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Everything posted by CousinRicky

  1. It is funny to me how much more hustle a team appears to have when shots go in. To clarify, if we hadn't shot the same percentage that we did, people would be on here complaining about the lack of hustle. I attend most home games and really have never sat there thinking "these guys aren't trying". Just "these guys can't shoot".
  2. Can't believe this. My 91 year old mother had to go to the ER this afternoon so we missed this game. Really, really can't believe we missed it.
  3. Are there any actual candidates that we know about. All we have is a list put together with no realistic confirmation (or notion) as to whether they would even be candidates. The search committee hasn't even been formed yet, now the job advertisement posted. How could there be any actual candidates yet? It's not an actual job yet! The search committee hasn't been formed yet but the process of forming it is clearly in the works ( http://www.voodoofive.com/2014/1/26/5348144/bill-sutton-named-chair-of-usf-athletic-director-search-committee / http://tbo.com/sports/colleges/usf-bulls/usf-hires-firm-to-lead-search-for-new-ad-20140127/ ) and how can you say it's not an actual job when Wolly is "out" as AD and will only remain at USF in an unspecified role! Why TF are we using a business professor as the chairman of the AD Selection Board? Because he graduated from Oklahoma State and because he teaches sports and entertainment? Maybe it's because he spent 8 years at UCF. What this process makes absolutely clear is that our president/administration is obviously clueless and cannot properly hire or fire key personnel. Turning over the ARB to those outside of the program has led to us losing major recruits in recent years and now this comedy? We'll be mired in obscurity until we have a president who actually knows something about athletics other than its fun to sit courtside or in the suites so she can gab with her girlfriends. PATHETIC!! Just deleted my response. I really just need to stay away from these discussions.
  4. Expansion of the new OCS. This and p5 invite That, this, and whether we think the OCS is super cool or needs to be torn down and rebuilt because we can never be satisfied. did anybody else see where cuse is trying to build a new OCS that they est will cost 495 mil. Suppose to host football, basketball and have a retractable roof... A 44,000-seat building at a cost of $495 million The stadium would be built on private property near the main campus and is envisioned as part of a complex with a 250-room hotel, 160 apartments and 150,000 feet of retail space. The school owns the Carrier Dome but would be a tenant of the proposed new stadium, which would be built with a combination of private and taxpayer dollars, the letter says. http://msn.foxsports.com/college-basketball/story/syracuse-university-wants-retractable-roof-stadium-to-replace-carrier-dome-012514 So your saying 'cuse WILL NOT have an OCS? OMFG
  5. Appreciate the thought that went into that.
  6. Okay, serious question. What is the big deal about getting people back on campus? To see the facilities? The new buildings? So when you see them once what changes from weekend to weekend? I'm there all the time for games and events. What does that do for me other than I went to the event? Really want to hear the reasoning for getting people "back on campus" on a Saturday afternoon.
  7. So just saw this article. http://msn.foxsports.com/college-basketball/story/syracuse-university-wants-retractable-roof-stadium-to-replace-carrier-dome-012514 Maybe they can ship the Carrier Dome down via google drones and drop it on our campus.
  8. Trip makes a great point or topic of discussion, Do we want someone like Harbaugh on the sideline or court or what we have/ had in Coach Holtz and Heath? I personally rather have a Harbaugh type on the side line, Someone who has passion, fire and a pulse, Not someone lost in their own world and passive. Yet when we played against Rutgers most on here pissed and moaned about Schiano's antics on the sidelines. So now that is what we want??? And for that matter there were a lot of people that didn't like Leavitt's demeanor on the sidelines.
  9. 11 of 14 with 10:21 to go in first half. One dude is 7 for 7.
  10. Believe we scored on the first play of the Holtz era as well. Wide receiver screen to the right and took it to the house.
  11. I happened to be in the AD's box for the 1st quarter of that game. After the first play we were all thinking a Whole New Era. Glad we left after the 1st quarter.
  12. Watching Creighton v Villanova. Creighton is 7 for 7 from 3 point land. You can't do that in practice. WOW. Less than 5 minutes into the game.
  13. Great news. We need all the supporters we can get.
  14. Just to crunch a few numbers. With the money we saved on hiring Taggart and the money we are paying Skip in one particular year it is about the same as what we were paying Skip. So there is no real extra money going out to pay the head football coach. DW's contract is about $600k. So if we pay another AD about $500k for one year while Doug transitions out we're paying out that extra $500K. Let's throw in another $1.5 million paid out to Skip and Cosh over Tags contract (I don't know how many years it is for) just to make some kind of argument. So that $2 million is going to start the funding for an OCS? You hate to waste any money but those numbers aren't the difference in us funding or not funding an OCS.
