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Everything posted by beastiebull

  1. And my point is that a good head coach doesn't let a 19 year old's desires dictate his gameplan, IF that is how all of it went down which I am not 100% convinced of.
  2. Pretty sure that Skip, what with being the head coach and all, had the authority to veto what a 19-20 year old kid "wanted to do".
  3. Whether releasing Childs was a no brainer or not, this story was in the National Media. Coach's quote, along with his decisive actions, allows our "uptick" in National Media coverage to continue to be positive. Had he not done so, we may have had a lot of folks taking jabs.
  4. At that point we couldn't even make the tourney while playing in CUSA. Also CSH was able to bring us to the tourney coming out of that very same Big East, which I agree was an unbelievable accomplishment on his part. I do not believe we should have ever let CSH go. I also believe we would be very competitive in this AAC if we still had him.
  5. So is FGCU is basically part of the "BIG IV" Florida schools now or what geez...
  6. FCCOA < FCRMC and I never thought I would type that anyone could be worse than FCRMC.
  7. There will never be another The Greenery as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed living in UTA and stumbling in and out of that place on the regular.
  8. "College football has...no overall vision of equality..." What a wonderful way to run a sport.
  9. I don't have it and haven't read it but I'll summarize it for you: "USF is this season's G5 team that we have chosen to write an article about so that all the schools in the G5 can read it and feel that they too can hold out hope for an "opportunity" to be talked about as having a "chance" to play for a NC and feel thankful for this crumb that we have so graciously afforded them even though they don't actually stand a chance at the Playoff but this is just enough attention to prevent them from doing anything drastic so that there is no uproar to shake up the unfair system that we have put into place which allows our network and a select Group of "Blue-Blood" institutions to earn ungodly amounts of money off of the backs of unpaid college athletes."
  10. You're gonna have to start going further and further North to get seasons. As of this year Atlanta only has Summer and Fall.
  11. Did he really say that? If so I am officially off team Willie.
  12. Labrum and rotator cuff tears are becoming more and more commonplace. Too much heavy bench pressing?
  13. Nah arguing on the internet has become too commonplace. I'm taking a different approach these days.
  14. Have no fear fCJL will surely be there to provide Willie with stellar media relations tactics.
  15. Let's face it whenever high expectations have been there, let downs is all we've ever had. Hope this year is different but will not be surprised if it is not.
  16. Nah the extent of negativity on this board dwarfs my contributions as such. I was simply the match that lit the dynamite that set this mother off.
  17. The poster stated that success at BIG EAST Louisville is nothing to brag about. Jim Leavitt had success in that same BIG EAST and he is revered by most on this board, and by most at USF besides the president and former AD. Why would CCS success in that conference be viewed any differently?
  18. Charlie Strong is THE reason we are getting these mentions re recruiting, which is great btw. Great hire already.
  19. QF is GOAT but there is some really bad tackling, technique, and angles taken by defenders in that video.
  20. Is this at the Performing Arts Center? I used to Valet Park cars right there.
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