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Everything posted by El_Toro_86

  1. With more to come. Ricky, you like Harlan? You've been closer to the program and seen more than many of us... what do you think? Yeah Ricky, how about a state of the union for our beleaguered Bulls. Give us a peak in to what's going on in the inner sanctum. And again, Thanks for all you do for USF athletics!
  2. 100 recruits?? all programs go through down times. it's the true fans that stick it out that allow programs to rebuild. it's the bandwagoners that jump on board after the true fans have done all the heavy lifting. The official USFFootball Twitter account said 107 recruits were in attendance. Seemed incredible then, seems worse now. Maybe they were being humorous?...107 boys&girls club junior Bulls were there in some promotion?.... My God. Having recruits at games is doing more harm than good
  3. In 24 games he has not had one win you could feel good about. Yet, we should have faith he can turn this around.
  4. I do check often I must admit looking for any news that will give me the smallest ray of hope that this thing will get turned around. So far, our AD has said Willie be back in 2015 and Willie has taken no responsibility for this crap. Still looking for that ray of hope.
  5. Can we get COA to coach football as well? Just give him Willie's salary on top of his and call it a day.
  6. Maybe those "philosophical differences" will occur around the time Harbaugh is leaving San Fran and going off to Michigan and then Willie can be reunited with his bro. Problem solved.
  7. I think this how it plays out. Just have to give it some time.
  8. 5 rushing yards. All we got was 5 G D rushing yards. Cue Harry Doyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Y9myYc8Pn8o
  9. The worst part of the team is the responsibility of the head coach. It's pretty clear what needs to be done.
  10. Brother, this is why I faith in Harlan. Sometimes it's smarter to manage someone out versus firing them One can only hope.
  11. You cant say dark days are ahead when we have already been going through dark days the past four seasons. When was USF's last big win? Clemson? Hopefully, the dark days will be over soon. Good point. Fixed it.
  12. Coaching is more than Xs and Os. Most coaches get the Xs and Os. The good coaches are the ones that can motivate and inspire and frankly I haven't seen our Bulls play motivated inspired football since Leavitt was here. They look so listless and lifeless.,
  13. I tend to agree. With Taggart back, I don't see how you can have much hope. If he's lost the team, I don't know how he gets it back. The Dark days don't seem to have an end.
  14. Just read the paper and saw a lot of quotes from Harlan about "working together" to get this turned around. Translation - Willie is gonna get micro-managed until his eyes bleed. Harlan may make him seriously revamp his offensive philosophy, make personnel decisions and stip him of his play calling duties among other things. It will be interesting to see how Willie reacts. Taggart may not be drivng his bus anymore.
  15. I feel like I've been nibbling on a giant turd sammich for the last 2 years
  16. During his post gamer presser there was no accoutablity on his part. He just talked about mistakes, penalties and recruiting more players. blah blah blah He laid the blame on the players. He should have said this loss was 100% on him and it least apologized to the fan base for getting shut out at home by your biggest rival for the first time ever. He's a clown
  17. Taggart has lost the fan base and virtually all of his loyalists and according to some reports on here he's lost the players on the team. Recruiting is going to be beyond difficult. I don't see how he recovers from this. Like Jeremy Folye said. What needs to be done eventually, needs to be done now.
  18. Taggart took over a smoldering dumpster fire of a program and through gas on it. He is way out of his leagure. Maybe he needs to go back to Bradenton Manatee
  19. Actually, he has. I absolutely believe you. It is quite apparent on the field. Why keep him then? Just cause of the $$$? It may be more expensive to keep him in the long run.
  20. Hopefully he sits down with Willie and puts all these parameters on him and Willie says eff it I'm gone
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