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Everything posted by emrober5

  1. Huge mistake right there. Something that could cost us the game.
  2. Talk about a response! Great play call. Never thought I would say that!
  3. Couldnt have a worse two plays in a row. lets see how the team responds.
  4. This is exactly the game we thought it would be. Going to be a tough second half, but hopefully we come out on top. The defense has been bending, but we haven't broken yet. Offense can't sustain drive, we've just hit a few big plays.
  5. The more I research UCONN the better I feel about the game. If we have any semblance of an offense we should win. I think our defense will hold them under 20 easily. Like 10-13 points. Now, after saying that we will probably get blown out.
  6. Not just a no, but hell no. Athletic ability takes a backseat to their CRIMES. I don't know the details of Robbins case, but if Knox is on camera he should have been kicked in the ass out the door already. We all made dumb mistakes in college, this is beyond dumb. This is jail time dumb.
  7. Well, we have a better team than Holtz last year, but fan support is at an all time low. USF being a bowl contender that could play with anybody is a distant memory. Don't know how much longer the program can sustain these seasons. I do think we will be a bowl eligible team if Woulard is the QB that we hope he is. He will be surrounded by great players. Regardless of who the coach is.
  8. Taggart isn't going anywhere until we have 7 losses at a minimum. Likely not until the end of the year. The only benefit would be giving Allen an audition as HC.
  9. I like your attitude, but Taggart's multiple blunders tonight made it very clear to me that he isn't a gameday coach. Good recruiter, but he is going to get outcoached constantly.
  10. I hope Woulard is not our AD again. LOL No...he is our QB next year (most likely).
  11. Our running backs are more talented then they have ever been. Defensive line is solid, and wide receivers are all talented but still very young and playing poorly. I think this team does have great players, but it won't take a new QB (Flowers played well tonight), it will take a new coach. Taggart doesn't know how to adjust to his opponent, has poor clock management, and zero creativity in playcalling. Woulard isn't going to fix that. If this team had a good coach we would be in a bowl game this year.
  12. Zero halftime adjustments is right. Our coaching staff is terrible. I thought the players did great. They executed much better than against Maryland, but they can only do so much if they are told to run it 3 plays in a row
  13. Probably not a good look to fire after 2 and 1/3 seasons. He will get a full 3. And we will miss a bowl game, again.
  14. they're playing a soft zone prevent now. they weren't earlier. They were stacking the box the entire third quarter, we still could've thrown it.
  15. Jesus christ...that clock management before a 4th down with the game on the line. I know more about clock management than a profession college football coach. That is baffling.
  16. What do you know....Flowers starts to throw it and we move the ball. Maybe we should have tried that in the third quarter
  17. Flowers has thrown like 10 times. This loss is 100% on Taggart and I agree he should be fired. The defense stacked against the run and he refused to change the playcalling. Everyone on the field, in the stadium, and watching was expecting us to run, and we just kept doing it. Total garbage.
  18. I swear, sometimes it looks like Auggie intentionally avoids the play. He can't be that bad.
  19. Lol. Come on. I see that passed missed in every conference every freaking week. He missed a deep ball, it sucks, but it's not like he overthrew him by 10 yards.
  20. Well, there it is. Defense has played great but you have to open up the offense.
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