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Everything posted by Carolina_Bull

  1. I applaud your decision to no longer give your money, or same amount of time, to the rudderless, sinking ship that is USF athletics. Sports is entertainment. . . . . . therefore you rightfully have an expectation to be entertained. This violation is unwatchable. The superfans that say you have lost your right to complain, opine or even get back on the USF bandwagon are wrong. College sports is about more than just being entertained .... Our only hope is that ******** and moaning rats scurrying off the ship are just the most vocal, as it is in most cases like this, and the mostly silent majority truly understands what college athletics is all about. Since you fashion yourself among the "mostly silent majority that truly understands what college athletics is about", please break your silence (as you have when you posted the other $37K times here) and share what college sports is about. There's absolutely nothing I can say to anyone that correlates monetarily supporting college athletics, especially your college athletic program, to buying a ticket to a movie, a Broadway play or even a professional sports game that would make sense ... but thanks for asking. Then do it for the others. . . . . since you "truly understand".
  2. Because they're 17/18 year olds with huge egos that are getting sold the world. Their HS coaches often advise them dishonestly because they want the ego boost and career prospects that comes from sending players to big schools.
  3. I applaud your decision to no longer give your money, or same amount of time, to the rudderless, sinking ship that is USF athletics. Sports is entertainment. . . . . . therefore you rightfully have an expectation to be entertained. This violation is unwatchable. The superfans that say you have lost your right to complain, opine or even get back on the USF bandwagon are wrong. College sports is about more than just being entertained .... Our only hope is that ******** and moaning rats scurrying off the ship are just the most vocal, as it is in most cases like this, and the mostly silent majority truly understands what college athletics is all about. Since you fashion yourself among the "mostly silent majority that truly understands what college athletics is about", please break your silence (as you have when you posted the other $37K times here) and share what college sports is about.
  4. I applaud your decision to no longer give your money, or same amount of time, to the rudderless, sinking ship that is USF athletics. Sports is entertainment. . . . . . therefore you rightfully have an expectation to be entertained. This violation is unwatchable. The superfans that say you have lost your right to complain, opine or even get back on the USF bandwagon are wrong. So if it's just entertainment, you can just watch whatever game you want and align yourself with no one. But since both of you have "bull" in your alias, I'd assume you've aligned with USF. Ergo, your argument is ridiculous. Otherwise this stuff wouldn't bother you at all! Roll with the punches or just take some time at the gym to work it off but don't act like you're going to quit unless you're committed. Neither of you are. I'm an alumnus. USF is my team. I care very much and am bothered by the direction of the program. . . . . . . but, to me, this thread is about what I'm going to do with my time and money. I used to drop thousands a year and countless hours taking my family of four to football games in Tampa and various road games for both football and hoops. . . . . those days are over. This team is unworthy of my time and money. . . . . plus my kids now only seem to care about ACC sports or their mom's SEC alma mater. Anybody who recalls many of my posts, knows that relegation to the generic, cash-hemorrhaging, pee wee sports league called the AAC disappointed me greatly. Especially when nobody was made to be accountable and answer the tough questions. . . . . . instead the ECU and Tulane banners were hung a year early and people like me were counted on to follow blindly. . . . . . F that noise. I won't switch teams for entertainment purposes, I just find other things to do now. Look at the attendance threads or the volume of posts on this board . . . . . . . . I'm not alone. Guys, my fandom will never die. But it is on life support.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't become a pro HC someday. SF linebackers are arguably the best unit, regardless of position, in pro football.
  6. CWT kept the team playing hard all of last season, even though we sucked out loud. He was also quick with the hook, which resonates with players and coaches. That is the best thing I've seen in the last few months. In my opinion, he's established more control over this team in one year than Skip did in three. I think football will greatly improve next year.
  7. I applaud your decision to no longer give your money, or same amount of time, to the rudderless, sinking ship that is USF athletics. Sports is entertainment. . . . . . therefore you rightfully have an expectation to be entertained. This violation is unwatchable. The superfans that say you have lost your right to complain, opine or even get back on the USF bandwagon are wrong.
  8. I agree. That's why I hate reading ll this bullshite from excuse makers on this board about how USF football can't compete and win because it has only been around 17 years.
  9. He reminds me of Steve young. . . A legit passer that can run
  10. Don't know if my contact is one of those you read on twitterverse but you are correct. At least one is not happy and feels they were scapegoats. Players had a part in this disaster. If these coaches hung the moon, the players should not have sucked so bad. An under-aged, over-matched roster of misfits played its arse off to save Rex Ryan's job in NY last month.
  11. Like football, our basketball team shows no signs that it played the last eight years in a top-flight conference. I'm amazed that they are this shabby at the outset of the "The Generican"
  12. Willie is awesome. I am comforted by his impatience with coaches and players. . . . . . . . right or wrong, it lets me know he cares.
  13. And? That win helped UCF win the conference and get UCF to a BCS Bowl. In 2008, UCF took Usf into overtime. Usf was ranked #17 and UCF was 4-8 that year. Things happen. point being you are 2 players and head coach removed from being a bottom feeder in a bad conference. You better hope the stars continue to align, because it looks like it's only down from here for you. I don't expect UCF to win a BCS Bowl every year. I expect down years and rebuilding to occur in the future. It happens everywhere. What we achieved this year will suffice for a long while. And to those using UCF years of having football in comparison to USF are lost. USF was in a BCS conference since 2005. His point is solid about our BCS advantage. UCF gobbled up our sloppy seconds in 2005 when they replaced us in CUSA. Now they outplay us, outspend us, out-fund raise us and out-facility us. Sadly, by most measurements, they have the BETTER ATHLETIC PROGRAM. . . . . . . which is amazing given the fact that, just eight years ago, they replaced us in CUSA. Instead of poking holes in their success. . . . . we, as fans, need to keep the focus on our shabby leadership that let this happen. LET'S FOCUS ON USF ATHLETICS! For starters, we gotta fire Doug. I hang out on this board and NOBODY has been able to defend that dude's performance. . . . . . . . which says something, since the green and gold goggle gang hangs out here too.
  14. This accomplishment by UCF makes USF's mascot challenge party look silly.
  15. I'm going to call woolard an overpaid, ineffective, empty-suit less this year.
  16. We own every futility record and Oregon owns every record for team offense. . . . . Our time there will live on forever.
  17. Don't sweat it guys this athletic department isn't worth it much more fun watching some new year's eve show with my kid
  18. History will show 2013 as the year USF athletics was destroyed when it tied its star to The Generican Athletic Conference its slow death will be webcast on espn3 and played out in meaningless games against chump opponents in third-rate stadiums in the bahamas we should have begged to stay in the BE and rolled football out as an Indy or joined cuss or sunbelt as football only we shot ourselves this year
  19. Ebb and flows are one thing landing in the AAC is a death blow no teams want to be here. No business partners have a true stake in our success. . . . . We are doomed like brad said.
  20. If everybody wants out, it's not a conference. . . . . . . . it's a jail.
  21. He would definintely have a place in the whitehouse where he could cover up his ears and drown out the noise from his critics.
  22. Really? Where did I portray him as an idiot? I believe the worst thing i said about him was he thinks like a redneck. Are you calling rednecks, idiots? And by the way, Donald Trump has a college degree and built his own company into a multi-million dollar company and he IS an idiot ... education and money doesn't make you immune from idiocy. A lot of people on this board are idiots. And some of them have a college degrees from the same school as me. Which is amazing, because I am a genius.
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