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Everything posted by cmhatter

  1. Not sure how many people have seen this.... but it's ENORMOUS to be granted this school for cybersecurity. I'm in the field and we need more qualified graduates. Desperately. At first all schools in the state were in the mix for funding... But with USF's location (airport, cent comm etc)... the state school put their support behind it being located in Tampa. Www.USF.EDU/cybersecurity
  2. unless his defense is good in a bad year and they make him the HC
  3. 125k isn't that much when you consider these folks have zero job security. You can make 125 for 1-2 years then get axed... then you are GA'ing or coaching HS football for 2 years at 20k...
  4. somehow i doubt he'll have a hard time finding work
  5. Remember when some on here were whining about being in such a weak Big East conference and wanted out? everyone was trying to get off the boat -- why would we WANT to stay on a sinking big east ship.... of course people wanted to get out of the big east for a more promising future...
  6. Taggart's fall guys taking jobs And his guys --- also taking jobs
  7. Of course we should make a play for him... our QBs are flowers, white and bench
  8. Co offensive coordinators named and the head coach will call the plays. What a circus. If the offense bombs there's no chance Harlan keeps Taggart now.
  9. what about when he hired nick sheridan to coach our weakest position?
  10. you can slice it any way you want -- UCF and USF doesn't add value to the big 12 there are no programs that add value except MAYBE BYU
  11. If Kinnan gets the oc job I'll blow a gasket. He will be a taggart pawn. Calvin Magee would be an absolute steal but I have him pegged as our next HC if willie falls on his face in 2015
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