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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. #1 USF of course. #2 FSU since it was the 1st school I got into. And coming fresh from NYC the school I'd known most about.
  2. I got my UL tickets!! :-) For some reason I don't believe that includes the USF allotment. I don't think we've sold that out yet... and I don't think we've given the tickets back, isn't it kind of early for that? I think they sold their part of tickets, we still have all of ours and they're waiting for ours to be given back (if any are) so that they can use 'em too.
  3. Hmm... There are "others". I was on a site similar to USFBullshit.com... a place where USF students can post their pictures and I was just looking at random pictures..you know, scrolling down and then BAM... No, I won't tell you guys where I saw those things... Geez, I'm still in shock.
  4. Jim mentioned that the average age at USF was 27. I must be going to the wrong campus (Tampa) because everyone in my classes (whether night classes or not) are around my age. There is usually one person that is the outliar...and they're older, but not that many students were the avg age should be 27. I had a class were there were 2 older students, but that's the most I've had while being at USF for what seems forever. I would like to know where they come from. I'm on campus ALL the time and I don't see them around. I don't see how USF isn't a traditional campus. The dorms are completely filled and all students live RIGHT behind the university. USF even offers shuttles to the apartments, that how close they are. Where we get this "commuter" status from is beyond me.
  5. I just hope this doesn't happen to the UL game without me getting my tickets 1st.
  6. Trust me, I am mature beyond my years.  But when someone calls him out like that I will get angry. Especially when others were saying the same thing Rizzo was...however, HotMello only seemed to call one person out.  Sorry, you may think it's immature, but he is bitter.  I'm sure you'd get angry if something was said about your gf when the person that said it didn't know her.
  7. 1. Favorite Football Movie ? Didn't think so many people would pick it, but Remember the Titans...makes me cry every time. 2. Ae you saving now for your first/next AWAY Football game in 2007? Not really, I'm more focused on graduating right now. But I'll be planning on going to Auburn and F_U. 3. Most memorable play from Sept. 6, 1997? Back in 97 I was in 7th grade living in the Bronx, I didn't know ANYTHING about USF...or that it even existed for that matter. 4. Will Ponton be our leading rusher in 2006? I doubt it.  Grothe has many yards on him because of Ponton's suspension. 5. Do you speak a foreign 2nd language ? Yes I do.  Spanish!!  Woot woot!
  8. I like to read them all. As long as it's not made up things.
  9. Hey guess what? I also sit on the same section and I can't hear the band play. You guys need to lighten up. If someone says they can't hear then band then they can't hear the band. We all have fun at the games regardless. And HotMello...don't call out Rizzo because he thinks you guys don't need uniforms. You're probably bitter that he turned you down.
  10. No I wasn't serious, lol. I knew it since I listened to them back when I was in 8th grade.
  11. Oh come on guys...you know you think he looks sexy. LOL. I give him props for doing that though. I used to sit behind him and his group (which included Shoop) 2 yrs ago. Man oh man, that section was fun as hell, not saying that my section now isn't fun...but they sure were something to entertain to if they game got boring.
  12. I don't think band uniforms (and I'm only talking band uniforms here) make the atmosphere, it's the playing that is going on that makes it. I think that there's way too many things that are more important than getting band uniforms right now. Why can't they just be patched up? I've wondered that since this started. It's not like the TV analyst are commentating on how the band has the old uniforms on, they don't really care. And I'm glad SG isn't giving the A&S fees to the band since it is something that not all students can be a part of. I'm sure this will all be figured out down the road, but right now band uniforms aren't needed as bad as people are making it out to be. I think you guys look great now. The Iconic U on the uniform isn't going to change that.
  13. You have to join SBC to get the shirts. I'm pretty sure you can't just buy them since it's a benefit of joining.
  14. You know... I think Rutgers won because of this. I think the chant became pretty loud twice in the game...and right after it both times, Rutgers scored. All it does is feed their minds and they get pumped because they want to prove everyone wrong. I friggin' hate this chant!!
  15. Oh Lord... It's funny how the "/ + you" has been explained a billion times and people are still confused about it.
  16. I thought it was hilarious watching the refs trying to fix the sod. Some people came shortly after and fixed it a bit, but I think overall it still looked sort of tacky. I mean I liked that they painted it for USF, but they could at least do a good job if they're going to do it!
  17. Hmm, are you sure it was USF and not some company wanting advertisement... Like Collegiate Hall!!
  18. Exactly. I know I'm already looking at info for season tickets since I'm graduating in the spring. No way I'd want to miss on USF football!
  19. How would USF pay for those "free" tickets? Probably using current student money. I know I wouldn't be the only one angry with that. Why should my money be used for people that are graduating?
  20. Thing is... If they gave free shirts out to one game, most people won't wear them to the next game. Remember last year at the Dodge Shootout for Men's Basketball? They had free shirts and wanted all of us to put them on at the same time. Didn't work. A lot of people didn't even put them on. People just need to learn that green is our main color so they should try to wear it.
  21. Artifical noise makers are not allowed by the Big East. Which is why UCF could use them, they are CUSA. Collegiate Hall was passing them out to use as advertising at the gates.
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