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Everything posted by beastiebull

  1. If they don't give the G5 just 1 auto bid then the 8 team will be just as unfair as the 4 team. Its very telling that we've been conditioned to believe that one measly auto bid for 6 conferences seems in and of itself unrealistic and not possible.
  2. If football was so dangerous they wouldn't have added an extra game a few years ago just for the heck of it or force kids to play multitudes of meaningless bowl games. For that matter, if its so "dangerous" why don't they outlaw it completely? I'll tell you why: $$$$
  3. This system is 100% driven by profit and is not about creating a fair and equitable system for all programs in the FCS. If college basketball can figure out a valid (and profitable) system, why can't college football?
  4. I like Willie and have no ill will but without Quinton Flowers he doesn't get the Oregon job and you don't find QBs like QF everyday.
  5. Agreed. What other sport does not give teams in the same Division an equal opportunity to play for a national championship? I still do not see why this is allowed. Either expand the Playoff to 8 and give the highest ranked G5 an auto bid or break away from the G5 completely. Something's gotta give.
  6. We just have different opinions of what winning is. To you, its a number of games. To me, its something that is tangible as in a championship.
  7. Hate this all you want but this is the bottom line. Play big boy football vs big time opponents and attendance will jump by 10k even if we are bad and double if we are good.
  8. I have, that's the problem. If winning 10 games is important to you so be it. Nobody outside usf cares or will remember that if it doesn't come along with winning at least a conference championship which USF has never done. Point is USF has never won anything of any significance and CWT came here therefore just because Purdue has not ever won anything does not preclude him from taking that job.
  9. Ok I thought by winning we were talking about a conference championship or something that mattered. UGA won 10 games for 12 years and fired their coach.
  10. My HS baseball coach used to punch us in the chest during between innings huddles. He also would have taken a bullet for any one of us. Then again that was the early 90's and this was a different planet.
  11. That Soiciology (or education, or psychology or criminology, or whatever undergrad degree he is pursuing) still won't pay like a 4th round NFL draft pick. Hope he comes back but understand if he leaves. If he remains healthy and plays all next year he could be a 2nd round pick.
  12. This guy wants to play in front of a crowd and for a NC. 2 things he is not getting at USF.
  13. The blue bloods will never allow their dough to be split with the unwashed masses.
  14. Whats that got to do with whining about scoring points?
  15. The fact that this is even an issue is a perfect example of the dumbing down/wussification of America. I would venture to guess that nobody over the age of 30 has a problem with it. #millenials.
  16. QF, MM, and CWT all leaving at the same time will be devestating. Enjoy every second of 2017...
  17. Setting a "record" for number of wins doesn't mean much, especially vs. the 150th SOS. As it sands we are counting on someone else to lose in order to get into a conference championship, which this team was capable of doing however we cr@66ed the bed when it counted, AS USUAL. No improvement, same old story.
  18. Willie lost his 2 biggest games of the year. He gets exactly as much run as he deserves.
  19. So its the year 2016 and if my cable provider does not carry cbss i cannot see this game correct??
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