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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. Hey!! I love the 'I'm Lovin' It!'...we're trying to shout "First Down" when it's on the TV, but again, I think there's too much going on since the band is playing and some people and doing the "Go Bulls" sign, and some chanting USF, then some are singing the fight song...blah blah. I think e can get the students to chant "First Down", that seems like the easiest thing we can do to organize students right now.
  2. I thought that UCF students were going to be sitting in between?
  3. I was a senior in HS...in my economics class. The principal told the teachers not to turn the TVs on. I went to Leto HS and most of the students there have family from NY or are from NYC like myself which means the principal ended up changing his mind. Most people didn't know what the WTC was until they saw it on TV. When I saw the 2nd plane hit I put my head down and started crying. I cried all day...during lunch, at home...I couldn't stop. It still makes me cry watching the replays on TV...so I always change the channels. I used to be able to see the Towers from my building in the Bronx. When it happened it made me realize not to take things for granted. I lived there for years and years and only went to see them once and now that they're gone I wish I could have been there more.
  4. How is the GMAC bowl on Jan 7th when they're CUSA#2 and the Liberty bowl which is CUSA#1 on Dec 30th? Not only that, but the International bowl is on the 6th also. After the BCS bowls start. Makes no sense to me.
  5. I don't think that's right. No one should have been allowed to buy that many tickets. Especially with a long line of students waiting after.
  6. The last time I remember a friday night game was against TCU in 03.  If Rutgers comes in ranked then the student section should be decent.  You know how students are with ESPN games.  Besides, it's not like people can't go clubbin' or partying after the game, so I'm pretty confident we'll have a good student turnout...IF they're ranked and if we're doing good.  I know for sure I'll be there.
  7. People will be jumping all over the BE if that happens... Imagine, a half of the teams ranked...crazy!
  8. They're the same to me. Both the UF players and hmm, I forgot which Bush daughter that is (the drunk, right), do it the way all students, and I do it. Why would the UF players be paying tribute to Texas? They got rocked last night. Maybe...they're making fun of UCF by showing our symbol since they lost to us? I know, long shot.
  9. I had beer spilled on me yesterday. I guess a few students behind me were angry at the half time score. I understand that, but throwing beer cups at the players as they go back into the tunnel won't help. Especially when the beer won't fly all the way there...I hate the smell of beer...ugh!
  10. I was pissed off everytime we had huge 3rd and 4th down plays and looked around to see most people on the sidelines sitting.  Yes, the students got loud and pumped up during big plays, but only us yelling and screaming will not work.  We need other people to stand up and get loud.  Hopefully this improves...much like the student section did from last year.  Not only that, but other student sections are learning not to get loud when we're on offense. Man, I'm so ready for UCF. I hate mis-spelling things!
  11. I didn't even know that earthquakes could happen in this area...
  12. I think a lot had to do with the weather. The clouds looked pretty nasty and it was POURING at around 3PM around the USF area. I wanted it to rain a bit...it would have made the game interesting.
  13. Woah, the Blair Witch Project was filmed by UCF students. No wonder the movie was so stupid.
  14. Big deal, you did it in 3 yrs, we did it in 5. It's not that big of a difference really, you guys forced yourselves to move up when the team isn't even ready. Not like it matters because in a few years you guys will be back in 1AA since you won't be able to have the necessary attendance at games.
  15. McNeese is ranked higher than FIU, so FIU should be less of a challege. After all, they're only a notch above 1-AA.
  16. I went to take a look at the article and that one paragraph was still there. I tried to delete, but someone else beat me to it. Seems someone is constantly on there adding it, pretty pathetic.
  17. Thank you!! I'll definitely be buying them tomorrow!!
  18. I prefer the one we have currently... I just hope they updated for the current teams we're playing this year.
  19. Wait a min...wasn't Jenn a normal fan at the game and was extremely lucky to get caught on camera? It's not like she wanted the camera on her, she was being a normal student sitting in the student section cheering. She did like a lot of girls would have done. She took the opportunity and ran with it and made cash. I don't know about posing for Playboy or whatever, but she saw the chance to run and get 15 min of fame and she did.
  20. I think he's going to go back to Julmiste. And then of course...they'll take him out and put Grothe in.
  21. I still have to buy mine. SG didn't have any tickets so that was a disappointment. I should buy 'em next week, hopefully they'll put us in a rowdy USF section.
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