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Everything posted by Carolina_Bull

  1. Stop smokin that Carolina weed. USF will not take that chance on an up and coming unproven assistant. Go watch so more Tobacco Road hoops and stop wasting our time! uhhh each of those three has been a HC of a P5 program. Capel and Snyder have taken teams to the ncaa tournament. if I was holding Carolina weed, I'd def not share with you for fear it'd kill my buzz.
  2. If bulliever's posted article is true, imagine a talented guy like Howland would let Harlan be his boss again. I can't see Howland as our coach. A duke alumnus like capel, Snyder or Dawkins would get us buzz.
  3. Regarding Snyder, the violations turned out to be minor (look it up), unlike fisher at UM. plus the nervous breakdown talk was ********. What does "verge of what appeared to be a nervous breakdown" mean anyway? That talk happened because he was an enigmatic guy that the cameras loved. . . . . Just like moribund usf needs.
  4. LOL that people think this may be a pension issue. everyone involved needs to lawyer up like grown UPS and hammer this thing out next week. its not fair to young Harlan if crusty, bitter, shitecanned woolard hangs around for the next 1.5 years. let's start fresh
  5. At this early juncture, I want a duke alumnus with HC experience. Right now in this order, Tommy Amaker (solid coach, would provide a definite buzz if he left Harvard for us); Quin Snyder (got a raw deal at mizzou. Was close to getting the charlotte bobcats/hornets hc job a few months ago. Will be hc again very soon. Is the only candidate on my list that we KNOW can recruit.); Johnny Dawkins (cerebral guy who bombed at Stanford, but coach k loves him. Probably wouldn't come since many think he will replace coach k)
  6. I will lose faith in Judy if she undermines harlan's authority by letting woolard hang around for a year and a half while Harlan takes his crack at saving our moribund athletics program. pay the man to go away!!!!!
  7. Plus we have a new AD that isn't a liability to the university. . . . . . . . prospective coaches are going to want to know their hiring boss isn't a dead man walking (sorry Willie).
  8. It is what it is. None of us get paid what we deserve, we get paid what we negotiate. if USF is smart, they'll negotiate a number that Doug takes so he can walk away immediately. I'm sure Doug could forego a little of that money to gtfo asap. I'm sure he'd like to consult or some other crap. if Doug doesn't budge, usf should give him his props, ask him why he wasn't this tough working on behalf of USF and then give him the full amount. then tell him to take a walk. USF athletics is on to better days. . . . Doug only gets in the way.
  9. QB has gained 12 pounds since December if he keeps it up he'll be visibly bulkier by August. when I was a usf freshman, I could eat a large gumby's pizza and down a two liter coke without gaining weight. Now I get fat when I look at pizza.
  10. Just watched us sh1t the bed against ucf. I still think heath should be kept on. He is responsible for our greatest success. He is also a pretty good recruiter. we are having a down year
  11. You missed the point. No conference became a first tier conference overnight. The AAC with proper guidance can become great. There is a budding foundation in the two money sports, football and basketball, among the remaining members. There is enough that 2-3 programs from those two sports should be to able to compete in the top 25 every year. Will it happen overnight? No. But its happened before with the Big East. the aac is a joke it is geographically sprawling, 2nd rate conference that plays bowl games at a track and field stadium in the bahamas it makes pennies on the dollar compared to other conferences it stretches from Tulsa to connecticut schools openly lobby to gtfo. . . . . Nobody wants to be there aac sucks and, in my opinion, always will
  12. Ivan Maisel refers to the big 5 as the "five equity conferences". . . . That is ominous
  13. Here I go bursting bubbles again... The one person on this board that gets paid to evaluate QB play wasn't impressed with White at all. who on this board gets paid to evaluate qbs? What did he say about white?
  14. But the went the same route with the last AD hiring, but they just used a different firm last time around. search forms are a scam. Judy paid the firm she wants to "consider" her in future searches.
  15. Excited about the future. The new ad will have his/her work cut out as we have underachieved in all facets the last few years.
  16. News that cincy joined the b12 wouldn't control the news cycle for even an hour. It would be mentioned midway through sports center. college sports is about rivalries and USF is 50% owner of the only rivalry in the generican. We are one of two schools that actually makes a group of people mad when we have success. . . . We have fans and we have haters. We need the right leadership to drive value from that fact. Cincy may be more valuable to the generican today, but we can surpass them in only a few years if we get the right leadership.
  17. People need to be patient with white. I liked what I saw, especially knowing he was a true freshman in a horrible football team. moreover, I think cwt believes in white. If he didn't, cwt would have brought in a second QB. He wouldn't have stood pat with flowers if he thought the cupboard was empty.
  18. Cincy overrates itself. It is false bravado. it must burn them to no end that Xavier is in the BE while Cincy toils in "The Generican". if usf got its violation together, we could leave cincy's athletic program in our dust
  19. We're a mediocre sports school. We just have more sports. your definition of mediocre is worrisome
  20. Big time college basketball is so scummy. How deep is the scum? Well, how deep do you want to go? Coaches, trainers, advisors, pastors, uncles and other middle-man types have ruined the sport.
  21. Don't over think this. Woolard got the hook because he was awful. Under his stewardship, USF athletics regressed by all metrics. Teams got worse, Conference got worse, Revenues got worse, Fundraising got worse, Attendance got worse, Future prospects got worse. In addition, Woolard was an ineffective administrator. . . . . nothing got done. Sundome naming rights deal has been going on since 2007, People left and were slow to get replaced (McGillis) or poorly replaced (Chris Freet) Guys, Woolard was a disaster these last few years. Why look for reasons, when the reasons are right in front of us.
  22. I don't know who you hire, but at least interview an assistant AD from Baylor who learned firsthand how BU was able to rise from laughingstock of the state of Texas to top shelf in Football, MBB and WBB.
  23. Would make sense since recruiting has been really good as of late. I wouldn't be surprised if we are dropping sports like track or cross country. . . . . . . . we're broke.
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