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Everything posted by TakeItOrLeavitt

  1. She wasnt old. And she was harassing me if anything. I was there to enjoy the game. Obviously she was there to police everybody elses enjoyment.
  2. I had a lady last night (who I haven’t seen all year) try and tell me to not to stand up and block others views. She wasn’t even sitting behind me. I only stood up on 3rd downs or big plays/scores. And then took my seat afterwards. At the time she decided to say something to me were down 7-0. I along with quite a few people around me informed her that she was at a football game and it’s normal protocol to stand and cheer your team on in crucial situations. I think she learned the error of her ways because she didn’t stick around too long. Im respectful and never just constantly stand. I’d also be a lot more conscientious if I had children or somebody disabled behind me. But the fact that this lady who hasn’t even been at any of the games this year decided to show up and try and stop me from doing something that I’ve been doing all year really struck a nerve with me.
  3. Getting the home crowd involved. Black out, etc. You can’t support the program if they won’t let you.
  4. I’m glad. I’ve been asking for it. My section sang loud and proud. Problem was they played it about 8 min too late. Should start the 4th Q off with it.
  5. Very disappointed they didn’t announce this before hand. Many fans, including myself, asked about this throughout the week with no response.
  6. I think Michael Kelly is on record as saying they want 7 home games next year.
  7. No more FCS games! There are so many FBS teams now that there just isn't any need for them. The only FCS team I'd support playing is FAMU.
  8. Plus, I think the Bulls will be playing with a lot of emotion coming off that comeback vs Tulsa. Looking at Twitter I've noticed a lot of players have noticed fans/media questioning them as well. I think they are fired up to make a statement and UConn will be the unfortunate sacrifice. It's homecoming also which always seems to give an added boost as well.
  9. I think Barnett has his best game in weeks and we won't have to rely on the run as much. Cronk still breaks a few and gets 150+.
  10. Btw McMurphy has us vs Boston College in the Military Bowl. https://watchstadium.com/news/brett-mcmurphys-college-football-bowl-projections-after-week-6-10-15-2018/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  11. If after two straight years of playing in the Birmingham bowl we get matched up with UAB in a bowl I am going to lose my ****.
  12. This team will make believers out of them. The voters and the naysayers within our fan base. I'm firm in this belief. Something about this gritty bunch. I think Tulsa was a turning point and I think we saw that in the locker room afterwards. disclaimer: I could be wrong. Just an opinion.
  13. I definitely think Coach King is a name on the rise in coaching ranks. If he doesn't get his chance here then I'm sure it'll come sooner rather than later some place else.
  14. GA Tech's schedule looks a lot easier than it did a few weeks back. vs Duke @ VT @ UNC vs Miami vs Virginia @UGA I think they get bowl eligible at the least but wouldn't be surprised to see them go on a run and win 7-8 games. Illinois has a decent shot to get bowl eligible as well with Purdue, Minnesota, and Nebraska still to go. vs Purdue @ Wisconsin @ Maryland vs Minnesota @ Nebraska vs Iowa @ Northwestern Elon has a tough slate to finish the year with 3 of their final 5 games vs ranked FCS opponents. And another vs a team receiving votes.
  15. UConn is 1-5. Their only win was vs FCS Rhode Island in a nail biter. The closest loss was to Syracuse by 30. Their average margin of defeat is 41.4. Relax guys, we'll by at least 10 this week.
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