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Everything posted by 206BULL

  1. I’ll take the shot glasses, but if it needs to be the tickets to the game on the 2nd I’ll gladly give them to DELdaBull.
  2. He topped my list last time. He lacked the experience to succeed here I was told. He’d be on my list again but I’m not sure where I would position him at this point. I’ll have to see who we would have a legitimate shot at picking up and then go from there.
  3. I’d compare them to the students in my day, but we camped out for WVU...
  4. Whelp, it’s sunny and 67 here. I’m gonna take the dogs for a hike. See y’all Monday for some basketball.
  5. Down 4 going to the 4th. Ladies have put up a good fight.
  6. Bulls pull within 2 before Baylor takes yet another trip to the foul line.
  7. How many offensive fouls are we going to commit tonight?
  8. Got home at the start of the start of the 4th quarter, was happy to see we were winning. If Cincy scores on their second consecutive drive since I turned on the game I’m gonna Have to turn off the game and hope we can salvage the win after my attempt to jinx it.
  9. 4-1 Bulls with 6 minutes left. Much rather have this one than the one back in August.
  10. Viens has a hat trick and we’re up 3-0 over UF with a half hour left.
  11. Sucks you felt the need to clarify. So I will clarify my position too just in case. For the time being if other opportunities arise to spend my time on a Saturday I will be doing so. I prefer to spend my time doing things that are enjoyable to myself and this iteration of USF Football does not bring enjoyment to myself. I tempered my expectations immediately and assumed no bowl game in August. We’re a poorly coached team with a RS Freshman starting at QB and a first year OC. So I spend my Saturdays, when other options present themselves, away from the TV. I will continue to buy and donate my seats that I have not sat in since ‘09 and I will watch when I can. But I sat through Skip, I was a “Blind Eternal Taggart Optimist” at the ending of Willies second year, I’ve canceled plans and rearranged schedule to watch a football game at 9 am on Saturday mornings and with the a majority of the games meant being drunk by 10:30 just to make it through to the 4th. I’m done for now, I watched Thursday until something that makes me feel good came on. I can’t wait for USF football to make me feel good again or at least give me hope. This ain’t it and Thursday was probably the last USF Football game I watch for the season. I’m here for the MBB season, WBB season, AAC and NCAA tourney runs by both soccer teams. I’m actually planning on missing the first half of the Rams game to watch the MBB game in its entirety this afternoon. But, I’m going to do other **** also, my past 4 Saturdays have included 2 beach trips and a weekend camping, this Saturday my dogs and I spent most of the day hiking and relaxing at Lake Mead; for far too many years those were replaced by opening a fifth of Woodford at 9 am to make it through an ugly football game that would leave me depressed the rest of my Saturday. Fingers crossed we have a new coach before the road trip to Provo as that’s the next game I get to attend and I’ll be a little upset if I have to spend 10 hours driving round trip to watch Charlie coach, I’ll do it because I try and attend all USF games on this coast(minus Reno due to a friends wedding).
  12. My only question is if Kelly let’s him ride the bus back from Oviedo or not...
  13. I dunno it’s finally a good time to be a Clippers fan. I’m rather enjoying the NBA at the moment.
  14. Watched my first half of USF football since BYU, it was about what I remembered. The Clippers game on and I changed the channel for good. Life’s too short to spend it watching USF football. I have rather enjoyed all 3 basketball games this season, even if the men’s team basically out talented the opposition on Tuesday, as well as the soccer teams runs. I’ve also enjoyed spending the past 3 weekends hiking or at the beach, I’ll probably continue with that until we’ve righted the ship, getting too old to spend my Saturday afternoons doing things that don’t bring me pleasure, I did it with Skip and stuck with Tags but Strong was like 5th in my list of potential hires and he’s done what I expected. I admire those of you sticking it out both at Ray Jay and watching from afar but I’m only watching when it’s convenient at this point.
  15. As long as we have a new coach when the Bulls travel to BYU in 2021 I’m happy. Odds are that’s the next game I’m making anyway. I wasn’t exactly a fan of Chuck from the beginning, maybe my choice did better maybe he would have worse we’ll never know. This was the first game I was able to watch in almost a month, there wasn’t much else to do on a work night. I’m not sure how many more I have left in me to watch from my couch while Chuck is the coach, I truly respect those of you that make it to every home game.
  16. Not sure why you’re not drinking. I find it helps ease the edge while watching the Bulls play. It’s been getting me through since the Skip years.
  17. Nice to see Chuck scream **** after that fumble. Emotion is nice. Not sure where the face mask flag was? Maybe they can tack it on after the review like the forward propulsion play at Rutgers.
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