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Everything posted by 206BULL

  1. So earlier this week he was in Tampa recruiting and on Friday he's no longer with the program? Wonder what else happened while he was in Tampa...
  2. Not yet, going to edit my resume this weekend changing COO to Head Coach at my last 3 jobs. I mean good is someone that is in charge of operations if they don’t put their employees (players) in the best spot to succeed? I’m a shoe in, give me 3 years and I’ll be ready for the move back to Tampa.
  3. Indeed. I hate the thought of missing the post season with a better record than the NFC East champ but a win against the seagulls will go a long way.
  4. As far as comparisons go, Vince already folded the XFL once so we’ll see if he can get it right this time. Spring football leagues just don’t work. You have the start of baseball, NBA and NHL playoffs and NASCAR(not a fan personally) plus the Masters and other Majors. Not everyone can do football 12 months a year and unless it’s the Bulls or Rams, I’ll choose most of them over football. I watched a half of the first XFL game as a kid and missed every snap of the AAF personally. XFL part deaux is unlikely to change that.
  5. I'll take the field because I was unhappy with our last football coaching hire almost immediately(but still supported him at first), I liked the first two hires(CJL was already there when I attended/became a fan) so I'm sure I'll be disappointed two in a row as well.
  6. Their last coach was basically Robert Weiner except he only spent 5 years at the Plant HS of Vegas and 10 total years as a HC at the HS level before being hired at UNLV. The education system in Nevada is a joke, at all levels, so the only thing that surprises me about this is it wasn’t on Craigslist.
  7. I mean their last coach was coaching at Bishop Gorman High School before he was hired(That’s right Puc, he skipped all college coaching to a FBS Head Coach) so the add doesn’t surprise me too much.
  8. Guess I should update my resume. Too bad they’re playing in the new Raiders Stadium next year, they used to play 5 miles from my house.
  9. Is that not at least partially true? Unless we make a homer in hire there are going to be 10,000 people at Ray Jay sooner than later. There are FCS teams that average more than that.
  10. Wonder what else he’s been doing the last few days at home?
  11. He was last active here 7 hours ago according to his TBP profile.
  12. I mean I've built my career on moving around with work and fixing/rebuilding companies. I am currently the happiest I can remember me being outside of the office in a long time. I also don't see me staying in the Vegas area forever because at some point another company is going to pay me more to move else where. Later on down the road I may end up moving back because, again happiest I've been, the thing is career ambition and happiness/quality of life do not typically go hand in hand. My motto has typically been "you never know what the right place for you is until you try it" CWT tried Oregon and he tried Tally, and he wasn't happy. Same can be said for me in my adult life/career; Tampa(happy), Naples(not so happy), Twin Falls, ID(hated it), LA(loved and hated it for many reasons), Seattle(realized why I went to college on the other side of the country), Spokane(had 70 inches of snow my one year there and I had a sports car, hated it) and now Vegas(absolutely love it), within the next 3 years I will most likely be in one of Denver, Austin, Chicago or Kalispell; maybe I'll hate it and pine to move back to Vegas or maybe I will fall in love with a new city I won't know until I try it. Maybe Tags sticks around forever or maybe he doesn't, but if he leaves us for another opportunity he will once again have left us in a better position than he found us. I don't see a problem with that.
  13. Q liked this response I made to Joey’s initial mention of Taggs being interested Sunday. I’d say he’s on the bus for a second run...
  14. I for one hope he had it all typed up and ready to be posted before Strong got the boot. Dueces Cory, the boards post count has taken a serious hit but it’s quality sure has increased.
  15. No thanks, while I went to USF from the PNW I can’t imagine many others following suit, between BSU and UW I assume he only knows how to recruit out west.
  16. He was my choice last time we hired a coach and hasn’t really done much to change my mind either way. I think he just needs a chance.
  17. We should just go for it on every 4th down tonight. 4th and 6 may as well be 4th and 1. The **** do we have to lose at this point?
  18. Did we rebuild the team and staff through the portal this last week?
  19. Honestly, I’m only watching the game until the Clippers game comes on. We’re about as good of a program as they were during the dancing girl and “beat somebody” guy game.
  20. As much as I love Austin this ones a no for me. I’ll see y’all in Provo in 2021, I’ll bring the booze with real alcohol %’s with me.
  21. To make it worse, my roommate joined me in Leavittville for that joyous night but did not attend USF. I got a seat in the 100 level and he was relegated to the 200s as my companion. Being a student from ‘05-the 08’ season was an amazing time. thanks for the memories @mgrothe8 !
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