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Everything posted by No_Willie_Jokes_Yet

  1. Screw the Noles. We can catch them in a bowl game and beat them. Even better than a regular season game.
  2. Okay I HATE the high rainbow. HATE HATE HATE IT. Why you might ask? Becuase in addition to height our receivers have speed, pretty good speed. The high rainbow doesnt keep the defense honest and open up the run game like some mentioned. The defensive backs have time to react to the high rainbow, therefore they can react to the ball in the air. The high rainbow hasnt been that effective. It puts our receivers in a very tough situation to catch a ball and get hit by a safety who just ran 20 yards to get the the rainbow ball. We throw that ball to the sideline so right away there is a 50/50 shot of the ball carrying out of bounds. Now throw in the fact that the defensive player will break up 50% of the plays we now have a 25% effective play. Plus the ZERO YAC (yards after the catch) I'd rather we ran an offense that didnt rely on the jump ball/hope for an interference call. I'd much rather see our receivers get hit with the ball in stride and keep running. We throw that high ball jump crap becuase its Rod Smiths only pass play he can come up with. If you want to take advantage of the height throw the ball high to the receiver in a pattern. We still have the height advantage.
  3. http://www.kickoffzone.com/default.aspx?page=article&article=232
  4. You can use the software Audacity (freeware, look it up) to create your own ringtones. My phone plays MP3s and I make all my own ringtones.
  5. That's alot of expense to the business owners in the area. The university would need to help out. Think advertising, stationary etc.
  6. What format do you need the ringtone in? MIDI MP3 etc...
  7. So I told George to crap in one hand and wish for BCS in the other and see which one gets filled first.
  8. Okay I reviewed the agreement with Pokerstars. I can post the password here without using the email options. The tournament password is: FowlerAve I'm going to post this around and drum up some interest for the preseason event.
  9. I think it should be an "open" format. But we can let the group decide. The more people the bigger the pots!!!
  10. Bulls Series of Poker! Game: No Limit Texas Holdem Buy in: $10 + $1 Date:Sunday August 13th Time: 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Password: Available via email slate55@aol.com or via the private message feature on this site. (Put Bulls Series of Poker in the subject). I have set up a pre-season tourney for Sunday August 13th on Pokerstars. If your on Pokerstars click "Requests" then click "Find a tournament". The tournament ID is 28915353. It is a $10 + $1 buy in event. The $10 all goes to the winners and the $1 goes to Pokerstars. This is something I am putting togeather for fun. If you are interested in playing I have to give you a password to register for this tourney. Bulls fans can take on the fans from our schedule each week. I figure we will do 1 tourney a week during the season then have a grand champ game where only previous winners play for the title.
  11. It would definately be Holdem. As for tournament vs. cash game, well, I must be an idiot. I like the tournament idea better. Not only that, but online we cant control the cash game, we can just say find so and so and there may be seats open. With a tournament we can limit the amount of loss to say $11 bucks a week. That may help some of the married (broke) men out there to convince the wife. I may set up a pre-season event just to see how everyone likes it. I've posted this on Rivals as well. I just want to clarify that this isnt something I'll do for money but rather for fun. We can set up a tournament before each game and invite board members from the other team (or any interested Big East fan if we want). We can do one weekly tournament for like a $10 buy in. Then at the end of the season we can do a BOWL tournament where only the winners from the previous 15 weeks can play. I think that would be a really cool format.
  12. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a poker challenge. I can set up real money tournaments via Pokerstars. I was thinking about having an open challenge to whatever team we are playing each week of the season. Say a $10 buy in (Pokerstars gets an extra $1) so $11 total. Us Bulls fans would take on opposing teams each week. We could also open it up to other people on our schedule. It wouldnt help the board/school any as all money goes to the winners and pokerstars but it would be a fun way to get to know some of our opponents. The games are password controlled. So not everybody can just jump in. Anyone interested?
  13. I want a shirt that says: "The best part of being a USF Bull" on the back it has a picture of a Bulls rear and says "You get a little tail"!
  14. I am hoping Servino sees time in the first two games. Heck I hope our 5th string QB sees time in those first two games. We should be up by a bunch by the 2nd qrt. PJ needs 1-2 drives just like pre-season NFL. Matt needs enough time to get as comfortable with the offense as needed. But once were up by 50, put in the subs and keep our horses safe.
  15. I look at it this way, the more Andre reproduces, the better chance we have of having Andre Jr. break his records here...
  16. You did when you said: From Wiki... It would be nice to know what your saying when you say it.
  17. Oh great nows its lack of religion in society that's the cause. That's it bench society for 3 games. Okay, lets go with what the Taliban did. Hmmm. Beat anyone publically that breaks the religous law, no trial, just religious thugs wandering around with sticks. It meets your criteria, doesnt it?
  18. Actually its what the players DID that's important. Do you think if Carlton Hill raped someone he would still be with the team. Of course O'leary kicked him off the team, the actions were of a felony nature and even worse, violence against a female. Leavitt's leash has been for incidents much different than O'learys. Our kids arent on campus with guns or raping women.
  19. Or this gem. http://www.wftv.com/news/5324260/detail.html At least our guy wasnt violating a woman.
  20. At least Devon Davis is learning slowly. Smoking weed in a dorm is dumb but only half as dumb as smoking it in your car downtown.
  21. The reason this UCFer has heard more about our problems is becuase GURU(Phil)aka Bagboy of the year constantly posts anythign that happens at USF on the UCF board. I often say I check their board out just to see if anything bad happened at USF overnight. UCF has had players with guns in their dorm and players who have raped people ALL IN THE LAST 18 months. Yet one of our kids is in a room with college kids smoking a joint and he is a really bad apple?
  22. Hmmm this kids crime is right up there with him drinking a beer before he turned 21; neither are felonies. I dont agree with his actions or his choices but get off the high horse. I can tell you right now, if you go to any private school in this country you will find many white Privileged kids who grew up with both parents and went to church all their lives hanging out smoking pot. Its not a moral issue, its a legal issue. People smoked pot for many many years, it was neither illegal nor immoral.
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