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Everything posted by NewEnglandBull

  1. There are plenty of players in FL and nationally to go around. I doubt it will make much difference in the long run.
  2. Cronkrite will be the starter but the others will get plenty of carries.
  3. Yet...he was never successful. Plenty have done what you just described.
  4. Go to your account and delete old pics to increase your memory
  5. That’s true and yet they both not only survive but flourish now.
  6. I don’t get too excited about these preseason polls. For us at the kiddie table it always has a way of playing out to see who gets the NYD bowl bid.
  7. Interesting...I would not have guessed that Herm and Charlie are tight. Good contacts are a must in the football world. The only reason he got the job is that ASU’s new AD hired Herm in the professional ranks back in the day.
  8. Well let’s face it if it was not for their band they probably would not have football
  9. This. If he is not the starter in game one he will be by game three...
  10. Would it kill them to put the letters USF somewhere on the product??
  11. Don’t think he has a chance of making the Bengals as a roster or practice squad player. Hope he gets a shot somewhere.
  12. I’ll do this later but this thread brings a smile to face. Football is back baby!!!!!!!!
  13. Wow they brought more than 1/3 of the total enrollment of little MTSU.
  14. Betting on preseason games??? Degenerates...
  15. To quote my old USF political science professor Dr. Levy...”no one likes premature.”
  16. Just got this today from my brother who lives in Athens GA: Today everything on the menu is 90 cents-
  17. He has been a force in the CFL for many years now:
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