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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. Here's the link: http://www.tboblogs.com/index.php/sports/related/C127/ So....are we really going to be lining up I-AA games till 2013, or is he just speculating? I also think it's quite funny that UCF is trying to force this game from all sides.  It's like there's no way to avoid them.  In 2009 we haveâ€â€FIU, Miami, I-AA Wofford, at Indiana, C-USA team TBA (last game of USF’s C-USA commitment), which is only 1 game left...I think they'll force the last game of the C-USA commitment to be UCF also since there's only room for one more.
  2. Aww, ET! Congrats!! I'm sure she'll be beautiful and a huge BULLS fan!
  3. Kosha was awesome! I got to work with him last year, he had so many visions and plans for USF. He would have done a great job here had he been here longer.
  4. Yeah, I thought he signed to be a GA here... Man, I miss Marquel, even though he was only here for one season when I started at USF. So he wants to teach a class...or be a HS football coach?
  5. That's correct. Hopefully the SBC crew will all go in a big group and caravan there...I'd like to be able to sit with the people I've been going to games with for a pretty long time now.
  6. Man, those tickets are nice...we get the ugly Ticketmaster ones... 'Cept my USC, and Miami game tickets...those are pretty nice. Bowl game was also a ticketmaster one.
  7. I have all of my tickets for football and basketball starting from my sophomore year and plan on having them all this year... I'm planning on putting them all in a scrapbook when my time is up at USF.
  8. Wow...6 counts... On another note, I was wondering what's the necessary SAT score that recruits need to get into school?
  9. Aww, congrats!! They both look beautiful. I love how she's decked in pink USF clothes.
  10. I wouldn't mind playing UCF every year, it's a game I'd be able to make all the time. I just don't think people should be calling it a rivalry yet since it's not. Now if we're still playing them a few years down the road and UCF happens to win a couple of games maybe then it'll be a rivlary.
  11. LSU and Tulane have 1-1's signed through 2016?? Wasn't Tulane cutting football or something?
  12. I'd have to say that **** Army game that we lost. I was a Homecoming Director that year so I will definitely not forget it, it was the 1st Homecoming game we lost. And to the friggin' Army!!
  13. I'm not that fond of the shield as much as of the "U", so I'd prefer the "U" there...but regardless, good work Big Shoop.
  14. My fav part was, "You don't become big time by dodging and ducking your biggest rival".  Since when have we been rivals?  We've played them ONE time...hell, I think we have UM scheduled more than we have them.  And I'd think that IF we can set up every year games with UM that could TURN into a bigger rivalry.  See, I'm not calling it one yet...since we've also played them once.
  15. Harold Reynolds, the ESPN analyst from Baseball Tonight was fired a couple of days ago.  What if they offer him Reynolds' full time job? I'd hope that Tino would still want to help the baseball team out.
  16. He's a sophomore at 21!?  Holy crap!  It seems that he's just not learning. He has a GREAT opportunity to play for us and he seems like he just doesn't care. Haha, that's a pretty awesome jersey makeover for him. 4/20. Hahahaha.
  17. You clearly don't know how hard it is to plan out a Homecoming event, we plan the spring before, all of summer and in the fall its crazy making sure everything is ready It SUCKS when that all has to change because of something. When I did it Homecoming was perfect...except for us losing to Army... > I'm happy that the committee will be able to plan in advanced now. Last year everyone went crazy with Wilma coming out of no where. I'll be at this game for sure---but I hope that its not a noon game, that sun last year was killing me, bah!
  18. That's not good news for WV. If White goes down then their season will fall on RS freshmen that probably don't know much yet. Of course...it's good news for us if White goes down during our game. ;D Shouldn't be that bad for them either since the game is all the way in Nov 25th.
  19. Haha, I saw that the other day. I think the show counted it a total of 14.5 times or something. And the picture is awesome. She looks like she's ready to take on anyone. A lot of determination! Alright!
  20. I thought this was going to deal with the U of San Francisco. After all the jokes I've learned.
  21. Awesome clip! I loved the ending...when he threw the TD pass. Man, now I'm all pumped for football and its so FAR way!
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