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Everything posted by No_Willie_Jokes_Yet

  1. Dont worry /you they are just F-ing with you again. Its that dame "/" "command". What is funny is that /you fall for it every time....
  2. The last thing to consider is a play like that takes coordination. Its easy to Monday Morning the situation but at the time we had a play called everyone was in formation and by the time Rutgers lined up it was too late. We didnt have any more timeouts to call and coordinate the play and trying to call an audible to a play that hasnt been pre-arranged is not ony impossible but stupid! If we had a time out, maybe. But even then as some pointed out, the clock starts on the kick, that play would take 8-10 seconds now we have to get the entire offense on the field, spike the ball 2-3 seconds and try a field goal. That only happens if everything works perfectly.
  3. Hmmm when I hit the button a few days ago it sent me to comedy central...
  4. Well at least the 2 point conversion wasnt designed to go to Erskin (sp) this game....
  5. id pay $30 to see you lecture Thanks Steve! Actually the going rate is a bit less than that per hour- per student. If you figure only in state tuition, students are paying about $8.5 for each hour of class time (45 hours in a semester). Of course I have one class with 80 students so that would be about $680 per hour for that class.... So a three hour lecture would run you personally about $25.5! Now if I could only get 30k to show up!
  6. So you take them to NJ to show them NY? LOL. Gee we recruit kids on what we offer, not what Orlando has..... I guess snow makes all that ground without grass look pretty. That happy with snow feeling changes pretty quick when your doing winter conditioning.....
  7. I might ask this good man how many miniutes has our anthropology professors gotten USF on NATIONAL TV. Jim Leavitt and the football program are a bargain. Also, as a professor myself, when 40,000 students will line up to pay $30 each to watch me lecture, then I will want that million dollars. Until then I'll be happy with my salary.
  8. Someone should photoshop that sucker to show them in the snow freezing their butts off running in the offseason jan/feb.
  9. Perhaps we should change the name again.... From SBC to BCS? Bulls Club for Students? I just love the BCS! Nothing like joining the BCS club!
  10. I like em both. I think Jenkins has world class speed but he does need to get into the game mentally a bit more. Those mistakes in the first two (the penalties) could have cost us the game. But I still love the way he can shut down receivers.
  11. I heard a local dermatologist offered them 2 million for the new stadium if they DONT cover it....
  12. Knowing there was demand, they should have required a body present with ID card to buy tickets. The lazy bastards who coulnd get to the line could buy the tickets at full price and the students who showed up and got in line would have their cheap tickets. It's too bad some rich daddy warbucks cant pony up tickets for every student that wants to attend the game......Although I dont want to see that much money go to the nagits.
  13. i just ordered it tonight just incase the game doesnt get picked up here in tampa.  it is 14.95 for a month or 99.95 for the whole year (not football season but whole 12 month year, they show other sports as well) i am still crossing my fingers that i can just turn on the tv and watch it rather then pluging my laptop into the tv and watching an internet feed which im sure will be have freezing going on. But do you get the video feed or just the stats? I beleive many of the Knights had problems with the feed for their first game...
  14. You can get flash files as well. Check out this page for tips... http://www.infocellar.com/software/streaming-media.htm What software do you use to convert the WMV files to DVD?
  15. You can watch the replay on espn360 for free, you do not need to be a subscriber. I have the wmv files but they are pretty big to email.
  16. Did my advice help? I was able to copy the WMV files using the cocsoft down stream software.
  17. Dr. Phill says: Leave the girlfriend at home. Take her for a nice dinner afterwards....
  18. Got it. I downloaded software from a site http://stream-down.cocsoft.com/download.html They have a free 15 day trial. Then I opened the espn360 page and opened up a quarter. I got the URL for the video went to this cocsoft software and I was able to download quarter one of the video in a wmv format. I am sure I can convert that to a dvd somehow. I know I can convert it to a 3gp file and watch the game on my cell phone!!!!!!!
  19. Download a 30 day trial of Camtasia Studio from Techsmith. You can copy any section of the screen you want. They give you a 30 free trial. If you need it after that, just backdate your computer.  It will take a LONG time to compile after running the entire length of the film. Or you can mess with the URL in the video, its a WMV file arleady but there is no save option. The URL IS: Download a 30 day trial of Camtasia Studio from Techsmith. You can copy any section of the screen you want. They give you a 30 free trial. If you need it after that, just backdate your computer. It will take a LONG time to compile after running the entire length of the film. Or you can mess with the URL in the video, its a WMV file arleady but there is no save option. The URL IS: Download a 30 day trial of Camtasia Studio from Techsmith. You can copy any section of the screen you want. They give you a 30 free trial. If you need it after that, just backdate your computer. It will take a LONG time to compile after running the entire length of the film. Or you can mess with the URL in the video, its a WMV file arleady but there is no save option. The URL IS:'>mms://a3.v20473a.c20473.g.vc.akamaistream.net/7/3/20473/v0001/espn.download.akamai.com/20473/t_assets/20060909/386db3cb869990d529a286e82bb04ba75fb7e7d2.wmv?s=espn360&c=NCAA_Football
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