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Everything posted by CousinRicky

  1. So, partial tongue in cheek.... What is the over/under that people on the Bullspen will still be blaming Doug for the non success of USF football and basketball? My guess: Brad - 9 years The rest < 9 years But a bit more seriously. So we hire a new AD. If five years from now we still stink in the 2 revenue sports, who then do you blame? The new AD? Judy for hiring the new AD? Tony Dungy for recommending Tags? Indian Burial Grounds for BB? Our fans for not caring? I'm hoping the new hire leads us to new heights. But if it were easy there would be more than 15 schools with a shot at a national title year in and year out. Whoever is leading us and regardless of results, I'm in.
  2. I guess times have changed. When I was a kid growing up my mother pounded into me about being good on your word. I don't wish this kid any harm or bad, but he has no idea how he (and kids like him) really screws up a program by doing this to a team in the last few weeks before signing day. In talking with past USF coaches, they really wish there was an early signing period so that if they are the first to discover that diamond in the rough that that kid would be committed. Just don't commit if you aren't going to stay committed. Let the school you are about to screw, by not staying committed, have a chance to recruit other players. I just don't get this. Maybe it is a generational thing.
  3. OK, was it Bradley? Another B word. That's as close as my memory gets these days.
  4. Don't know why I thought she was a senior. Another "Doh!" moment. Inga's had 2 pretty good shooting days this year and neither was at the Dome. If I remember right (and as evidenced above I could certainly be wrong) there were Bowling Green and one of the games on the recent Texas trip.
  5. Was at the game for most of it. We may have had more turnovers than field goals. Real sloppy with the ball but the ladies hung tough and made a run in each half. Closed to within 2 in the 2nd half but then L'ville ran off 5 (at least) quick points and opened it back up. We bailed at the under 4:00 minute time out with L'ville up 11 and about to shoot a free throw. Hate to pick on a player in college, but Inga just seems lost out there for a senior. Made a couple of nice passes for assists but didn't have a field goal and only 1 FT when we left. Odd how the last couple of games Fernandez has stopped starting Stringfield, a Sr, and instead using McCollough, a Fr, to start. Both bigs fouled out by the 6:00 minute mark and that pretty much ended any hopes there were.
  6. There is still discussions going on as to whether Memphis will host on a permanent basis. They are set for this year and next. After that hasn't been decided. Looking into New Orleans, Nashville & Tampa as well.
  7. I'm a half full guy with this conference. Looking forward to seeing Tulsa, Houston and SMU along with some of the old standbys - UCF, Cinci. Never found UConn a fun game even when we won.
  8. Talked to Coach Prado a couple of months ago and he seemed pretty optimistic about the younger Borders kid coming in along with a couple of JUCO pitchers. Fingers crossed.
  9. Would an East / West look like this? Would not be my choice cuz I'd rather go to Texas and NOLA than CT West Tulsa Memphis SMU Houston Tulane Cincy East UConn Temple Navy ECU UCF USF
  10. Are we going to 2 divisions next year? If so that alignment will determine much of who we play. Or are they waiting until '15 when Navy joins to go to divisions?
  11. Not trying to start an argument. But what makes you say that? Was he known for 3 point shooting in high school? He didn't try one last night. So are you saying that based on his rep? I thought he is a "true point guard". I read that as being only a so-so shooter.
  12. Just got done watching the recorded game and read the last few pages of this thread. My observations on Heath. Plays under control and made a couple of nice entry passes. What I didn't see was explosive speed to beat his man one on one. Not that he tried so hard to know. His defense looked like an afterthought. Was looking to help out a lot so hard to tell what his one on one D will be like. So there is some room for optimism but guarded at this time. Did they say or did they show a graphic that he was 6'2"? I guess if they have AC at 6'1".......... Nice to see Musa hit those 2 in a row but would have been great to see him hit the rim with his next attempt. Haven't looked at stats but appeared that FT shooting was better in the 2nd half. Nice to get a win.
  13. But wouldn't you agree that if we had hired him instead of Taggart that we would be in the same position as WKU and looking for a new coach again this year? Can't believe he would stay at USF if L'ville had come calling.
  14. Yes, it does .... die-hard /ˈdaɪˌhɑrd/ Show Spelled [dahy-hahrd] Show IPA noun 1. a person who vigorously maintains or defends a seemingly hopeless position, outdated attitude, lost cause, or the like. Well, this die hard renewed his tickets today. Time to summon up St. Jude (patron saint of lost causes).
  15. I have admired the L'ville program but this lessens my admiration. Great coach, but......
  16. This is my opinion only. I believe any college coach should get 4 years. So saying that, I think Holtz should have received one more year. BUT, I think the AD should have told him at the end of last year that the DC had to go Don't know if that happened or not but I'm guessing not. My opinion is that the AD wasn't at all happy with the results this past year, couldn't fire another head coach after one year but he wanted some changes made. Thus two assistants are gone.
  17. Hit it right on the head. Wells/Sheridan were scapegoats. Not saying they deserve to come back, but the failure of the offense falls on Taggart, he calls the plays and that's his "specialty". I only hope we bring in a great Offensive mind and Taggart gives up the play calling duties... Let's play Devil's advocate here. Maybe CWT's offense would have been great with OL that could block and QBs that were developed better. If you've ever been a supervisor, you would know that some things get delegated and if your subordinates don't perform it affects what you're trying to do. Of course the assistant coaches had something to do with the performance (or lack thereof) this year. That is why there are assistants, One man cannot coach 105 football players all by himself. Assuming he wasn't ordered to fire these two (and I really don't think he was), he deserves some credit if he was right that they needed to be replaced. But there are two major points to consider. 1. Taggart hired these guys. Why do we think the next hires will be better? 2. Did it really take him an entire month after the season was over to realize these guys were part of the problem? If he is this slow to recognize where the issues are, that is a problem. Pretty sure he was. Conjecture, or inside info? If I say inside info I'll be asked who my source was. I was taken to task for telling who my source was on a different topic a few months ago. I have no desire to go through all that crap again. So my answer to your question? Yes.
  18. Hit it right on the head. Wells/Sheridan were scapegoats. Not saying they deserve to come back, but the failure of the offense falls on Taggart, he calls the plays and that's his "specialty". I only hope we bring in a great Offensive mind and Taggart gives up the play calling duties... Let's play Devil's advocate here. Maybe CWT's offense would have been great with OL that could block and QBs that were developed better. If you've ever been a supervisor, you would know that some things get delegated and if your subordinates don't perform it affects what you're trying to do. Of course the assistant coaches had something to do with the performance (or lack thereof) this year. That is why there are assistants, One man cannot coach 105 football players all by himself. Assuming he wasn't ordered to fire these two (and I really don't think he was), he deserves some credit if he was right that they needed to be replaced. But there are two major points to consider. 1. Taggart hired these guys. Why do we think the next hires will be better? 2. Did it really take him an entire month after the season was over to realize these guys were part of the problem? If he is this slow to recognize where the issues are, that is a problem. Pretty sure he was.
  19. Tony Dungy may have hired the same guy Woolard did for football since he had some involvement in the process. So I'm sure that would have made Taggart a great hire for USF if Dungy had hired him instead of Woolard.
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