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Everything posted by beastiebull

  1. No way we make the playoff. Hoping we finish regular season higher than 15. Then if we win our bowl game potentially finishing the entire season in the Top 10 would be great.
  2. Nobody can talk about USF without mentioning the schedule it seems. If we do go undefeated expect this to become an even bigger issue with the P5 bias crowd i.e. ESPN.
  3. I was hoping Oladokun would leave Kean in the dust. Kean was unimpressive to say the least in limited playing time last year. Just having a rifle arm can't compensate for lack of composure, inability to read defenses, or having the yips. Not saying he can't overcome that and hopefully he has. (I have not seen him practice this year.)
  4. http://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/20170727/uf-named-best-college-in-florida-fsus-ranking-surprise
  5. The problem is that the coverage when we do something outstanding is disproportionate to when something goes wrong.
  6. Welcome to ATL BJ. Go ahead and get fitted for that ring cuz we winning it this year.
  7. Our schedule sucks because of the way this system is set up, period. The poor schedule excuse is built in for every G5 to a varying degree. The deck is stacked against us. The NCAA and ESPN are evil, evil, geniuses.
  8. No need since I read that in, well, the actual media.
  9. Chick Fil A fries were just voted as THE #1 fast food item in America. Look it up.
  10. That should have been the first clue that COA was not the guy. Collins was a good PG and led the charge during our tourney run.
  11. Wait AC transferred for his senior year? Seems like he was here forever and very successful. Was it because of the Heath firing?
  12. I read somewhere that Metro Atlanta produces more Div.1 college players than any other city in the country. If USF is in a good recruiting area, then so is Georgia State. Plus their new Stadium is closer to Campus than ours and will be theirs and theirs alone, no sharing with the pro team. Point being Georgia State is "pregnant with potential".
  13. Hiring coach Gregory was a great move and no are not jumping the gun with this assessment. I can't remember a better batch of coaches at USF at the same time in our history. I hope that these guys and the AD stick around for a long time but with the current college athletics landscape it is not very likely. We should enjoy it while we can.
  14. So there's never been a 2 loss team in the whole 2 years that there has been a playoff. That doesn't set much precedent. My point is I do not have any faith that the ESPN/NCAA would do anything to hurt their profit margin and putting USF in the playoff does just that.
  15. Who said anything about being mad? Why is there a zero chance that a 3 loss SEC or B1G Champ makes the playoff ahead of an undefeated USF with an easy schedule/horrible SOS?
  16. Just knowing what I know of ESPN and the NCAA I don't believe they put an undefeated USF with a weak schedule in over a 3 loss SEC or B1G champ. I hope I am wrong tho. Can you imagine the insults directed at us leading up to the game if we did by some miracle get in?
  17. I would not be surprised if a 3 loss P5 team gets in over an undefeated USF.
  18. Attendance will suffer as long as we are G5. We had a top 25 team last year and couldn't crack 40k. We may be a top 10-15 team this upcoming season and only average 40k. There's not a whole lot anyone is going to be able to do about our attendance considering college football's current format.
  19. ESPN and the NCAA have set up the G5 to fail. The deck is 99.9% stacked against us. Why would anyone want to come to watch a program that cannot compete for the ultimate goal in their respective sport. Do any G5s average over 50k in attendance?
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