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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. Yeah, he went around and thanked us all coming to the game. Really nice of him.
  2. I don't think we're a bad team. We just shoot ourselves in the foot with random stupid plays, like rushing on 3rd and 24. And the interceptions!! God, those kill us! I won't even mention the running game since we don't have one besides Grothe.
  3. This happens at every game. There's usually a large crowd that waits before the gates open because we want the good seats. However after that people take their sweet time.
  4. I think it's a horrible idea. It'd be complete chaos... Maybe more people should attend the games so that section fills out on it's own.
  5. SBC does send out an email telling us what color shirts to wear and for what games like Andy said, but that's not going to change anything. All students aren't in SBC--why would they listen to us? You'll see the 100 or so kids that are in SBC all wearing the same color, but most other students are just there to socialize and don't care. Hell, I even see people wearing nothing with USF written on it or even in school colors period! Not to mention the hoochie girls that are dressed like they're going to Ybor right after...a red dress wil polka dots...come on!
  6. That is very good news. I was hopping TCU lost. I don't think they're that great. I think they'll have another loss this year...they won't make the BCS.
  7. I think the overrated chant is stupid.  It pisses me off even more when the students chant it and we're losing. I think when people chant overrated there's only one meaning...and it's literal.  So point being: chant is stupid. A lot of students chant it regardless, along with other stupid things such as yelling "********" on EVERY CALL, even if it was correct, and also sometimes when the other team gets a penalty. And their excuse is also along the lines of, "relax, it's a college football game, have fun". It just makes our fans look like they don't know anything about football.
  8. I thought I was the only one that saw that whole "rivals" thing. ;D Next up UConn will wanna be our rivals too.
  9. The student will pack the house for sure... it's on ESPN2 and they see those games as being bigger then regular home games. I do believe the casual fan will go also. Rutgers is ranked and that alone makes many want to go. My brother and cousin are planning on going and they're not students so I think the crowd will be good.
  10. Smith was down. They put it on replay a few times. I was wondering why it wasn't reviewed also. Kansas probably thought they would and moved pretty quick and our chance was gone. Did we bring BE refs? I swore I saw something at the start of the game that said they were Big 12 refs.
  11. What pissed me off is how on almost every 3rd and long Kansas seemed to get a 1st down by one or two yards.
  12. ECU scored sooner than I thought they would.
  13. You jinxed that one too. 14-13 Georgia.
  14. Ok...honestly...it was the first thing I noticed.
  15. Been to South Carolina 2 yrs ago, Miami and the bowl game last year, went to UCF, and will go to UNC this year and hopefully UL. I'l be graduating this spring, so I hope I get a decent job so I can go to many away games!
  16. HighTechBull, I thought you meant this one: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/sioncampus/potd/2006/06/06/
  17. I guess I wasn't the only one that thought that. Good job Brit, you and your ass shot, lol.
  18. Elon is 300K... 1AA schools must be makin' a pretty good amount of money from playing 1A schools...sheesh.
  19. Hmm, I knew about them having to be ranked 12 or higher to make it. I didn't know that if they were 17 or higher the could go too. Maybe I'm the only one, but I don't want them in the BCS.
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