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Everything posted by USFBulls727

  1. The cheerleaders were leaving in the third quarter
  2. Nothing wrong with being realistic though. Do you disagree that this team seems ill-prepared every week lately? What did you see today that gives you any optimism at all? We barely get by the absolute worst FBS teams (except GT), then get blown out by the two average to good teams we played. Not sure how on Earth we beat GT in week 2, but there's no way we beat them now. We have slowly morphed into UConn.
  3. This year anyway. We had several blowouts last year. The fact that we never seem prepared.....and this is being mention in EVERY post game presser lately....is getting ridiculous. Obviously the hope is that Charlie can coach them up, that they are just young and inexperienced. 'Course, it could be that they're just not very good. Strong will get a third year...or part of a third year...to turn this around. 7-5 seems pretty safe to assume this year. Agreed.
  4. Yes, I get what you're saying, and I agree with you. UCF is a great example of that. They've basically been told they won't be making the playoffs this year. None of it is relevant to us at this point, this year. Houston is at Oklahoma week 1, and has Washington State at home in week 2 in 2019. They potentially could be highly ranked if they win those two. Aside from that, they're at North Texas, then it's about all AAC from there, which could hold one or two more ranked teams.If they run the table this year and win the AAC, get a good enough preseason ranking for 2019, they could be in decent position next year.
  5. I hate to say this, but I doubt we've seen the worst of this team yet. The team is in disarray, and the schedule only gets harder. I think there will be a lot more people on the "Gilbert has to go" bandwagon by season's end.
  6. Is Keirston Johnson hurt? Why is he not seeing the field with Sawtelle hurt? Thought he played really well in limited action last year...
  7. I thought Keirston Johnson looked very good at LB in mop-up duty last year. Is he hurt? What's behind this staff's refusal to put him in there?
  8. Salomon suddenly resembles Chris Barr lately with the drops
  9. I'm just saying that US not passing the eye test has nothing to do with P5 bias.
  10. Our SOS is at #124, and every game is a struggle. We were in the Top 25 for a while this year, even though we were arguably not a top 40 team in reality, at least to some of the posters on TBP.
  11. Or maybe it means, win more convincingly than one score over teams like UConn....
  12. GT was a good win for us. It will be interesting to see how we do these next three games. Tulane will be a problem despite their less than spectacular record...
  13. OSU has played two Top 25 teams, haven't they? I would be VERY surprised if their SOS was worse than our's.... Looks like they're #64, and we're #124...
  14. Would this include having a less than sky-high opinion of Strong or Gilbert, and making it known on this board? Some people just come here to vent....
  15. The HB Dive pass. The RB will have to get rid of it quickly before he crashes into the line.
  16. There is definitely something not right as far as preparation goes. It's mentioned by someone every week in the post-game presser that they weren't ready to play, and it's obvious given that we always come out slow. As far as their ability to adjust, they haven't been able to in the past two games, but they have been able to make defensive adjustments in the second have of many games this year. The offense is what it is. That long pass to McCants with about 10 seconds left in the Tulsa game to set up the winning FG, I'm surprised Gilbert didn't call a Dive play instead of the downfield pass to McCants. He seems to ignore the situation many times.
  17. They beat an OK Memphis team 40-24. Lost in OT to a decent Wake Forest squad, and lost @ Ohio State. They gave us a scare last year, but this SHOULD be the easiest game remaining on our schedule. They are still probably the 3rd best team we'll have played YTD though, and they did give us a scare last season....
  18. https://www.burntorangenation.com/2018/1/8/16857864/major-applewhite-kendal-briles-randy-clements-hire-houston-cougars
  19. Just watched the Houston post game presser. Greg Reaves said something along the lines of "We weren't ready to play". Charlie said something like, "We didn't play up to our potential". Is it my imagination, or are one of these two things....or both...being said EVERY week?
  20. In other words, we are a shade better than teams that are ranked #100 or below. I wouldn't say I'm pissed about it, but it's concerning.
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