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Everything posted by NewEnglandBull

  1. Don’t know about other years, but it is more than last year.
  2. Wish we had a pep band when there are games up here. They typically have seven cheerleaders and that’s it...well Rocky is always there which is cool.
  3. I agree...this year’s offense will have greater numbers and production than last year...of course the question is will this equate to wins?
  4. If that hat said USF on it instead of the U that problem would have never happened...
  5. Can’t wait to head to Atlanta next year. I see ucf has a two game series with them in the next four years too.
  6. I bet we reach 17k season tickets before the first kickoff in two weeks.
  7. I just assume no announcement is made and we play all three in the first game. Keep GT guessing until the first drive.
  8. Like I said earlier a lot of people will have to pass away before there is anything associated with CJL and USF.
  9. Once every four years at most. The only advantage they give us is towards bowl eligibility.
  10. It’s over 16,000 see my post at the end of page one.
  11. From today’s practice (Bulls247) The kicking game looks like it is coming along for the Bulls. All three Bulls kickers (Weiss, Stone, and Vivonetto) were perfect from 35-yards and closer. Jake Vivonetto had the kick of the day, nailing a nearly 57-yard kick through the uprights at the end of practice.
  12. Just heard VP Kelly say we are over 16,000 season tickets which is more than last year.
  13. Eastern State Florida College??? Jesus, I thought we had name problems...
  14. Not bad. I still think if he had gone straight to the CFL to develop as a QB he might have played a little longer.
  15. I keep going back and forth between Chris and Blake. I would like to see all three get reps in game one but give these two a little extra.
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