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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. Why were the 3 guys wearing really tight short shorts? That's gross.
  2. He's a HUGE football fan, not a big USF football fan though, but---we have a hotel booked and gotta check in by 4. He's gonna have to make it up to me somehow...I'm missing USF football here.
  3. Man, I was hoping there was a date change.  It's my bf's bday that day so I'm taking him away from Tampa.  I'm sure I'll read about the game on here.
  4. I know the whole fight song!! So that's at least 1 person. And I didn't know Wikpedia could be edited like that...So anyone can just edit it? Or does it go through some process to make sure its legit?
  5. TheBullsPen.com is also a famous alumni. Didn't know a message board could be a student.
  6. Wait...so he's stepping down as mod...or for good?
  7. That was soooo not funny.  I remembered he missed practice the other day and then I saw this title...you are just soooo wrong!
  8. Hmm, I thought gousfbulls and gobulls.usf.edu were the same thing but I guess not. Or are they and they're not combined yet? Must say, I like the new layout.
  9. I don't get it... if he transferred out after his freshman year, then why is he suing for all 4 years? And that seems like a whole lot of money for 4 yrs...just over 30,000 a year. Is he talking traveling expenses? Because if that's tuition and room and board its almost as much as a private schools. And UL is a public university...
  10. Looks like a run on sentence to me...so I don't like it either.
  11. There goes my championship. UCONN and Duke both out...great. My bracket sucked this year!! >
  12. So you wanted the research dollars to be spent on a bball coach?
  13. I think you were talkin' so me so I'll answer.  I'm thinking of their Counseling Psych program.  UCF is super close to home--so I can still go to USF's games.  And of course..I'd support the Knights.  Now that sounded weird.
  14. FSU is on the list...at 23 I believe. And I certainly hope UCF finishes construction soon--I'm actually looking at getting my masters there... I've mentioned it to a few people and I'm already getting made fun because I'm considering it.
  15. I know its not a known school like that. But what else would UCF stand for?
  16. Notice how UCF is on the list to the left side of the 10 Teams to watch along with the likes of 'Bama, Tenn, South Carolina, Texas Tech, Fresno State, Boise State, Toledo, Wisconsin and Utah.
  17. Double majoring in Psychology and Sociology. Hopefully done next year. :-)
  18. They have both. I worked there for a while and what I think happens is that the new logo ones are always the first to go. Actually, the USF basketball are the first ones to go overall... so that's a good thing. I have 1 of each logo. ;D
  19. I got 8 out of 10...not bad. I didn't know how big USF was...I think I hit 19 since I knew we were top 20. I got the Carnagie one wrong too. :-( I still Bleed Green and Gold though!! ;D
  20. Ugh! I clicked the wrong one and I knew it!! Stupid weird laptop mouse things!
  21. So are we supposed to look up the answers to them? Or will you have them posted too? I know, I'm lazy...it's Spring Break though, I have an excuse.
  22. College - FSU. First school I got into so I love the 'Noles... Was going to transfer after 2 yrs, but fell in love with USF. MLB - Let's go Yankees! But right now I'm rooting for D.R. in the WBC. NFL - NY Giants. I'm not really a big NBA fan. Back when I lived in NYC I was...not so much anymore.
  23. Wow... a #9 seed. That's awesome!! I wish I could go watch them play... They deserved the spot, they've played so hard this year!
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