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Everything posted by NewEnglandBull

  1. Here are the teams to stay away from based on playoff success over the past ten years: Colgate, Delaware, Eastern Illinois, Eastern Kentucky, Furman, Eastern Washington, Jackson State, Illinois State, James Madison, Lehigh, Mcneese State (Lol), Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota State, Northern Iowa, Richmond, Sam Houston, South Dakota, Southern Illinois, Stephen F. Austin, Villanova, Western Illinois, William & Mary, and Youngstown State. Yes, we may win 95% of the time, but why take the chance?
  2. Also, are the reps really equal? There is no evidence due to lack of media access.
  3. This is a fair point. I have not heard about any Kean turnovers. But to be fair, I would like to know more about the Blake interceptions...for example are they bouncing off of a receiver’s hands?
  4. You just know ever team is going to be going all out on every kick we take now.
  5. Yeah I remember that one when I lived in Tampa way back when and was the first thing I thought of when I saw the handle...still makes me laugh
  6. Just looked at their last ten years and they sucked more than I thought. For some reason I thought they made the playoffs last year and that is not the case. They have been terrible the last ten years with no defense. But my point holds. It is typically easier to schedule poor 1aa teams based on historical records as there are more teams and consistency for those in the playoffs. Indeed, many of the school names that make it we have probably heard of before. We need to stay away from scheduling those guys. But you are correct scheduling Elon seems like a good idea as they don’t look great. Personally, I wish we could drop these games all together and just play D1a schools....too much risk.
  7. We should put the geographical coordinates on our helmets....
  8. Not too difficult. At that level the same teams are in the playoffs almost ever year. My employer, University of New Hampshire, made its 14th straight appearance last year. Elon is pretty good every year.
  9. Not much difference between USF, Georgia Tech, and Vandy relative to playing for a national championship...
  10. Big gap between him and his brother. Hopefully he will make the PGA at some point.
  11. He is still probably there. Let’s face it, with the media only getting to see the last 30 min of practice we really have no idea about some players.
  12. If we win 7/8 games as Vegas predicts he can’t go anywhere but USF....
  13. That’s just it I hated that their mojo was always about being stoned...that’s all they had. And you can’t include Carlin as he got better with time. That dude hated everything as he got older and his routine got better too. Cheech and Chong sucked...
  14. Jesus not this **** again. I wonder if this is related to the center snapping the ball slowly. I know we have a different guy but this was a real problem last year...you count seconds before the ball got to the holder.
  15. The only comedian from the 1970s that can still make me laugh is Richard Pryor. Looking back at Cheech and Chong the only thing I can think of is that they must have had a really good agent.
  16. I am good with him leaving as long as it is with a conference championship for USF m.
  17. Rule #1 against playing a 1aa school....make sure they really suck. We did not follow the rule here..
  18. Does the shirt just have the U on it or is it USF? So far I have not seen too mans Adidas apparel with the USF logo.
  19. This is good to hear, but we heard slick wille say the same thing. I do get the vibe the CCS is more like CJL. Wanting to build something (a championship) and making a name for himself and a legacy at USF.
  20. Yes we are. Also if you eat a PB&J the wait time is actually 40 minutes..,,
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