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Everything posted by cmhatter

  1. Doing my part, just bought two more. won't help unless you're measured
  2. I'm a fan of the sofla jerseys Days of a standard home and away combo are dead for most.
  3. can someone overlay papa johns stadium onto campus? i'm interested in seeing how it would fit...
  4. It's the same thing over and over when we have successful teams. Look at the lightning now and how many people 'care' about them today... take the bucs when they bwere selling out rayjay and there was a waiting list for tickets... or the rays world series appearances. Tampa just loves winning and the city gets behind W's. If USF wins, people will go. Winning makes it cool, being ranked makes it cool, winning championships makes it cool. Until we start winning it won't be fun or cool and no new fans will be created. I suspect if/when we start winning, some of those casual fans that we captured in '06, '07 will come back.
  5. Taggart is a good recruiter but his style of offense just doesn't fit the talent in this area (the ones we're in the running for). I think that Taggart's inability to recruit at the QB position will ultimately be his downfall. how many qb's in florida are coming out of pro-style systems... even when they have a pro style QB they're running some non-traditional stuff.
  6. What makes you think he hasn't? He was probably recruiting more than 2 each year. i should have said "should have been signing"
  7. I'm pretty disinterested in next season. USF should have been recruiting 2 QBs a season since BJ's 2nd to last year.
  8. Leavitt isn't material to this conversation. If we hired Nick Sabin or Urban Meyer we'd still be in the AAC. Realignment isn't driven by wins and if it was we'd still be out. Leavitt could have went on a rampage like Boise did a few years ago and we'd still be right here in the American Athletics Conference. The concept of winning cures all in this situation doesn't apply.
  9. usf won more games then they lost under Leavitt because he recruited relentlessly to a system that fit Florida talent. He also took many kids who were above USF's level but didn't have the grades for a bigger school. His risks usually paid off. Taggart won't be successful until he realizes that most kids in this state don't grow up running a pro style offense at any level.
  10. usfbullrider: Curb stomping opponents isn't the golden ticket. Nobody outside of Tampa cares about USF (which results in small TV draw), nobody outside of Tampa watches USF. As long as that remains - we are where we are. The one thing we have going for us is market size and cable sub opportunity. That's pretty much it.
  11. There was no window -- take cinci, host of titles, great on field performance and.... AAC If you have no ratings, no fan base you aren't in. It's that simple. Even in our best years there's more support & higher TV ratings for UF, FSU, and Miami in this city.
  12. all teams would have been interested in Andre Davis if he had speed.
  13. http://jail.com/arrest-records/nigel-harris-5399468
  14. how our past two coaches have handled the QB situation is comical... We now have Flowers, Bench, and a barely recruited Kean. LOL
  15. Totally missed that sprig football started. Wow.
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