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Mag Pie

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Everything posted by Mag Pie

  1. Call me superstitious.... but I think this jinxes things!
  2. Yeah...all for a MAC bowl...bah. I also need to renew my passport.  Then again, I probably wouldn't go since I'd have to get on a plane.  I'd rather go to Birmingham.
  3. Well that's ironic.  Little did UCF know that Jim would come to bite them back in the ass. Maybe that's why he doesn't want the rivalry signed...cuz they turned him down?  Kidding.  I know it's for the best of the program.
  4. That is such a cute video!! Aww... I got my 5 downloads... And I donated!!
  5. **** CSTV. I get so many channels and not this one!!
  6. Question: Since they want to keep this series going... The crowd was roughly 47K. Their new stadium will hold...45K or something. Where are they going to put the rest of the people?
  7. "Why would you want to stop playing a team you own? " - Bianchi That's why. Why continue to play if we get nothing from it? And do we really get that much money from the game? I thought we only received very SMALL portions of the concessions and parking.
  8. Random players kept running into the locker rooms to get the IV to avoid dehydration. It was ridiculously hot!! And what made it worse: They ran out of water really REALLY early into the game.
  9. I couldn't stand up the entire game yesterday. I was dehydrated and thought I was going to pass out so I had to sit for a while... I hate day games! I still don't see the point of it being at 2:30...For TV? No one really gets that channel anyway!
  10. Ohh, I think you walked by our tent and thanked us. We were by the red Jeep that was painted green and gold. You're welcome... I have fun at the game. Had even more fun walking out of it. I thought that the stadium was going to break or fall at any time. I've been spoiled by Ray Jay.
  11. At times? We out-shouted you guys the ENTIRE game. And what was up with your band? I didn't hear them playing...maybe twice.
  12. 0-3. South Carolina, Miami and MCCB. It'll all turn around this time. We can't really place UCF with the likes of NCST, Miami, SC, Arkansas and the people we've been playing the past few years as our 1st road game.
  13. I don't think it's the Oracles fault at all. Obviously they were not needed. I knew tickets would go on sale. I went. Clearly other students knew without advertisement. So don't blame the Oracle. Blame whoever came up with the plan to not put a cap the 2nd day knowing the demand was so great. Again, good job for getting tickets, but horrible job at handing them out.
  14. Was Curry going to get that much playing time? If Melvyn is out for a few weeks then he should be ok by Midnight Mania. I'm thinking there's something with the Sundome floor. Why do all the guys just keep getting injured?
  15. The thing is... alot of people did it. You can't really call him out. At least he'll be using his tickets unlike the Greeks that have parties to go to.
  16. USF is definately a "traditional aged" university. The problem is that, like you said, there are many Greek that participate in senate/council or whatever you want to call it. Hell, anyone remember last year? They gave $30,000 to fund a Greek concert. It was everyones money going to fund a GREEK only concert, a lot of students were mad and many spoke up, yet nothing was done and the money was given to them even though they didn't really need it. Only way to change this is for people to speak up. Go to the presidents/VP office and tell them it's not right. Write to the Oracle. Sit in on senate meetings they have every week. Yadda yadda..
  17. Yes SG did a great job to get students to the game. We're giving constructive critism here. Some mistakes were made, no one can say they didn't. If they offer such a service again I'm sure they'll take a closer look at the issues that happened with the tickets this time. It can only improve. I thank SG--I got my tickets through them, but again, next time things will have to change to make it fair for all students.
  18. I don't see what the big deal is, while UCF is like another home game since it's down the street, it really isn't anymore than that. Look at our tickets sales for the game!! I think the only reason students want to go so bad is because they have friends attending there, and again, it's only an hr drive. Never in the article did it say that the deal was off. It said LIKELY, but not completely off. Which it ok by me. I wouldn't mind USF playing UCF every so often, but to have a contract forcing them to play a series every year is ridiculous. Also, I'm pretty sure Woolard is working on some things that we do not know about. He's done a pretty good job thus far, what makes any one on here think that he'll just stop? Making such a big deal out of nothing. It the games continues then so be it, and if it ends and we play them every 2-3 years then fine.
  19. I don't even remember if they took down my U# when I got my tickets. I asked for 7 and they gave them to me. I saw a sheet of paper on there with names and U#'s, but many more people had gotten tickets instead of the 5-7 names that were on there.
  20. AND...people have to remember that everyone does not buy them through Athletics. Casual fans probably got their tickets from Ticketmaster, which is what students have to do right now since many didn't get their tickets from SG. Sure it won't be added to the USF allotment, but they'll be there in Green and Gold!
  21. I was going to ask about this... hopefully the people I'm going with know what they're doing cuz I know I don't. $10-$20 per game? Sheesh, at Ray Jay it's only 10 even.
  22. That's because out of the 1250 tickets, one person got 392. That's 1/3 of tickets!! After yesterday, I would have thought that SG would have placed a cap on the number of tickets one can buy.
  23. Correction...he officially got 270.
  24. Why don't they post the alma mater on the jumbrotrons? Didn't they use to do that last year? It would make things so much easier.
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