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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. I'll say we push the 30K mark. While student turnout was high this game, I'm sure many went home. And get this...some didn't even know there was a game going on yesterday...So we'll have many more at this game!
  2. While I don't mind having students pack the game I do mind having an extra 75 people on the first row. If someone wants good seats then get there early like I did. I have a freakin' bruise on my leg from people pushing against me!!
  3. Awesome pics. Lots with SBC and the BeefStuds watching the game.
  4. I love the "I'm Lovin' it" thing after 1st downs. I think the problem is that there's too much stuff going on at the same time. There's that...then the band playing, then the announcer, then "First Down BULLS"... Sure Mickey D's is sending money our way, but we're sending money to them too, my bf just HAD to have some Mickey D's after the game because of all the signs around... Oh, and I also LOVED the fireworks. It's about time we had some of those. Is that a one game thing, or all games?
  5. Now that's funny... It just came outta nowhere...haha.
  6. I say they suck because they say they are such huge fans...yet only 3-4 show up painted to games when there's much more than that. The rest only show up when the game is on TV and they want camera time. They like to promote themselves more than they like to promote athletics.
  7. I agree. They are already getting paid with all the services they are getting. I wish I could be an athlete...I'd get my entire education paid, I'd get to travel, free tutors and I'd get free clothes...hell yeah!
  8. College town grade: C. For "Commuter U." I don't see how how can compare Tallahasse and Gainsville to Tampa. There's absolutely nothing to do in those places, whereas Tampa and Miami are large cities that have more than just a college.
  9. 1. Which team will win more Big East conference games in 2006-2007: football or men's basketball? I'm gonna have to go with basketball. I think football will win 6 BE games. Basketball can win 6 games, I'm being optimistic. 2. Who will score the first touchdown of the 2006 season? Plancher. 3. Do you have season tickets? If so, what section and row? That's a neg. I'm still a student so I sit in the student section with my friends. 4. Who do you see as USF's biggest Big East rival? OOC rival? I'm going to go with UL as BE rival. The games have been so exciting and they're competitive! OOC rival I'll go with...errr...hmm, I don't know. I'll say UCF just cuz they're an hour away and it's basically another home game for me. But that's it...they're not competitive, it's no fun when we win all the time...wait, it is. ;D 5. In what year will USF win it's first Big East's BCS bid? I don't have a clue as to when, but it'll be within the next 5 yrs.
  10. Well I guess I had a little part in that since I was in both, CAB and Homecoming. I thought you had a lot of school spirit at USF, including your 1st year.
  11. I saw him before and he had the FULL Rocky uniform so his legs looked weird because the football pants were too tight around the uniform. But they took the bottom part of the uniform off and he looks descent.
  12. I became a die-hard because I go here...and because I absolutely love sports. It just seemed natural that I'd go to all games and show all my support.
  13. Haha, now that was funny. And...I don't think Leavitt is ugly. I wonder what he looked like when he was 21....
  14. He sounds like Iverson. Practice...practice, PRACTICE!
  15. I've taken the shuttle before, they make annoucements telling students that the busses will be leaving after the game. It's usually not right away, they do wait 10-15 min after the game is done to make sure they can leave. They do not leave with empty busses.
  16. Being that I lived in NY before moving here I've never been in a hurricane.  I think there was a hurricane, coulda been a TS that passed by NY a few yrs ago (Floyd in 99) that dumped tons of rain and cancelled schools, but that's all I'm used to.  So I'm extremely scared of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, landslides...everything but blizzards.
  17. 1) Is it okay to stay home and watch a game on TV when you could have made arrangements to go? Yes. That all depends on if the money is available to make the trip. Broke college student here, so I'm stuck home for most away games. 2) Is it okay to walk out of a USF sporting event 15 or more minutes before it's over (when you could have stayed)? No. I've done it once because I went with some friends and they were they ones driving. Needless to say, I don't go with them anymore. 3) Is it okay to own and or don other college team's parafanalia when you're a Bulls fan? Well, if you're a fan of the other team it's ok. One can have more than one team. I have FSU attire, however, I NEVER EVER wear it when I'm going to an USF event or even to classes, that's just wrong! 4) Is it okay to still be a FSU, UF, or Miami fan while being a Bulls fan? FSU was the 1st school I got into, and I have been following them for a few years so I'm also a Nole fan. However, USF is my #1 and IF we ever play them, I will definetely be rooting for the Bulls!! 5) Is it okay to berate the Bulls' coaches, players, and USF personnel on a message board? That all depends on whether they deserve it. If they're not performing then of course we'll be mad and go ***** on message boards to other fans. 6) Is it okay to consistently be negative about USF athletics and still be a Bulls fan? No. Actually, it's not even good to be consitently negative about anything. Go see a shrink. 7) Do you feel USF athletics, including coaches, players and staff, owe you something, like maybe the "truth" about such and such? No. They don't owe me anything. All I want them to do is try their hardest.
  18. We finally have an answer!! ET, tell him what he's won....
  19. When was the last time we scored over a 100 pts?  I don't care if we're playing high schools, they're winning and its building their confidence.  All the players need top step it up because once school starts they'll be playing BE teams again and we all know that's no cake-walk.
  20. Ah, I see it now,duh! : Thanks E.T., I thought he was talking about both.
  21. IF we sign the series with UM wouldn't it be able to start in 09? They're playing here that year. In '10 we have 2 away games open, so Miami could fill one, in '11 we have 2 home games open and can fit Miami, in '12 we have at Miami already as an away and in '13 we have them at home.
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