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Everything posted by 206BULL

  1. We out talented APB tonight. Doesn’t feel like we should have won by 30 but here we are. We will miss Yetna but this is still a quality team and will still have a good season.
  2. His thread from earlier would imply 3 season tickets..... Nice offer regardless. Hope the three of you can make it to a game after the Bulls have shaken off the offensive cobwebs.
  3. Bilas has us at 53 to start the season. Probably will change post Yetna injury but it's nice to get the early season publicity. 53. South Florida Bulls The 2019 College Basketball Invitational champions won a school-record 24 games last season and earned their first postseason title since 1990. Alexis Yetna was named AAC freshman of the year and finished with the most rebounds by a freshman in league history (346). https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/28006190/jay-bilas-1-68-college-basketball-rankings-2019-20-preseason
  4. Thursday Night game without Q at QB, against a team from the Mid Atlantic. Temple seems like too easy of a bet, what’s the catch?
  5. This guy has been a “fixer” at every stop he has been at pre FSU, including here. I’ve made a career off of that designation as well, I just wish if I failed someone would pay me 20 mil to go away. Dude got a fat check and will be employed again as an FBS head coach by Christmas if he wants to. He’s also be great on TV and has dabbled in it a few times, maybe he goes that route for a few years. People who are thought to be fixers will always be in demand, even if they failed at their last stop it’s all about their track record and FSU can be spun a few ways including as a one off.
  6. NCAA Football 20; it’s in the game. I can finally let go of my PS3 who’s sole purpose in life is to play NCAA football.
  7. So my question would be, what about downgrading? I can only use the Lights as my example as they’re local, I spent $3,200 on my pair of tickets this year in “Pitch Level VIP” which was basically diamond club in baseball but for soccer. I enjoyed the seats and the perks and everything but the price tag for the product did not make sense. I downgraded to midfield seats for $700 for the season for the pair. With those savings I put down deposits for the Vegas Aces WNBA team and UNLV Football(closest thing I can get to affording to see a football game in the new Raiders stadium). I’ll continue to keep my pair of seats to USF football regardless, even though I haven’t attended a game in Tampa since 2009, but it’s my way of supporting university, it’s also about half of your investment. Everyone should spend their time and money how they choose and hopefully doing so on things they enjoy. If the enjoyment factor does not correspond to the cost, I agree find other alternatives.
  8. I get it and I was that way through Skip and Taggs down years. I would go out of my way to make sure I was home on Saturdays at game time, now I’m not going to pass up opportunity’s to do other things that bring me enjoyment because watching this football team brings me none at the moment. If I’m home I’ll watch, if I was in Tampa I’d probably use my season tickets, just like I do for the local Vegas USL team who has been trash since inception last year, I will continue to have season tickets and attend games as attending brings me joy I will not watch when they are on the road because it brings me 0 joy.
  9. One nice thing CCS has done is made me apathetic towards the team. Last weekend I was only able to catch the 4th quarter and yesterday I decided to have a last minute day trip and take the dogs to SD to go to the beach. I kind of enjoy getting out on Saturdays, although I hope we have a coach next year that makes it worth it to sit at home and drink all day on fall Saturdays once again. This season is lost so I may as well do things that bring me joy because right now USF football ain’t it.
  10. I mean he is undefeated, and has 70 less losses than Brady...
  11. Good luck to him. My feelings toward him as a QB were never personal and always about his fit at USF. Hope he has a great career in whatever he chooses, hopefully he peruses cooking full time as he appears to be quite good at it. Maybe a chef or on camera cook.
  12. I mean it got Arkansas out of Petrino‘s contract...
  13. I was just thinking this weekend how great it would be if Chuck got in a motorcycle accident with a coed on the back of the bike. Of course both would walk away from said accident because Chuck would have to make sure the coed left the scene before the cops showed up.
  14. Looks like BJ was announced yesterday https://www.si.com/nfl/seahawks/news/b-j-daniels-among-ex-seahawks-in-xfls-second-draft-grouping/
  15. She played well tonight on both sides of the court and you can tell she is a leader. Series tied at 2 going to a winner take all Thursday night on ESPN.
  16. I learned a saying the year I lived in Mormon country, “never go fishing with a Mormon because you’ll turn your head and they’ll drink all your beer”. Better keep an eye on your second beers after you get back to your seats.
  17. I think he’s saving them for later in the season. It’s a bold strategy that couldn’t save Skippies job when push came to shove...
  18. For all the good there will still be bad. The joys of a Freshman QB. See what the D can do with UCONN so backed up.
  19. Nice to see McCloud break off some big runs including the big TD.
  20. for a second I thought maybe my stream was behind by about 30 seconds.
  21. It would be nice if we ever decided to field a defense that can stop the run.
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