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Everything posted by Carolina_Bull

  1. I think USF should've take the Boise/SDSU route.
  2. No, much easier to win consecutive non-conference regular season games. It'd be even easier if we went ahead and pummeled shitebag teams like Detroit or McNoose State when they come to our place.
  3. I'm almost positive that the kid can meet with an academic advisor. Pretty much any prospective student can, why would they ban that for a prospective student athlete? Unofficial visitors are allowed to do pretty much anything an official visitor can, they just have to pay their own way. It is not the least bit unusual for a student to take officials to far away places and unofficials to nearby schools. Happens all the time. Cook can get an official to just about any school in the country. Why would he waste officials on local schools unless they are going to take him out on a party boat or something? I can't think of a time a recruit, much less an elite recruit, chose a school that did not host him on an ov. moreover, I cannot recall a time that usf flipped a hs recruit that didn't take an ov. . . . . Only schools like Alabama and Texas pull that off. . . . And not on elite hs prospects.
  4. If this kid picks usf without having taken a visit, the NCAA has every reason to investigate.
  5. No way a first round pick stays in college to play in AAC. AAC is a terrible conference with a champ that plays for nothing. AAC will be even crummier now that UL and RU depart. The kid is as good as gone
  6. Don't know about the other two, but the cowboys would be 3 and 13 without Romo.
  7. Concussion lawsuits will kill the little guy even more. High schools will back off. Seriously, I can't bring home-made baked goods to my kids school (only store bought). No way the same underfunded, risk-averse public school district is going to have football. . . . . . . . they'll just stop offering the sport. Only flush, private high schools will play football. With the player pool down, the big universities will survive and the rest will slough off. NFL and NCAA need acts of congress and/or state legislatures (especially to protect school districts). . . . . . . which may actually be possible since everybody loves football and (unlike tobacco) football actually provides benefits to the young people that expose themselves to the risk (cameraderie, confidence, hard work, etc.)
  8. yes because they are soley the reason USF is not a storied football program with tons of history and money--- give it a rest amen So their jobs should be safe if they are not solely responsible for crummy consequences of mismanagement? LOL at the coddling of these high-powered, highly paid leaders. Doug and Judy were the people in charge when USF was gifted the opportunity to run with the big dogs in the BE. That was the hand they were dealt. . . . . . . did we make the most of it?. . . . . . . I think not. As it stands today, we're outhustled, out-fund raised, outspent, out-facilitied, and outperformed by UCF Athletics, and they were mired in probation and a wrongful death lawsuit while USF basked in the BE. . . . . that makes me want to ask Doug and Judy if we were cruising on autopilot during that time, because it sure looks that way. Serious question, I wonder if UCF already has the ECU and Tulane banners flying in its (new) arena. You can see ours when the (yet to be renamed) Sundome's lights are working properly. Trivial maybe, also a sign our leadership is taking relegation from the BE laying down. BTW, you know you got a problem when the only defenses for doug's job are (1) he's retiring soon anyway and/or (2) he's not solely responsible.
  9. Wow, that is quite rude. Screw 'em, the American will just take over! Much more likely that the American't does not exist in ten years.
  10. Recruit against that. . . . . . . . Each Power 5 school makes $20M/yr to USF's $3M/yr. They use a fraction of their riches to pay players. How would the non-Power 5 schools have any shot to compete on the recruiting trail. AAC is DOA Sheesh, My whipping boy Doug may prove to be a genius for not rushing into a stadium project and merely refurbing the sundome. Maybe he sees the train already left the station.
  11. I detest playing meaningless games in a bush- league conference but I won't bail
  12. If you're going to say UCF's 5 turnovers should discredit our qb's performance in that game, throw the Cincy game out all together. . . . . . . . they're teammate died a week earlier and we were their first game after the tragedy. . . . . they looked and played like they didn't want to be there.
  13. We need QB's on the roster. But I do not agree that White "stunk it up". Kid was a true freshman. He was the only QB (of four) that provided any spark to the offense. He resurrected Andre Davis' season. Not saying the kid is great. . . . . . . . just saying that we are eating our young here these days.
  14. We were 2-10. . . . . we have been getting worse every year for 4 years. There will be a big turn over on this roster this year. . . . . . and that is a good thing. We won't be good, but we'll be better next year.
  15. I'll never give up. But I do watch football because I feel it is entertainment. . . .. . . . therefore I expect to be entertained. I do not blame anyone for turning their back on this claptrap.
  16. Defensive stop. . . . . . . and the Offense goes three and out with one fumble and two incompletes. Then ST throws in a penalty for good measure. Just wow.
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