  15. I guess Joey is tuned in to the Bullspen. Here's an article from todays paper. Committed to banning 'committed' For whom is a commitment not always a commitment? A recruit. BY JOEY KNIGHT Times Staff Writer commit: to bind as by a promise; pledge; engage (Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition) The abuse must stop at once. No word in the English language is mutilated the way 'commitment' is on the football recruiting landscape. Its misuse is the biggest farce this side of a Kardashian marriage. We're talking interpretation, not pronuncia­tion. We'd have no problem with kids butchering those three syllables if only they meant what they mangled. But if 21st century football recruiting has taught us anything, many don't. Instead, they casually toss 'commitment' around cyberspace, where it ricochets off a Twit­ter feed, takes a wild hop off an Instagram image, maybe bounces through a blogosphere. Therein lies the problem: It rarely sticks. 'I don't think it holds much substance anymore,' said Chris Nee, a veteran Florida State recruiting analyst for 247sports.com. Neither does Plant High coach Robert Weiner. 'Of all groups of people that should really understand the importance of the words we're using, it should be football coaches, football players, people involved in football when you're talking about the word 'commitment,' ' Weiner said. 'It's important that if you say you're committed to something that you're going in with a true commitment. That doesn't mean that it's okay to just move on to the next thing, whatever the whim is.' Yet whims rule the day in 2014. The scenario has grown trite. Kid feels love from staff at School A and publicly commits to it. He feels more at home during his visit to School B and subsequently 'decommits' or 'flips his commitment.' Later, he discovers the best chance for immediate playing time is School C, so he reneges again. 'I think in Florida, out of the top 20 (overall prospects), five or six of them have been committed to at least two places,' Nee said. 'Some of them three.' Coaches are equally culpable. How many prominent recruits are reassessing their options because the school to which they committed just lost its coach? How many other kids were pressured to commit on the spot by a coach at a junior day or summer camp? How many committed then had their offer rescinded? 'It's a vicious cycle,' said Jamie Newberg, a national recruiting analyst for Scout.com. 'And it's getting worse and worse.' So maybe the system can't be rectified overnight. But the semantics can. Time to abolish 'commitment' from the recruiting vernacular. If society can rid itself of AstroTurf, the BCS and The T.O. Show , surely it can wean itself off a word simply not compatible with big-time recruiting in its current form. That goes for its preposterous spin-offs as well. No more 'soft commitments' or kids claiming they are '80 percent committed' to a school. Quick, name one coach in America - any sport, any level - content to have an athlete who is 80 percent committed. 'I hate 'soft commitments,'' Newberg said. 'I don't know how that started years ago. I think that should be stricken from the books altogether. Because if you're committed and you take a visit (to another school), you ain't committed in my book.' The other alternative, of course, is radical overhaul of recruiting's structure. These days, the system essentially demands kids make college decisions earlier, compromising their ability to think things out and make a solid commitment. Newberg theorizes this trend originated with coach Mack Brown at Texas. Around the turn of the millennium, Newberg noticed the Longhorns were securing a full class of commitments by the end of each May evaluation period. 'That allowed them to look ahead,' Newberg said. In time, virtually every major program had at least a dozen commitments by early summer for a class that couldn't officially sign until early February. Unofficial visits (taken in the spring and summer) became more important than official ones (taken in the winter). Kids who didn't commit early couldn't be assured their scholarship offer would still exist a few months down the road. So kids began committing earlier, and the travesty really gained traction. Sometimes, the coach to whom they committed in June lost his job in December. Conversely, the coach sometimes fell out of love with the player or the player grew enamored with another school. Others simply liked the attention they generated on recruiting websites when they committed and decommitted. And the commitment was really no commitment at all. Hence, part of the reason calls for an early national signing day for football are gaining steam. Weiner has a more radical idea: no signing day at all. Simply allow a kid to sign his national letter of intent - which officially binds him to that school - the day he commits with a stipulation the letter can be voided if the coach leaves the school (by his or the school's choice). 'That would end all of that,' said Weiner, who has had only one player decommit during his decade at Plant. 'That would make kids really value their decision-making process more. That would make colleges value their decision-making process more when they offer someone.' Until that revolutionary day arrives, all we can do is tackle the language. Time to decommit from the word 'commit.' 'I don't want to act like every kid's that way. You've got a lot of kids that are very solid commitments. They stick to their word,' Nee said. 'But there are plenty of kids that turn it into a circus, and that's the part that everybody remembers.'
  16. And Jesse Pinkman as associate AD. Yo Bitches!!!
  17. Who are you to say what would be great for Porter lol? Maybe his dream was to play at a school like Florida, the opportunity came across and he jumped at it. So is it shame on him for that whether he plays for all 4 years, plays his JR/SR year or not at all? Please... I would agree that most of our commits shouldn't be with us. What Taggart is doing shows just how good of a recruiter he is. Take another non AQ school who is 6-27 over their last 33 and coming of a 2-10 season and these kids don't even answer a text message let alone commit. Obviously there are other factors. Maybe going out of state is out of the question for some of the kids or grades could be an issue. Every situation is different. All I'm saying is for anyone who A) thinks badly of Porter because of decommitting, B. Think "times must have changed" due to him not keeping his "word" or anything else along those lines is just being ridiculous. The kid got a better opportunity and is going to take it. Good for him. OK bulls24, I tell you I'm going to pick you up at the airport at 2:00 am. Some obscure airport. You call me before you get on the plane. Yea, I'll be there I tell you. How happy would you be when I don't show up and tell you "well some good looking girl needed a ride home so, you know, I got a better offer". Go ahead and tell me it isn't the same. We have to agree to disagree. Like I said, I don't wish harm to him, but I think he screwed us. And, yes, I think the same of kids that choose USF after committing somewhere else. And when I was working I had turned down much more money in a new job for reasons not related to money. Made promises to family about things and honored it. Like i said, different generations.
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