
  9. ALL OVER CAMPUS. At Oklahoma there were tailgates from one side of campus to the other. People had run electric from their offices and from buildings, they found shade and real bathrooms close by. It was really cool. You could tailgate on the practice fields, on top of the business building, probably on the baseball field like UCF does with Tinker Field (they could set up tents and charge for all you can eat buffets etc there). I am sure people would even park at MOSI and tailgate over that way. Tailgating and parking will take care of itself.
  10. He even siad he was wrong for bashing the Big East last year. THAT WAS CLASSIC.
  11. We can never have enough good tight ends....
  12. He didnt get his day in court becuase he failed to disarm himself when he was confronted by the swat team. Really? You were there? Or are you taking the police officer's word for it -- the one who actually saw whether he was armed when shot or not. I thought this thread was about how bad law enforcement can be -- either we distrust them or we trust them. This nation was founded on distrust, and an ingenius system to get down to the bottom of things without having to rely on the single, empowered voice. Anyway, you can't have it both ways. If we're going to turn the critical gaze to what's happened at Ray Jay the last two weeks, we have to turn it on what happened in Lakeland, too. Yes, I am going by what the officers said. Why dont you jump the other people who think they just executed him? Hmmm? This thread was about law enforcement abuses at the football games. I even posted a story about an abuse with my father. But why cant I have it both ways? I can say an officer may abuse their power but at the same time, I do not want an officer to question his decision to shoot or be shot. These officers werent at a football game. They were deep in the woods and being hunted themselves (see where the suspect shot at a third officer). There is automatically an investigation ANY TIME an officer fires his weapon. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will review the case and they are an outside entity from Polk County. The people who think that X number of bullets fired or hit on target means some type of guilt and THAT IS BS.
  13. He was just the QB coach... not the OC. I believe this is correct.  Last year was Rod's first year as OC. The last few years he was QB coach and pass game coordinator. Two jobs he excelled at.....not. I think Rod is improving but so is the talent he is using. Grothe can think on his feet and audible, something that makes Smith look much better. Some of the calls are still suspect but he is getting better.
  14. He didnt get his day in court becuase he failed to disarm himself when he was confronted by the swat team. As much as he deserved his day in court, those officers who confronted an armed man in the woods deserved to be able to go home to their families ALIVE. They have the right to disable the threat in front of them. If you ever find yourself with a gun in your hand and a cop confronting you, put the gun down or else you will be judged as a threat and disabled.
  15. I'd rather hope we never NEED a meaningful field goal....
  16. There defense was much worse then FIU. Some of us knew going into the FIU game that their defense would be one of the toughest we would face between FIU/Kansas/UCF/UCONN and I would dare to say N.C. and Cincu and Cuse. That FIU defense was pretty good.
  17. Incorrect. They actually shot over 100 times but only hit 68. That doesnt imply they were out for blood it implies they had a threat in front of them with a gun who had already killed someone and shot someone else. You tell me what your nerves would be like walking through a forest looking for an armed man with a gun who MAY SHOOT YOU AT ANY MOMENT. You finally find the guy and you dont know if he is going to shoot it out with you. He doesnt surrender which means bullets can fly at any second. Your a swat team memeber holding an MP5 which fires 13 rounds of bullets a second. You fire, your buddy fires and his buddy fires. Within 3 seconds thats about 100 bullets. Too much? I think not.
  18. My FATHER had a problem with a big black police officer from Tampa who was working outside of the parking lot entrance 7 at the stadium. My dad is frugal and had an extra parking pass to lot 5SB. For the money I pay for that privlege I could care less if he uses my pass when I am not at the games. But he decided to go sell the parking pass and did so up by entrance 7. The person who bought it was searching for change and the car behind them honked their horn. The cop got out of his car ran to my dad SCREAMING, got right up in his face chest bumped him and screamed "what do you think you are doing?" my dad stepped back and said "I was selling an extra parking pass we were not using. " With that the cop chest bumped him again and repeated the question "What do you think you are doing here?" My dad responded "I just told you I was trying to sell an unused parking pass but I can leave its not that big of a deal. With that this guy SLAPPED my fathers hand (he had a beer in his hand and didnt realize he couldnt have it outside of the white fence), so this guy doesnt say, throw that out, doesnt say "sir you cannot have open alcohol out here", he just slapped (yes physicallyo assulted my father) the beer out of his hand and yells "You cant have that here, get out of here". So my dad starts walking away but he figures this guy is going to get him for littering. So he asks the cop if he wants him to pick up the beer, POUR IT OUT, and dispose of it in a trash can. The COP yelled at him to leave it there, and get out of there or he was going to jail!!!! Unfortunately my dad did not get this officers name or badge number. Sure the guy cut him a break on the open container but this cop needs to work on his communication skills and STOP PHYSICALLY hitting people. Had my dad hit another citizen like this cop hit him, he would have been arrested. I hope someone knows who this cop was. Its rediculous for a cop to assult an individual. Had he said to move on, my dad would have. My father is a retired fire-fighter and former university cop (Yale). He respects law enforcement. THIS WAS UNCALLED FOR. I told my dad just to toss the pass if I am not at the next game.
  19. Congrats. Just remember, dont let her have her wedding during football season. You can always celebrate a Birthday while tailgating.
  20. Wow. I used to deliver the New Haven Register way back about 3rd/4th grade....
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